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Sir Pramalot
01-17-2011, 05:40 PM
With preview pics and printing notes.

Feast Cards - Link HERE (http://kap5.smugmug.com/Other/Cards/14911878_eusmb#1113207394_PAttX)

Battle Cards - Link HERE (http://kap5.smugmug.com/Other/Cards/14911878_eusmb#1113207411_ZPAxU)

02-04-2011, 03:06 PM
Pramalot, I can't download any of your files "The file you are trying to access is no longer available publicly. "

Sir Pramalot
02-06-2011, 12:45 PM
Apologies. I was using ADrive to host my files, but they would expire after one month so I've now switched them all over to DropBox. The links should be worknig now. Any problems by all means PM me.

05-21-2011, 09:44 PM

If I could buy the ones you have made for each of the NPC, I will.

Earl De La Warr
09-23-2011, 09:37 PM
Any chance of being able to download the character cards?

Sir Pramalot
09-27-2011, 08:59 PM
Rather stupidly, I set up the printing position and just printed one page at a time, copying over the page with new characters each time, so I don't actually have them all on file. I did this because getting the images to fit onto the paper (stickers which I then transferred onto the cards) was a real pain.

Earl De La Warr
09-27-2011, 10:32 PM
That's a shame. If you ever scan them onto pdf please let us know. They're really nice.

01-15-2012, 09:59 AM
Yes, they are amazingly nice. Excellent work. Could you share where you got most of the images or text from on the character cards?

Sir Pramalot
01-27-2012, 09:56 PM
The images are all screen grabs from film and TV, processed via photoshop to make them appear more painted or portrait like.

Using these when the person in question is present has been one of the best things I've done in ages. It really helps imbed NPC names into the minds of the players.

01-28-2012, 02:48 PM
Awesome. And you're sure you don't have any of those photoshopped images yet, even separate image files not arranged on a sheet?

Sir Pramalot
01-30-2012, 12:15 AM
oh yes I have the images. I just don't have them arranged in InDesign for printing to cards.

If you want a copy of the images by all means screen grab them from my website. They are exactly the same size as the raw files on my pc.

01-30-2012, 03:11 AM
Aha, Excellent, I didn't realize you had the images listed like that. I just saw the photo of the finished cards. Thank you, thank you!

01-31-2012, 04:08 AM
Having created a deck of cards like this before (printing, spray mounting, trimming, etc.) I can say from experience that the cards are too fiddly for me. so I took recorded all the results, culled the event list down slightly to work with percentile dice and we just roll for 'em.

I've also taken to rolling d6 to see how many feast events the PK might experience that year, then roll to learn at which feast the event(s) occur. I generally ignore late spring and summer feasts if the knight is out on errantry or at war.

This way, we get the pleasure of feasts year 'round and a little more excitement to fill out the calendar year.


01-31-2012, 04:38 AM
Taliesin, I love lists. Care to share your percentile dice feast lists?

I like the idea of d6 for # of events and then assign each one to various feasts. More feasting to spread out the year always feels good. How many feasts do you have? Something like so?
1 - Easter
2 - Pentecost
3 - Early Summer
4 - Late Summer
5 - Harvest
6 - Christmas

Sir Pramalot
01-31-2012, 01:04 PM
Having created a deck of cards like this before (printing, spray mounting, trimming, etc.) I can say from experience that the cards are too fiddly for me. so I took recorded all the results, culled the event list down slightly to work with percentile dice and we just roll for 'em.

I've also taken to rolling d6 to see how many feast events the PK might experience that year, then roll to learn at which feast the event(s) occur. I generally ignore late spring and summer feasts if the knight is out on errantry or at war.

This way, we get the pleasure of feasts year 'round and a little more excitement to fill out the calendar year.

I started with a percentile list and then went with the other way. I wanted my players to get the result at the same time as me, rather than having to look through a list. Of course, each to his own. I have found the battle cards very useful. Having the images helps create a bit more atmosphere.

I do have a deck of 200+ cards as part of my GM kit now tho :)

01-31-2012, 03:28 PM
Having created a deck of cards like this before (printing, spray mounting, trimming, etc.) I can say from experience that the cards are too fiddly for me. so I took recorded all the results, culled the event list down slightly to work with percentile dice and we just roll for 'em.

You know you cant mention here that you created a table and then not expect to share it :)
Would you be willing to share that table for other non-card-fiddlers?


01-31-2012, 03:42 PM
Taliesin, I love lists. Care to share your percentile dice feast lists?

Not at all. but the way I have them set up makes it kinda hard to share. Let me think about how to get them here.

How many feasts do you have? Something like so?

Depends on one's religion:

British Christian (d8)

1. Twelfth Night/Epiphany (January 5-6) (361 AD)
2. Candlemas (Feb. 2) (Founded as early as 312)
3. Easter, the greatest feast day of the medieval calendar (it falls between March 22 and April 25) (Founded 325)
4. Feast of Whitsun (Pentecost) (another fasting day ten days after Ascension Day)
5. Festival of St. John the Baptist (June 14), (Founded 506 or earlier)
6. Michaelmas (the Festival of St. Michael the Archangel) (September 29)
7. All Hallow's Eve and All Souls Day or All Hallow's Day (October 31-November 1)
8. Christmas

Roman Christian (d12)

1. Twelfth Night/Epiphany (January 5-6)
2. Candlemas (Feb. 2)
3. St. Valentine's Day (February 14)
4. Easter, the greatest feast day of the medieval calendar (it falls between March 22 and April 25)
5. Lady Day, aka The Feast of the Annunciation (March 25). The year changes on this day.(Founded 656)
6. Feast of the Ascension (the Thursday after Rogation Sunday)
7. Feast of Whitsun (Pentecost) (another fasting day ten days after Ascension Day)
8. Festival of St. John the Baptist, aka "Midsummer's Day" (June 14),
9. Feast of the Assumption of the Virgin (August 15)
10. Michaelmas (the Festival of St. Michael the Archangel (September 29)
11. All Hallow's Eve and All Souls Day or All Hallow's Day (October 31-November 1)
12. Christmas

Pagan (d8)

1. Samhain aka Winter Night (October 31/November 1) Pagan New Year
2. Beltane aka May Eve (April 30/May 1)
3. Lughnasadh (pronounced ‘loo’nass’ah’, Celtic) aka Freysfest aka Lammas (August 2-4)
4. Imbolk (pronounced ‘im’olk’, Celtic) aka Oimelc aka Disfest February 1-2
5. Ostara aka The Spring or Vernal Equinox (March 20-21)
6. Summer Solstice aka Midsummer (June 21)
7. Autumn Equinox aka Mabon aka Fallfest aka Harvest Home (September 20-21)
8. Winter Solstice aka Yule aka Midwinter (December 20-21)



01-31-2012, 03:46 PM
Not at all. but the way I have them set up makes it kinda hard to share. Let me think about how to get them here.

