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View Full Version : Tournament Simulator - conduct small-to-huge trivial tournaments quickly

07-30-2011, 02:00 PM

Dr. J.M. "Thijs" Krijger's Jousting Simulator are now available online here:

The simulator allows you as Game Master to take up to 6 players through Pendragon Tournaments ranging from Neighborhood (100 participants) to Regal Tournaments (3000 participants) in an instant. And if you are not satisfied with the results, simply rerun the tournament.

The simulator was originally implemented in IDL by Thijs, and converted into a more online friendly format by JMV.

Ideas on how to improve the simulator are appreciated.

Happy tournament ;-)


01-31-2012, 04:02 PM
Did anyone use this tool?


01-31-2012, 04:17 PM
I've played with it a bit, but since this is my very first PENDRAGON campaign and we're still in the Uther era, I haven't had the occasion to use it. But I plan on using it when we get to those eras where tourneys are more commonplace. It looks very nice!


Avalon Lad
07-07-2012, 12:32 PM
Just found this and had a bit of a play with it.
Looks good providing I have internet access when playing.

What are you using to define the stats for the non player knights - so for example when an Inspired Extra Ordinary Knight wins the tourney, what are his stats going to be ?

Would it be hard to expand to more players ?
The reason I ask that is not necessarily because I have more players (although have regularly run for 8) but my players would be interested in how various NPC's fare, and year upon year, the previous winners etc...

07-08-2012, 04:49 AM
The family generator is also nice, but I wish it would A) list if an unmarried character is widowed B) list who they are married to (ie a landed knight, a wealthy commoner, a steward, an esquire, or the daughter of the above etc.) C) list arranged marriages for living family members who are unmarried.