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View Full Version : Pendragon Toolbox

08-07-2011, 05:38 PM
Edit: Now with it's own Sourceforge project page:


Been a while since I announced this project, and in the last few months it have advanced slowly, but still I wanted to show how it's going.

Right now you can configure the religions and cultures, and also of course create your own characters. The last thing I added is the ability to save and load characters, but that still is more of a test than the final version of it. But, well, the program itself is on alfa after all.

You can get it here (I know, the page is really ugly):

http://fancifi.com/ptb/ (URL dead)

If you have any problem, any error, anything that is confusing tell me, but anyway expect to find bugs and some things that don't work, as said, this is not the final version.

Now, a few images (it seems to be giving some problems when linking these images, but these are the problems I get for using a cheap server...):


Undead Trout
08-08-2011, 01:43 PM
What version of Java does it require?

Going to do a MacOS version?

08-08-2011, 03:45 PM
Uses java v1.6

Once finished I can do a Linux version easily, sadly right now I don't have any Mac to test it. But the idea of using Java is making it portable.

But I must say that right now it's not on my list of things to do.

Undead Trout
08-08-2011, 04:00 PM
Java 1.6 won't run on older Macs regardless.

08-08-2011, 04:59 PM
Newer macs can handle it though. You did compile a Windows EXE though. Any chance you can expose the JRE file?


08-08-2011, 07:44 PM
Any chance you can expose the JRE file?

Not for now. It may be silly nowadays that open code is so popular and useful, but for some parts of the code I had to employ a lot of work and time, and for now I won't offer the program in a way the code can be accessed easily (and also I must say before doing that I ought to clean a lot of things, there are still some confusing parts on the program).

I know it goes against the portability thing, but I won't rethink it until the program is done, which after all is the main point right now.

08-09-2011, 02:03 AM
Not for now. It may be silly nowadays that open code is so popular and useful, but for some parts of the code I had to employ a lot of work and time, and for now I won't offer the program in a way the code can be accessed easily (and also I must say before doing that I ought to clean a lot of things, there are still some confusing parts on the program).

I know it goes against the portability thing, but I won't rethink it until the program is done, which after all is the main point right now.

Gotcha. I was just hoping it was like the good ol' days, when you could double-click on a .jre and get the program to run after the Java Console popped up and showed you all its arcana! ;D


10-20-2011, 07:15 PM
How does this compare to the old Domesday program?


01-16-2012, 10:51 PM
Sadly, right now the main difference is that this is unfinished. Barely touched it these months, but I hope to get something finished before the summer.

Anyway, the idea with this is having a program that will help you make a base character. Then expanding it for more things, but for now it is a tool to create and modify characters which you can store and load.

03-06-2012, 10:09 AM
I started again with this project, and created a first working version which you can download at it's Sourcefoge project page (http://sourceforge.net/projects/pendragontbox/).

The inventory section isn't working yet. And I can't assure that characters saved with this version will work on next versions, but as they are stored in a text file they'll be easy to manually fix by anyone.

Also, for those interested, I'll upload the source code soon. But first I want to read about the OSLs and choose one.

For any more info you can consult the project page, which I'll keep updating:

Take notice that this is a java program, which requires JRE 6.

Edit: modified it to use Java 6, as Java 7 is (again) giving problems. That's what I get for trying the latest instead of the confirmed as working...

Edit: Another note. It should work on any system with Java, thank to how it works. But there is a problem, the text files which store the data, like the culture info, are formatted for Windows, so they may not be read on other systems (actually, I haven't tried but I'm pretty sure in other systems the files will be an unreadable mess for the program, thanks to the different end of line marks).

03-07-2012, 08:48 AM
Just downloaded your tool. It looks good, but I found some bugs (or at least I think I did. I use Pendragon vs 5 myself).

British and Roman christian stats are switched. You get the bonuses of British if you select Roman and vice versa.
The Damage calc is wrong. A size+strength total of 27 should yield a 5d6 instead 4d6.

03-07-2012, 12:35 PM
Thanks for noticing, I've fixed both problems.

Also I have fixed the religions panel, which wasn't showing the traits correctly, was showing the codes used internally for the traits instead of it's names, and unordered.

