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View Full Version : Religious Bonuses: Doubled On Critical Success?

Undead Trout
02-26-2011, 09:29 PM
After perusing the rulebook and this site, a question came to mind: are the bonuses to damage from maintaining religious ideals doubled on a critical success in combat? If so, it makes those extremely powerful in comparison to other bonuses. My personal feeling is that they should not be doubled... and the same goes for bonuses to Healing Rate, on critical Chirurgery successes. None of the other Religious Bonuses provide such an increased effect.

02-27-2011, 07:47 AM
I believe the religious bonus for damage is doubled. It wouldn't make much difference if you didn't double it though. Bear in mind, though, this is something which mostly benefits players. It's usually players, not their opponents, who have the religious bonus. Christian bonuses might give, say, +2 damage = doublign that has a very small effect. Why rob them of that?
The saxon bonus is a bit more significant, but lets face it, a saxon is probably already doing 6-7d6 damage before the religious bonus - so not doubling the damage might drop their damage on a crit from 14d6 to 13d6, or 16d6 to 15d6. It's still massive - may as wll let them enjoy it.

The healing bonus: correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't a critical chirurgery add a fixed +3, rather than doubling it?

Undead Trout
02-27-2011, 09:18 AM
The healing bonus: correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't a critical chirurgery add a fixed +3, rather than doubling it?

From KAP5.1, p. 126: "On a critical success, the patient’s health improves rapidly... He gains double his normal Healing Rate that week, in addition to avoiding deterioration."

02-28-2011, 04:48 AM
Oh yes, thank you.

Since the healing bonus is only +2, the difference it makes (an extra +2 on a critical) doesn't seem worth worrying about to me. It's dropping 10 points of healing to 8, or 12 points to 10. It shouldn't be happening that often, since a critical chirurgery is required - I'd let the players enjoy it.

02-28-2011, 07:28 AM
I agree with Darren.

Furthermore, what we have noticed in our group... Having both Pagan and Chivalric bonuses is hard, while Christian Chivalric Knight is much easier (hint, it is that Modest/Proud). So another reason not to be bothered by it.