Tell us how you did it and allows us to think with you :)


01-31-2012, 03:52 PM
Would you be willing to share that table for other non-card-fiddlers?

In principle, not at all; in practice it's a little tricky—unless, perchance, you use OmniOutliner for Mac. Then it's a breeze. See, I have all the items in a OmniOutliner file and each one is collapsible so that the description can be hidden until needed. They're also color coded (some items can be refused, some can't, some are "royal" events, etc.). So posting the table here is a challenge. I think you can export to HTML and some other formats, so let me investigate.

BTW, OnmiOutliner is an indispensable GM tool for all you Mac pen and paper gamers. I've been using it for years and years and it makes storing tons of information in a very tight space a snap, due to the collapsible outline format. Very simple, fast and intuitive. Very, very powerful for organizing campaign info.


08-02-2012, 12:36 PM
Okay, for all of you who don't want to mess around with building cards, here's Sir Pramalot's Feast Events card deck in a simple table. You'll just need a dice app to generate a number between 1 and 138 — but those are pretty easy to come by these days. I some enterprising soul wants to take this and create a web application that would be awesome — maybe we could park them next Morien's Knight Generator and Dr. J.M. "Thijs" Krijger's Jousting Simulator! Anyhoo, enjoy!

Keep in mind that, wherever you see LUC in the events below (#s 4, 44, 91, 101, 106 and 110)—Pramalot house-rules a LUC attribute. Although I sort of like that idea, we may have to come up with some alternatives to those...

Number of Rounds: # Events

Local Feast: 1
Small Feast: 2
Medium Feast: 3
Large Feast: 4
Royal Feast: 5

Pick a number between 1 and 138. If a Special Event comes up, roll d10 on the Special Events table.

Draw a card each feast round, regardless of what you are doing. Events in black text can be taken or ignored (if the event involves a person asking you to do something a Courtesy roll is required to ignore politely, see below). Red Events must be played as written and cannot be avoided. The number at the bottom of each card indicates the APP bonus (if any) you receive if successful. Almost all cards are returned to the deck each round. If a Special Event card is drawn then proceed to draw another card from the red pile.

Chatting to Ladies: A simple APP vs APP roll determines if the lady in question is already chatting to other knights and whether you're able to shift her attention from them to you. If so then you can perform another courtly action of your choice to impress her and improve your standing. Roll APP each round to make sure her attention stays fixed on you.

Courtesy to avoid black events: If you prefer to turn down a request (note Red text events cannot be turned down) roll Courtesy;

Courtesy Roll
Critical - Gain 20 Glory and politely decline.
Success - Politely decline.
Failure - Impolitely decline. Status loss on failed Forgiving roll.
Fumble - Rude or insulting reply. Auto status loss, active Dislike on a failed Forgiving roll. -2 APP.


1 Gossip

You overhear ladies gossiping and you can’t help but recognize the people they mention.

Refuse? Yes.

Roll Intrigue
Critical = 20 glory and +5 to all rolls when interacting with other guests for the rest of the evening.
Success = 10 glory and +5 to rolls for one round.
Fumble = -5 to all rolls.

APP bonus: 0

2 A Tot of Wine

You enjoy a tot of cherry liqueur with a passing lady. You may make a toast to her before she leaves.

Refuse? Yes.

Roll Courtesy
Critical= 20 glory and status boost.
Success= 10 glory and status boost.
Fumble= -2 APP and status loss.

APP bonus: 0

3 Social Faux Pas

You notice a (d6) 1-3=knight, 4-6=lady is about to take the wrong place at the table, a place where another knight/lady is sitting.

Refuse? Yes.

Choose Merciful/Cruel
Merciful= Point out their error and earn 10 glory and status boost or revel in their misfortune.

APP bonus: 0

4 Courtly Comedy (LUC)

You find yourself watching the court jester as he entertains the crowd.

Refuse? Yes

Roll LUC
Critical = 20 glory and you’re transfixed; you laugh and for a split second feel a sense of deja vu.
This year you may choose to have any die roll re-rolled.
Success = 10 glory; you laugh along heartily with those around you.
Failure = You find his routines rather dull and look away.

APP bonus: +1

5 Chance Encounter

A lady passes by and stops to talk to you.

Refuse? Yes.

Roll Courtesy and Flirting or just Flirting.
Each success grants 10 glory and a status boost.
Fumble = -2 APP and status loss.

APP bonus: 0

6 Tired

You feel tired and think about retiring.

Refuse? No.

Roll Energetic/Lazy


APP bonus: 0

7 Tired

You feel tired and think about retiring.

Refuse? No.

Roll Energetic/Lazy


APP bonus: 0

8 Passing Praise

A lady passes by and glances at you.

Refuse? No.

Make an APP check.
Success = she compliments you on your clothes, jewels, hair style, etc, which is worth 10 glory, otherwise she takes no notice and moves on.

This can improve relations and may also trigger Modest/Proud for 5 Glory and a status boost or just 5

APP bonus: 0

9 Feeling Queasy

You feel queasy. You can take a walk outside to settle yourself (thereby missing the next round) or

Roll CON vs 15 POTENCY.

Refuse? No.

Fail = Retire and LEAVE FEAST
Fumble = Sick, retire and LEAVE FEAST

APP bonus: 0

10 A Lady Departs

You spot a lady preparing to leave and you may be able to escort her to her chambers (Lustful 16+ must roll).

Roll Courtesy
Critical= 20 glory
Succeed= 10 glory and you may escort her/miss 1 round.
Fumble= -2 APP and status loss.

Roll Chaste/Lustful vs her chaste to take things further and


AP bonus: 0

11 Dogs

For some reason, the earl’s dogs bark loudly whenever you’re nearby. This doesn’t stop you enjoying yourself but it does cause some embarrasment.

Refuse? No.

Roll Folklore to realise it’s your smell, clothes, hair etc, or be at -5 to all relevant skills for the rest of the evening.

APP bonus: 0

12 Conversation

Another knight discusses (d6)
1=Combat tactics
2=Battle tactics
3=Siege warfare

Refuse? Yes.

Opposed Roll
Critical= 20 glory and status boost.
Success= 10 glory and status boost.
Partial success= 5 glory.
Fumble= -2 APP and status loss.

AP bonus: 0

13 Gwyddbwyll

Another knight offers you a game of Gwyddbwyll (an ancient Chess-like board game).

Refuse? Yes.

Opposed Gaming roll
Critical= 20 glory + status boost
Succeed= 10 glory
Partial success= 5 glory
Fumble= -2 APP and status loss.

You can choose to play for up to 3 rounds depending on what time the game started.

APP bonus: 0

14 A Favor

Another knight passes you a piece of jewellery and asks that you keep it safe for a while. For all you know it could be stolen.

Refuse? No.

Roll Trusting/Suspicious
Trusting= You keep it safe for a short while. 10 Glory and status boost.
Suspicious= You refuse. Roll Courtesy or risk offending him.

