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View Full Version : Glory for Religous Experiences?(The Holy Grail appearing...)

07-30-2011, 09:14 AM
hi knights,

I haven't seen any charts for this yet or guidelines but it seems to me that players should get Glory for having a religous experience. For example, say your knight is laying wonded on the ground and dying! Suddenly the air is filled with electricity and the Grail appears floating above the knight. His armor become undented, the shield's wood becomes unsplintered and the knight's wounds go away.

That seems like the kind of thing that a knight should get glory for. I may even have some passions or traits be checked because of it.

What about finding the finger of jesus? That'd be a great find! Glory for that to?

Those are some examples I've thought up. Anyone think that they shouldn't get Glory for it?


Undead Trout
07-30-2011, 02:22 PM
I recommend you consult Appendix Six (KAP5.1, p. 220), where you'll find this:

Trivial Task = 1
Ordinary Task = 10
Heroic Task = 100
Very Heroic Task = 250
Extraordinary Task = 1000

Now tweak it for religious experiences. Those who witnessed the Mass of the High Holy Grail got 1,000 Glory for it, it was a once-in-a-lifetime thing. Lancelot, who was outside the door, got a mere 250 because he almost achieved the Grail. Being healed by the Grail is probably also in the 250 range, witnessing someone else being healed might be 100. In KAP4, the awards magicians received for religious activities could be tweaked to represent Glory from religious experiences as well.