APP bonus: 0

15 Lady of the Night

A pretty courtesan whispers seductively in your ear and gazes longingly into your eyes.

Refuse? No.

Roll Chaste/Lustful
If Lustful go with her and LEAVE FEAST UNTIL FAILED LUST.
This will also incur a cost (25d) per round.

APP bonus: 0

16 Fun and Games

A traditional game (apple bobbing, maypole dancing etc) is taking place which you can join in.
Play vs. 1d6+6 other knights and ladies.

Refuse? Yes.

Opposed DEX
You score 5 glory for every success (+10 for winning) and gain a group status increase for coming first.
Fumble = -2 APP

APP bonus: +1

17 Fashion Disaster

Another knight has arrived wearing the same clothes as you.

Refuse? No.

This is an embarrassing faux pas that will affect your rolls accordingly (-5 from now on).

You may retire and change but this takes one round.

APP bonus: 0

18 Show of Strength

A boistrous contest of strength is taking place as another knight challenges those around him to a body wrestle.

Refuse? Yes.

Roll STR to join (Proud 16+ must roll) and then Grapple vs “the champ”. Gain 20 glory if successful and
take title.

APP bonus: +1

19 Dogs’ Dinner

One of the lord’s dogs snatches your dinner.

Refuse? No.

Roll Courtesy
Success= 10 glory; you pat the dog on the head, excuse yourself, and quickly find a maid to bring you more food.
Fail= you curse the blasted mutt as you search for a maid to replace your meal.

APP bonus: -1

20 Singing Sensation

A group of ladies ask you to play the harp/lute and sing for their enjoyment.

Refuse? Yes.

Roll Play (instrument) and Singing
Critical= 20 glory and status boost.
Success= 10 glory and status boost.
Fumble= -2 APP and status loss.

APP bonus: +1

21 Christian Guilt

Father Dewi passes by and reminds you that the Lord frowns upon those who overindulge, especially good Christian knights.

Refuse: No.

Choose Pious/Worldly for 10 glory and miss 2 rounds or stay.

Pagan knights are unaffected but may roll Worldly if they wish.

APP bonus: 0

22 Wife Woe

Your wife feels tired and says it’s time to leave.

Refuse: No.

Choose Generous/Selfish to depart and 10 glory or stay.

For unmarried knights -
A serving lady asks for assistance taking a drunken knight to his bed. Choose Generous/Selfish gain 10 glory and LEAVE FEAST FOR 1 ROUND.

APP bonus: 0

23 Something Sparkles

Refuse? Yes.

Roll Awareness
You spot something on the floor (d6);
1=Silver earring
2=Silver ring
3=Signet ring
4=Gold earring
5=Gold ring
6=Silver brooch (£2)

Choose Honest/Deceitful to find the rightful owner for 10 glory and status boost or try get it for yourself.

APP bonus: 0

24 Manners

You find the feasting and drinking has made you forgetful of your manners. You struggle to remember what is eaten when, who drinks first during a toast, when it’s acceptable to burp, etc.

Refuse? No.

Roll Courtesy each round from now on or suffer -5 to APP.

APP bonus: 0

25 Over Indulgence

That last course or flagon of ale really didn’t go down well and your head spins for a moment.

Refuse? No.

Roll CON
Failure = Miss next round
Fumble = Sick -5 APP and miss next round.

APP bonus: 0

26 Malicious Slander

Some other knights criticise you within earshot.

Refuse? No.

Choose Modest/Proud
Modest= ignore the scoundrels (10 Glory).
Proud= respond. But roll Prudent to avoid a single challenge.
Success= 5 glory
Failure= status loss
Fumble= challenge

APP bonus: 0

27 Wallflower

You notice a shy lady who doesn’t seem to be dancing with anyone.

You can dance with her at +10 to your skill - she’s a poor dancer.

Refuse? Yes.

Opposed Dancing roll
Critical= 20 glory and status boost.
Success= 10 glory and status boost.
Partial success= 5 glory.
Fumble= -2 APP and status loss.

APP bonus: 0

28 Pagan Guilt

Merlin passes by and reminds you that Belenos encourages his followers to enjoy life.

Refuse? No.

Choose Pious/Worldly
to abstain or flirt with a nearby serving wench.

Christian knights are unaffected but may roll Pious if they wish.

APP bonus: 0

29 Love Poem

A nearby knight asks for your help in composing a love poem for his sweetheart.

Refuse? Yes.

Roll Compose
This is worth only 10 glory - as the knight wishes to keep such assistance secret - but it gives a
double bonus to status changes.
Fumble= status loss.

APP bonus: 0

30 Oops

A serving maid drops a platter of food over you.

Refuse? No.

Make a DEX check to avoid being hit or suffer a -5 APP for the rest of the evening unless you retire for one round to clean up.

Also roll Forgiving/Vengeful.
Forgiving grants 10 glory.

APP bonus: 0

31 Merrily Did He Run

A minstrel sings an ode that mocks one of your distinguishing features — perhaps a straggly beard, a wisp of hair out of place, a twitch or squint, etc.

Refuse? No.

Roll Modest/Proud
Modest = you appreciate the humour and have a chance to riposte. Roll Compose for 10 Glory

If Proud roll Forgiving/Vengeful and if Vengeful you become ill-tempered for -2 APP.

APP bonus: 0/-2

32 The Minstrels Sing!

The minstrels pass by and sing a rousing song at your table which you can choose to join in. (Proud 16+ must roll)

Refuse? No.

Roll Singing
Critical= 20 glory
Success= 10 glory
Fumble= -2 APP

APP bonus: 0

33 The Minstrels Sing!

The minstrels pass by and sing a rousing song at your table which you can choose to join in. (Proud 16+ must roll)

Refuse? No.

Roll Singing
Critical= 20 glory
Success= 10 glory
Fumble= -2 APP

APP bonus: 0

34 Special Event!

You are in the right place at the right time; you may choose a special event. Roll d12.

Refuse? No.

35 Special Event!

You are in the right place at the right time; you may choose a special event. Roll d12.

Refuse? No.

36 A Familiar Face

You find yourself chatting to another knight. His face is familiar but you struggle to remember his name.

Refuse? No.

Roll Recognise
Critical= 20 glory
Success= 10 Glory
Failure= status loss

APP bonus: 0

37 Lady Sits Alone

You notice a lady sitting alone.

Refuse? Yes.

You can approach her (Lustful 16+ must do so) avoiding the usual APP vs APP roll this round.

10 Glory for doing so.

APP bonus? 0

38 Lady Sits Alone

You notice a lady sitting alone.

Refuse? Yes.

You can approach her (Lustful 16+ must do so) avoiding the usual APP vs APP roll this round.

10 Glory for doing so.

APP bonus? 0

39 Dancing On and On…

You are invited to dance….and dance… and dance…

Refuse? Yes.

If you accept then you must roll Courtesy to exclude yourself before you can move on.

Opposed Dancing roll
Critical= 20 glory and status boost.
Success= 10 glory and status boost.
Partial success= 5 glory.
Fumble= -2 APP and status loss.

APP bonus: 0

40 Emergency!

A knight sitting nearby chokes on his food. He is in distress!

Refuse? No.

Choose Prudent/Reckless
Prudent= You call for the stewards to help him (10 Glory).
Reckless= You intervene and try to help. Roll First Aid.
Success = 10 Glory and gratitude.
Failure = Miss next round as you deal with the stewards.
Fumble= He dies.

APP bonus: 0

41 Gossip

Refuse? No.

Roll Awareness
Success= You overhear some general gossip.

+2 APP at a time of your choosing.

APP bonus: +2

42 Inflamed Passion

The talk becomes quite heated and passions are inflamed.

Refuse? No.

Roll vs your highest passion and apply the results normally and gain 10 Glory

(A PK with no Passions of 16+ can choose to avoid this event).

APP bonus: 0

43 Drunken Knight

A drunken knight has trouble keeping his feet while dancing and he bumps wildly into you.

Refuse? No.

Roll DEX
Success = keep your feet.
Failure = sent sprawling -2 APP

Also roll Forgiving/Vengeful
Forgiving = 10 glory and apology. Vengeful = gains no glory and you shove him back. He is too drunk to do much but he will remember.

APP bonus: 0

44 Damaged Goods (LUC)

Refuse? No.

or damage a piece of jewellery (break the clasp, tarnish the stone etc) negating any bonus it may have given you.

The repair cost is equal to half the value of the item. Those without jewelery suffer no effect.

APP bonus: 0

45 Great Deed

Other knights at the table ask about your great deeds.

Refuse? No.

Choose Modest/Proud
Proud= roll Orate
Critical= 20 glory and status boost
Success= 10 glory
Fumble= status loss and -2 APP
Modest= Roll Courtesy or risk upsetting someone.

APP bonus: 0

46 Wayward Wife

Another knight is looking for his wife and asks if you have seen her recently. Just a moment ago she brushed past saying she had something to tell you.

Refuse? Yes.

Choose Honest/Deceitful
Honest= 10 glory, status boost and the knight leaves with her.
Deceitful= gains gossip worth +2 APP at a time of your choosing.

APP bonus: 0

47 Mead

A keg of mead is opened.

Refuse? Yes.

Choose Temperate/Indulgent
at -2/+2

APP bonus: 0

48 Who Was That?

Another knight guesses with you about the identity of a knight who just walked by.

Refuse? Yes.

Opposed Heraldry roll
Critical= 20 glory & status boost
Success= 10 glory & status boost
Partial success= 5 glory
Fumble= status loss

APP bonus: 0

49 Down in One

A nearby knight challenges you to down your drink quicker than he downs his.

Refuse? Yes.

Choose Modest/Proud then;

Roll opposed Indulgent
Critical= 20 glory and status boost
Success= 10 glory and status boost
Partial success= 5 glory
Fumble= status loss and sick (-2 APP)

APP bonus: 0

50 Tale of Chivalry

Talk of Chivalry and its importance.

Refuse? Yes.

Roll vs 1 trait (d6)
1. Energetic
2. Generous
3. Just
4. Merciful
5. Modest
6. Valorous

Critical = 20 glory and status boost
Success = 10 glory (+5 if already chivalrous) and status boost
Fumble = -2 APP & status loss

APP bonus: 0

51 More Food

Another platter of food is brought out.

Refuse? Yes.

Choose Temperate/Indulgent

APP bonus: 0

52 More Food

Another course of food is brought out.

Refuse? No.

Roll Temperate/Indulgent

APP bonus: 0

53 More Food

Another platter of food is brought out.

Refuse? Yes.

Choose Temperate/Indulgent

APP bonus: 0

54 More Food

Another platter of food is brought out.

Refuse? Yes.

Choose Temperate/Indulgent

APP bonus: 0

55 More Food

Another platter of food is brought out.

Refuse? Yes.

Choose Temperate/Indulgent

APP bonus: 0

08-02-2012, 12:37 PM
56 More Drink

Another jug of ale is brought out.

Refuse? Yes.

Choose Temperate/Indulgent.

APP bonus: 0

57 Well Dressed

You are talking with (1d3+1) other knights when a lady passes and praises one of you for looking so dashing.

Refuse? No.

Roll Opposed APP with the other knights The winner gains 20 Glory.

May also increase status.

APP bonus: +1

58 More Food

Another course of food is brought out.

Refuse? No.

Roll Temperate/Indulgent

APP bonus: 0

59 More Food

Another platter of food is brought out.

Refuse? Yes.

Choose Temperate/Indulgent

APP bonus: 0

60 More Food

Another platter of food is brought out.

Refuse? Yes.

Choose Temperate/Indulgent

APP bonus: 0

61 More Food

Another course of food is brought out.

Refuse? No.

Roll Temperate/Indulgent

APP bonus: 0

62 More Drink

Another jug of ale is brought out.

Refuse? Yes.

Choose Temperate/Indulgent.

APP bonus: 0

63 More Drink

Another jug of ale is brought out.

Refuse? Yes.

Choose Temperate/Indulgent.

APP bonus: 0

64 More Drink

Another jug of ale is brought out.

Refuse? Yes.

Choose Temperate/Indulgent.

APP bonus: 0

65 More Drink

Another jug of ale is brought out.

Refuse? Yes.

Choose Temperate/Indulgent.

APP bonus: 0

66 More Drink

Another jug of ale is brought out.

Refuse? Yes.

Choose Temperate/Indulgent.

APP bonus: 0

67 More Drink

Another jug of ale is brought out.

Refuse? No.

Roll Temperate/Indulgent.

APP bonus: 0

68 More Drink

Another jug of ale is brought out.

Refuse? Yes.

Choose Temperate/Indulgent.

APP bonus: 0

69 More Drink

Another jug of ale is brought out.

Refuse? Yes.

Choose Temperate/Indulgent.

APP bonus: 0

70 More Food

Another platter of food is brought out.

Refuse? Yes.

Choose Temperate/Indulgent

APP bonus: 0

71 Flirt

A passing serving maid flirts with you.

Refuse? Yes.

Roll Flirting
Critical= Chaste/Lustful to take things further and LEAVE FEAST.
Success= 5 glory; she blushes and smiles before carrying on with her duties.
Fumble= You insult the poor girl: -2 APP

APP bonus: 0

72 Wine

An excellent wine is served.

Refuse? No.

Roll Temperate/Indulgent at -5/+5

APP bonus: 0

73 Flirt

A very forward young maid presses her bosom against you while serving your ale.

Refuse? No.

Roll Chaste/Lustful
Chaste= 10 glory.
Lustful= You take things further; LEAVE FEAST.

APP bonus: 0

74 Flirt

A passing serving maid flirts with you.

Refuse? Yes.

Roll Flirting
Critical= Chaste/Lustful to take things further and LEAVE FEAST.
Success= 5 glory; she blushes and smiles before carrying on with her duties.
Fumble= You insult the poor girl: -2 APP

APP bonus: 0

75 Flirt

A passing serving maid flirts with you.

Refuse? Yes.

Roll Flirting
Critical= Chaste/Lustful to take things further and LEAVE FEAST.
Success= 5 glory; she blushes and smiles before carrying on with her duties.
Fumble= You insult the poor girl: -2 APP

APP bonus: 0

76 A Lady Flirt

A passing lady flirts with you.

Refuse? Yes.

Roll Flirting
Critical= Chaste/Lustful to take things further and LEAVE FEAST.
Success= 5 glory; she smiles and you have the chance to continue talking (APP vs APP -5).
Fumble= You insult the girl: -2 APP

May also increase/decrease status.

APP bonus: 0

77 Barley

The best brew of barley ale is served.

Refuse? No.

Roll Temperate/Indulgent at -3/+3

APP bonus: 0

78 Flirt

A passing serving maid flirts with you.

Refuse? Yes.

Roll Flirting
Critical= Chaste/Lustful to take things further and LEAVE FEAST.
Success= 5 glory; she blushes and smiles before carrying on with her duties.
Fumble= You insult the poor girl: -2 APP

APP bonus: 0

79 A Lady Flirt

A passing lady flirts with you.

Refuse? Yes.

Roll Flirting
Critical= Chaste/Lustful to take things further and LEAVE FEAST.
Success= 5 glory; she smiles and you have the chance to continue talking (APP vs APP -5).
Fumble= You insult the girl: -2 APP

May also increase/decrease status.

APP bonus: 0

80 A Lady Flirt

A passing lady flirts with you.

Refuse? Yes.

Roll Flirting
Critical= Chaste/Lustful to take things further and LEAVE FEAST.
Success= 5 glory; she smiles and you have the chance to continue talking (APP vs APP -5).
Fumble= You insult the girl: -2 APP

May also increase/decrease status.

APP bonus: 0

81 Lady Requests a Dance

A lady asks for a dance.

Refuse? Yes.

Opposed Dancing roll
Critical= 20 Glory +status boost
Success= 10 Glory +status boost
Partial success= 5 Glory
Fumble= -2 APP

APP bonus: 0

82 Lady Requests a Dance

A lady asks for a dance.

Refuse? Yes.

Opposed Dancing roll
Critical= 20 Glory +status boost
Success= 10 Glory +status boost
Partial success= 5 Glory
Fumble= -2 APP

APP bonus: 0

83 Lady Insists on a Dance

A lady takes your hand and insists on a dance.

Opposed Dancing roll
Critical= 20 Glory +status boost
Success= 10 +status boost
Partial success= 5
Fumble= -2 APP

APP bonus: +1

84 Lady Requests a Dance

A lady asks for a dance.

Refuse? Yes.

Opposed Dancing roll
Critical= 20 Glory +status boost
Success= 10 Glory +status boost
Partial success= 5 Glory
Fumble= -2 APP

APP bonus: 0

85 Lady Requests a Dance

A lady asks for a dance.

Refuse? Yes.

Opposed Dancing roll
Critical= 20 Glory +status boost
Success= 10 Glory +status boost
Partial success= 5 Glory
Fumble= -2 APP

APP bonus: 0

86 Life on the Manor

A knight discusses the harsh realities of manor life with you.

Refuse? Yes.

Roll Stewardship & Concern

Success = 5 glory each.

APP bonus: 0

87 Cider

A keg of cider is opened.

Refuse? Yes.

Choose Temperate/Indulgent at -2/+2

APP bonus: 0

88 Fine Food

A fine cut of meat is served.

Refuse? Yes.

Choose Temperate/Indulgent (-2/+2)

APP bonus: 0

89 Fine Food

A fine cut of meat is served.

Refuse? Yes.

Choose Temperate/Indulgent (-2/+2)

APP bonus: 0

90 Lady Requests a Dance

A lady asks for a dance.

Refuse? Yes.

Opposed Dancing roll
Critical= 20 Glory +status boost
Success= 10 Glory +status boost
Partial success= 5 Glory
Fumble= -2 APP

APP bonus: 0

91 Lost Property (LUC)

Refuse? No.

or lose a piece of jewellery negating any bonus it may have given you.

Roll LUC again to have it found and handed back to you at the end of the feast.

APP bonus: 0

92 Icy Glance

You bump into someone you dislike and exchange icy glances with them (random knight if necessary).

Refuse? No.

Roll Forgiving/Vengeful
Forgiving= 10 glory and possible status boost (if other knight is Modest).
Vengeful= may lead to fisticuffs and steward order to LEAVE FEAST for 1 round.

APP bonus: 0

93 More Food

Another platter of food is brought out.

Refuse? Yes.

Choose Temperate/Indulgent

APP bonus: 0

94 Serving Girl

A pretty serving girl flirts quite openly with you.

Refuse? Yes.

Choose Chaste/Lustful


APP bonus: 0

95 Praise

Another knight praises you.

Refuse? No.

Roll Modest/Proud
Gain 10 glory and a status boost or just 10 glory.

APP bonus: 0

96 Boasting Knights

Knights nearby boast of their great deeds.

Refuse? Yes.

Roll Proud to join
(16+ Characters must roll), then;

Roll Orate versus 1d6 opponents.
Each success gains 5 Glory (+10 for winning) and the winner impresses other knights present.

APP bonus: +1

97 Suggestive Glance

A lady sitting nearby is watching you.

Refuse? No.

Choose Chaste/Lustful
Chaste= Roll Courtesy to gesture politely for 10 Glory.
Lustful= You can speak with her, forgoing the normal APP vs APP roll this round.

APP bonus: 0

98 Church Donation

Father Brugyn is doing the rounds asking for donations to help the poor.

Refuse? Yes.

Choose Generous/Selfish
to pledge 10% of this year’s income (Roll Generous again and double it).

Can be avoided on a failed Pious roll.

APP bonus: +1

99 Discussion Nearby

Refuse? Yes.

A discussion is going on between two knights about; (d6 opposed)

Critical= 20 glory and status boost.
Success= 10 glory and status boost.
Partial success= 5 glory.
Fumble= -2 APP and status loss.

APP bonus: +1

100 Quarrel

Two knights are quarrelling and it looks as if things are about to get out of hand.

Refuse? Yes.

Choose Just/Arbitrary
Just= You intervene and settle things calmly. Both knights respect your judgement. Gain 10 glory.
Arbitrary= You side with one knight. This grants a status boost and loss. Check Deceit if siding

APP bonus: 0

101 Knight Insults a Lady

Intentionally or not, you witness a knight insult a lady (the lady you’re currently with if applicable).

Refuse? Yes.

Choose Just/Abitrary or Hospitality
to intervene for 20 Glory or ignore.

Intervention forgoes the APP vs APP roll but may inflame the situation. If other knights intervene (LUC) an opposed roll determines the winner.

APP bonus: +2

102 Merlin Tells a Tale

Merlin tells a tale of faeries.

Refuse? Yes.

Roll Awareness
Success= tick to Faerie Lore

If Merlin is not present: Gaius talks of the wonders of medicine. A successful Awareness roll grants a tick to First Aid.

APP bonus: 0

103 Lady Requests a Story

Ladies at the table ask you to tell a tale of daring-do.

Refuse? Yes.

Roll Orate
Critical= 20 glory and status boost.
Success= 10 glory and status boost.
Fumble= -2 APP and status loss.

APP bonus: +1

104 Lady Requests a Dance

A lady asks for a dance.

Refuse? Yes.

Opposed Dancing roll
Critical= 20 Glory +status boost
Success= 10 Glory +status boost
Partial success= 5 Glory
Fumble= -2 APP

APP bonus: 0

105 Men of the Cloth

Father Dewi (or Father Brugyn if Pagan) discusses the way of God with you and asks about your religious observance.

Refuse? Yes.

Roll Religion
Success= 10 Glory

APP bonus: 0

106 Knight Slaps a Maid

Annoyed by something, you see a knight slap a serving maid soundly across the cheek. Some people turn away embarrased.

Refuse? Yes.

Choose Just/Arbitrary
to intervene for 10 Glory or ignore.

Intervention forgoes the APP vs APP roll but may inflame the situation. If other knights intervene (LUC) an opposed roll determines the winner.

APP bonus: +1

107 Drunken Knight

A drunken knight is somewhat boorish towards you.

Refuse? No.

Roll Modest/Proud

Modest= 10 glory
Proud= fisticuffs may ensue.

APP bonus: 0

108 Drinking Contest

Refuse? Yes.

Roll Indulgent (16+ must roll) to join then;

Roll Indulgent vs 1d6 opponents.

Each success gains 5 Glory (+10 for winning) and the winner impresses other knights present.

APP bonus: +1

109 Ladies Have a Quarrel

Two ladies are quarrelling and the situation is becoming awkward.

Refuse? Yes.

Choose Just/Arbitrary

Just= You intervene and settle things calmly. Both women respect your judgement. Gain 10 glory.
Arbitrary= You side with one lady. This grants a status boost and loss. Check Deceit if siding

APP bonus: +1

110 Knight Insults a Lady (LUC)

Intentionally or not, you witness a knight insult a lady (the lady you’re currently with if applicable).

Refuse? Yes.

Choose Just/Abitrary or Hospitality
to intervene for 20 Glory or ignore.

Intervention forgoes the APP vs APP roll but may inflame the situation. If other knights intervene (LUC) an opposed roll determines the winner.

APP bonus: +2

111 Chatterbox

You find yourself caught in conversation with a lady who talks incessantly.

Refuse? No.

Roll Courtesy
Success= You politely excuse yourself and slip away.
Failure= You make a poor excuse and leave. Forgiving or status loss.
Fumble= You walk off. She feels insulted. Status loss & -2 APP.

APP bonus: 0

112 Overindulgent Guest

A nearby knight vomits and passes out.

Refuse? Yes.

Choose Forgiving/Vengeful
Forgiving= Call a maid to clear up and help him to his chambers
(10 Glory).
Vengeful= Inform the Stewards of his disHonorable behaviour.

APP bonus: 0

113 Lost Child

A young girl tugs at you arm. She cannot find her parent(s) and asks for your help.

Refuse? No.

Roll Merciful/Cruel
Merciful= You try to find them using Awareness, Recognise or Heraldry - miss 1 round per attempt.
Status boost and 10 glory if found.
Cruel= You send her to the stewards.

APP bonus: 0

114 Lady in Need of Rescue

You spot a lady who is doing her best to escape the clutches of an amourous knight. If you wish you can intervene and, if successful, you will gain +5 to all future rolls with her.

Refuse? Yes.

Choose opposed Courtesy, Deceit, Intrigue or Vengeful to get rid of him.
A Fail or Fumble may create trouble .

APP bonus: 0

115 Young Sirs

A group of young page boys pester you with questions about all things knightly

Refuse? Yes.

Choose Modest/Proud
Modest= You tell them they must find their own path to greatness (10 Glory).
Proud= You tell them a fanciful story based on your own exploits.
May roll Orate.

APP bonus: 0

116 Roaring Fire

A hot ember pops from the fire and catches your clothes.

Refuse? No.

Roll DEX
Success= The ember burns out before doing any damage.
Failure= The ember catches and burns your clothes (-2 APP).

APP bonus: -/2

117 Fight!

A fist fight breaks out between two drunken knights!

Refuse? Yes.

Choose Prudent/Reckless
Prudent= Attempt to restrain one of them while calling the stewards (10 Glory).
Reckless= Wade into the fray to break it up - or spice it up!

APP bonus: 0

118 Take a Tumble

While walking around you slip on a wet flagstone.

Refuse? No.

Roll DEX
Success= You keep your balance.
Failure= You take a tumble.
Fumble= You fall and dirty your clothes (negating APP bonus).

APP bonus: -2

119 Manners!

You pass wind unexpectedly.

Refuse? No.

Roll Courtesy to excuse yourself or suffer -2 APP this round.

APP bonus: -2

120 Meet the Host

A steward asks that you - and your lady if present - formally introduce yourself to the Count and Countess (or King and Queen).

Refuse? No.

Roll Courtesy
Critical= Your refined manner impresses the host - 20 Glory, status boost and +2 APP
Success= 10 Glory & +1 APP
Failure= Your uncouth manner may upset the host (Forgiving or -2 APP)
Fumble= Frightful insult! -5 APP and Honor loss.

APP bonus: +2/-5

121 Time Flies

The feast continues without incident, for the moment at least.

122 Time Flies

The feast continues without incident, for the moment at least.

123 Time Flies

The feast continues without incident, for the moment at least.

124 Time Flies

The feast continues without incident, for the moment at least.

125 Time Flies

The feast continues without incident, for the moment at least.

126 Time Flies

The feast continues without incident, for the moment at least.

127 Time Flies

The feast continues without incident, for the moment at least.

128 The Earl Rises

And calls a toast!

Refuse? No.

Roll* Temperate/Indulgent
*10 more Glory to best PK.

This is a global event which every PK present must participate in.

Refusal negatively affects Honor and Loyalty (Lord)

APP bonus: 0

129 Time Flies

The feast continues without incident, for the moment at least.

130 Time Flies

The feast continues without incident, for the moment at least.

131 The Earl Rises

And calls a toast!

Refuse? No.

Roll* Temperate/Indulgent
*10 more Glory to best PK.

This is a global event which every PK present must participate in.

Refusal negatively affects Honor and Loyalty (Lord)

APP bonus: 0

132 The King Rises

And calls a toast!

Refuse? No.

Roll* Temperate/Indulgent
*10 more Glory to best PK.

This is a global event which every PK present must participate in.

Refusal negatively affects Honor and Loyalty (Lord)

APP bonus: 0

133 Time Flies

The feast continues without incident, for the moment at least.

134 The Earl Rises

And calls a dance!

Refuse? No.

Opposed Dancing roll*
Critical= 25
Success= 15
Partial success= 5
Fumble= -5 APP
*10 more Glory to best PK.

This is a global event which every PK present must participate in.

APP bonus: 0

135 The King Rises

And calls a dance!

Refuse? No.

Opposed Dancing roll*
Critical= 40
Success= 20
Partial success= 10
Fumble= -2 APP
*10 more Glory to best PK.

This is a global event which every PK present must participate in.

APP bonus: 0

136 Time Flies

The feast continues without incident, for the moment at least.

137 The King

passes with his bodyguard & Prince Madoc and stops briefly to speak to you.

Refuse? No.

Courtesy Roll
Critical= +2 APP/ 40 Glory & status boost
Success= +1 APP/ 20 Glory
Fail=-2 APP/ p.status loss
Fumble= -5 APP/status & Honor loss

APP bonus: +2/-5

138 Time Flies

The feast continues without incident, for the moment at least.

08-02-2012, 12:38 PM

1 Huntsmaster

The count offers you the chance to be the Huntmaster and lead the lordly hunting party tomorrow morning.

Refuse: Yes.

Roll Hunting
Critical = 40 glory
Success = 20 glory
Failure = The offer is withdrawn
Fumble = As above and -2 APP

A successful Loyalty (Lord) roll will allow you to take 1d6 other knights.

APP bonus: +2

2 Merchant

You speak with a rich merchant who offers to sell you anything for half price up to a saving of £5.

Refuse? Yes.

APP bonus: 0

3 Blessing

Refuse? Yes.

CHRISTIAN - You receive a blessing from Father Dewi which is worth 10 glory or 25 glory if a successful
Otherworldly roll is made (doubled if this is performed by the Bishop) and a relationship boost with
all Christians.

PAGAN - The Lady Elaine presents you with a charm of fertility. It grants a +3 bonus to any childbirth
rolls made this year.

APP bonus: +2

4 Generous Knight

You spend time talking with a generous, rich knight who asks about your circumstances at home.
If you are currently living at Average or less he offers to donate enough food for you to live as a
Rich knight for the year.

Refuse? Yes.

Choose Temperate/Indulgent
If you decline gain an immediate increase (not check) to Temperate and a check to Modest.

APP bonus: 0

5 Named Lady and You

A named lady spends the evening with you.

Refuse? Yes.

Her willingness to stay in your company puts her at -10 APP per round.

APP bonus: 0

6 Take Center Stage

Refuse: Yes.

The earl (or king) requests that you take centre stage and Orate, Sing, Play (instrument), or Compose.

Critical= 50 Glory +5 APP +status
Success= 25 Glory +3 APP +status
Failure= murmurs from the crowd
Fumble= insults the lord and possible loss of Honor (check Forgiving).

Refusing the request results in a loss of Loyalty (Lord).

APP bonus: +5/-5

7 King of the Bean

Depending on the time of year and the type of feast, you are selected as the lead character (King of the Bean, Cupid’s Cherub, etc). for the evening.

Refuse? Yes.

This earns 25 glory and a +5 APP bonus for the duration of the feast.

APP bonus: +5

8 Ideal Wife

Refuse? Yes.

UNMARRIED - the earl introduces you to a lovely young woman who he thinks would make an ideal wife. If you accept and pass a Courtesy roll, you can add +5 to wife roll.

IF MARRIED the countess requests your wife either - (d6) 1-3=Fashion, 4-6=Industry - make a gown or create a (d6) 1-2=Tapestry, 3-4=Painting, 5-6=Tablecloth. This is a great Honor worth 50 Glory. Failure grants nothing and a fumble is considered an insult.

APP bonus: 0

9 Falcon Master

You are offered the chance to be falcon master and lead the lordly party in the morning.

Refuse? Yes.

Roll Falconry
Critical= 40 glory
Success= 20 glory
Failure= The offer is withdrawn
Fumble= As above and -2 APP

A successful Loyalty (Lord) roll will allow you to take 1d6 other knights.

APP bonus: 0

10 Lead the Dance

A named lady is picked to lead the next formal dance and she chooses you to join her.

Refuse? Yes.

Roll Dancing vs the lady.
Critical= 50 +5 APP
Success= 25 +2 APP
Partial success= 10 +1 APP
Fumble= -5 APP
You may also increase your standing with the lady by 1, 2 or 3 steps. Refusing worsens her impression of you.

APP bonus: +1 to +5/-5

11 Lady Comes Calling

A named lady requests that she visit your manor during the year.

Refuse? Yes.

APP bonus: +2

12 Challenge

Another knight accuses you of a misdemeanour and issues a challenge.

Refuse? Yes.

The knight should be one that has reason to dislike you (APP roll) but it doesn’t have to be. If you accept the challenge it is resolved at daybreak in the castle grounds.

APP bonus: 0

08-02-2012, 01:08 PM
As an afterthought—one can never have too many feast events. I'd like to encourage everyone on these forums to contribute their own ideas for feast events. Post 'em here!

Thanks in advance,


08-02-2012, 11:50 PM
Keep in mind that, wherever you see LUC in the events below (#s 4, 44, 91, 101, 106 and 110)—Pramalot house-rules a LUC attribute. Although I sort of like that idea, we may have to come up with some alternatives to those...

I have been using these events and where a result requiring LUC comes up, I just use the double d20 rule.


08-03-2012, 01:44 AM
I have been using these events and where a result requiring LUC comes up, I just use the double d20 rule.

Good idea!


09-20-2012, 04:54 PM
Forgive the rookie question, but can someone give me a primer on when feasts happen in the game? Should I run them at least once a year as part of the Pentecost Court?

09-20-2012, 10:22 PM
Forgive the rookie question, but can someone give me a primer on when feasts happen in the game? Should I run them at least once a year as part of the Pentecost Court?

I think most people play them once a year (or less) usually at Pentecost or Christmas. I like the concept so much I roll for 1d6 feast events possible for the entire year, then roll on a table of feasts to determine when each one occurs. I determine this at the start of the new campaign year, first thing — after the Winter Phase of the last year. It helps give me ideas and set up some plot points in advance to support the Feast Events.

You can find my list of major feast/festivals (by religion) in another thread on these here boards.



09-24-2012, 05:01 PM
Does each player roll each round so that, if you have five players at a feast that's five turns, that's twenty-five events in total?

Also, after generating a number between 1- 138, you say to roll a d10. What is the d10 for?

Finally, just to be clear - in the course of rolling these events is when you distribute the gossip/intrigue at the beginning of each year?

Thanks so much for this. It's really made the idea of doing these courts a much less daunting one and will really drive home to the players the importance of developing their courtly skills (or at least willfully choosing not to).

11-03-2012, 01:45 AM
Just had our first Pentecost Court last week and used this...two rounds worth of interactions for each player (one set of random encounters and one player's choice if they had an agenda they wanted to pursue).

A couple of questions got popped up. Some of hte events called for a -2 hit to APP. How long is that meant to last for? The remainder of the court or beyond?

Another question is that one of the events was "loss of status". To be blunt, we had no idea what that meant! Is that an add-on from a supplement that we might not be aware of/using?

Otherwise, people were amused by and enjoyed the randomness...particularly the threatening embers from the fireplace, especially right after we were discussing how deadly the fire rules in the game were! :-)

11-06-2012, 05:43 PM
Does each player roll each round so that, if you have five players at a feast that's five turns, that's twenty-five events in total?

That's consistent with the traditional way handling feats in the game. But I prefer to roll 1d6 to determine how many events the character will experience in a year of feasting. Then I determine which feast each event occurs at. If you really want to use it as a plot device that can be planned, the GM will roll for the actual events and then plan things accordingly for the year. Frequency is really up to each Gamemaster, informed by the desires of is players, of course. Some groups may enjoy the social aspects of the game, some may enjoy the fighting part more (not that the two are mutually exclusive, of course!)

Also, after generating a number between 1- 138, you say to roll a d10. What is the d10 for?

Ah. Sorry. I've amended the original post to explain that you roll a D10 on the Special Events table if a Special Event comes up.

Finally, just to be clear - in the course of rolling these events is when you distribute the gossip/intrigue at the beginning of each year?

Depends. What I do currently is determine when each event occurs (at which feast) then I make sure to accommodate the feast in my narration of the campaign's events. Then I let the player's draw cards and let the chips fall where they may. I look for opportunities to turn these into plot points, with long-term consequences!



11-06-2012, 06:26 PM
Just had our first Pentecost Court last week and used this...two rounds worth of interactions for each player (one set of random encounters and one player's choice if they had an agenda they wanted to pursue).

A couple of questions got popped up. Some of hte events called for a -2 hit to APP. How long is that meant to last for? The remainder of the court or beyond?

I believe the author's intent was that it should just last for the duration of the feast. That's how I play it.

Another question is that one of the events was "loss of status". To be blunt, we had no idea what that meant! Is that an add-on from a supplement that we might not be aware of/using?

Good question. One for Sir Pramalot. I've ignored that effect myself, since I had much the same reaction.

Otherwise, people were amused by and enjoyed the randomness...particularly the threatening embers from the fireplace, especially right after we were discussing how deadly the fire rules in the game were! :-)

Fun times!


Sable Wyvern
07-26-2015, 09:09 AM
Old thread is old, but interesting and useful nevertheless.

Attached is an Excel feast event generator, based on the feast events from earlier in the thread.

Enter the number of knights up the top. The sheet can handle up to six -- if you need more, anyone with some basic excel skills should be able to add extra lines with some copy pasting, although the conditional formatting will require a bit more work.

Hit F9 to generate a new set of events.

I've made a few minor modifications to some of the events. You can always go to sheet two and modify them yourself, as well.

The biggest overall change I made is that instead of having a yes/no for refuse, there is Yes (refuse with no repercussion), Courtesy (make a courtesy roll if you wish to refuse) and No (you can't refuse). I've also noted where refusal may require testing a trait.

I've also tended towards granting checks for decisions, instead of mandating rolls to determining the PK's actions. Famous traits would, of course, require rolls to go against type.

07-27-2015, 08:03 PM
Very cool. Thanks Sable!

01-18-2016, 09:49 PM
So, does anyone have an updated link to the Feast Cards? The ones in the original post go nowhere... Or maybe the Feast Generator excel file from Sable Wyvern? I don't see it on the post.

01-19-2016, 07:19 PM
This link to the Excel file was posted to the G+ Pendragon community recently: https://db.tt/aPDjCeF3

01-19-2016, 11:57 PM
Thanks! I'll go join the G+ Community!

EDIT: Sadly, it doesn't have Sable Wyvern's generator, but the Feast Cards were there. Thanks!

01-20-2016, 07:14 AM
Cheeplives, I have an Excel file that looks like Sable Wyvern's one.
Just PM me with your email address and I'll send you the link to download it.


01-21-2016, 04:39 PM
Really dumb Q, but with 138 different cards how does one roll to see what they get?

Sir Micge
08-30-2016, 06:39 AM
I think I posted these earlier. I made a deck about a year ago. It is based off Sir Pramalot's table with a few added cards from another source.

This is what they look like: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/33899815/pendragon%20feast%20card%20preview.jpg
Here's the file: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/33899815/Pendragon%20Feast%20Cards.xlsx

When it was done I had a sudden bout of lazyness and I never quite got around to finishing the "new set", with lots more cells and better alignments or making it a pdf, but it's not hard to print out.

1. print required amount of background sheets (or skip to 2.)
2. load back to printer (or skip to 3.)
3. print cards
4. cut
5. feast

I suggest doing a trial page or two to see you got it right

08-31-2016, 07:11 PM
Hey all--

Just wanted to let you know that James Knevitt and I are working on THE BOOK OF FEASTS, which is both a short book and a deck of feast cards. The cards and underlying system are the result of years of play testing and refining the system originally developed here on the forums. (Many examples of the system in play may be heard in my GPC actual-play, linked in my sig below.)

The book includes background on medieval feasts, advice on running feasts in KAP, rules for drunkenness and other festive tomfoolery, and a feast-centric scenario.

Release date has not been set yet, but we're moving through the writing and design process at a steady clip. More news as it comes!

08-31-2016, 08:01 PM
Huzzah, Sir Larkins! Big fan here! Can't wait. I hope the cards are made available as PNGs, suitable for uploading to Roll20 and other systems.



Sir Micge
08-31-2016, 08:34 PM
Hey all--

Just wanted to let you know that James Knevitt and I are working on THE BOOK OF FEASTS, which is both a short book and a deck of feast cards. The cards and underlying system are the result of years of play testing and refining the system originally developed here on the forums. (Many examples of the system in play may be heard in my GPC actual-play, linked in my sig below.)

The book includes background on medieval feasts, advice on running feasts in KAP, rules for drunkenness and other festive tomfoolery, and a feast-centric scenario.

Release date has not been set yet, but we're moving through the writing and design process at a steady clip. More news as it comes!

Aha!. So that's what the Book of Feast is. I wondered when I saw it in the Prince Valiant KS. Very cool. Also, saves me from ever having to work on those cards again. ;) Instead I'll focus on my new project, making full family trees for all my players knights and intermarrying their aunts, great uncles, and third cousins in unexpected places!

08-31-2016, 08:54 PM
Thanks, good sirs!

And just to be clear, this is an official release from Nocturnal. Greg gave me the go-ahead to come on here and talk about it.

09-06-2016, 08:05 PM
And I'm super happy to see this happening, although I'm still a sad puppy that I didn't have the time to push ahead with Stewart on the deck. Who is Stewart on here anyway?