03-08-2012, 02:28 PM
Can I just say that this is exactly what i've been hoping someone would create.
This looks like the beginnings of something that will be amazingly useful.
Please, please, please keep up the good work and let me know if you need any testing, data entry, anything that could make this see a beta release ;D

03-08-2012, 10:29 PM
Thanks for the offer. Right now it stills needs more work, but after I have a more fleshed version I'll need all the testing that can be done, that's for sure. But right now bugs pop and get solved too frequently for a serious debugging, luckily now they are usually predictable and less frequently than they were.

And as for the data entry. The good thing of the program is that any data which can change is stored in files, and it already includes tools for editing them. So it's easy creating for example new cultures. Once the program is finished anybody will be able to create religion, culture and other background data files and share them.

These files, stored in text format for easier handling, will serve to configure the feature they are related to. Right now, for example, the culture file stores information which goes from the starting attributes and skills for each sex, to which file should it read to build the armies section.

Edit: Just after writing this decided to check the files editors, and found a few bugs. Now they should be accessible, and should work correctly.

05-23-2012, 02:15 AM
Are you planning to make a Manor toolbox too? Would be nice :)

05-23-2012, 11:17 AM
Actually, the idea came from making a tool to handle manors and battles. Then I decided it would be for the better first handling characters, as both require them.

08-31-2012, 08:50 PM
Hi Wandrell,

I have recently looked into running Pendragon and have downloaded your tool, whilst creating a character part of the process allows for a single skill to be applied to any knightly skill, unfortunately when I tried to drag and drop onto a weapon skill it stayed green/red with the "No Entry" symbol. Also I thought the 3 skills were at a value of 10 not 15 (but could be increased later with the additional 5 points option, which worked) I could apply these 3 skills.

Hope that doesnt read like a complaint, I think the tool is awesome and look forward to helping in anyway I can.

Take care Dalfort.

08-31-2012, 10:20 PM
I don't see it as a complaint, on the contrary. These comments help me to fix any error. The program needs a lot of bugfixing and work, but sadly I can't give it as much time as I wish to finish the character creation (still I uploaded just a few days ago a new version).

Now that I see, the combat skills aren't being initialized, as I redid how the character is handled on character generation I'm not surprised. It was just a mistake, as skills are combat skills are handled in an identical way but stored in different objects.

And the 10 point skills was a mistake, were loading the wrong value. By the way, this kind of values are read from the "ptbdata" file, and when I have time I'll create a section in the program to be able to edit them, makes it easier to adapt to any change or preference.

I have uploaded a version with these problems solved to Sourceforge, if you notice anything else don't doubt about it and tell. Also, I'm happy to hear any idea about what to change or improve.

08-31-2012, 11:18 PM
thanks for the rapid response, I did find the value in a file (edited via notebook) but thought it best not to mess :p

I was surprised by the attribute page "auto-closing" (best expression I can think of) when the last point was assigned, my lad was umming and ahhing and wondered if adding to his STR helped, thinking I could just remove them .... re-started the program, luckily it was easy to get back to that point :)

Take care Dal.

08-31-2012, 11:25 PM
I noted that error with the attributes when I checked a few things after fixing the skills. The way I made skills, attributes and similar work with a series of modules, I gave it one that uses a point each time you change the value, instead of giving it back when you reduced the value. Now it's fixed.

09-11-2012, 01:06 AM
Thanks for sharing.

Primo Cavaliere
01-08-2013, 03:13 PM
Hi Wandrell,

I just downloaded your tool. I find it potentially wonderful.

I just noticed a few things:

1) Cymric have not the Spear Expertise Skill

2) It is possibile to keep adding family characteristics, which is, in my opinion, a bug

3) There is no set of stats for other cultures but more than that I have some question about the creation method. Since I remember 6 points for traits customization, for example.

4) There is some work to do about the father's class effects, meaning bonuses to skills, traits and passions

5) The same for regional differences

6) No family luck seems present.

I hope you see my post as a contribution, since, as I wrote, I found your tool a wonderful and potentially limitless item for Pendragon gaming.

Best regards,

01-08-2013, 06:01 PM
First of all, I've just uploaded the new version I'm preparing. There are still several things to fix, but it's better than the one that was right now uploaded.

I'm going slowly with this project, I fear, but I do it when I have time, and I've done most of the work for this version these last weeks.

1) Cymric have not the Spear Expertise Skill

That's because I'm working with the basic character creation system. Once I have that done I'll ask my master (This sounds really bad in English) for the newer character book. He also has the battles and manor books, which I'll use later to create the battle and manor sections.

Right now the main points I want to complete are:
- Being able to create a basic character.
- Allowing free edition of any character.

Then, I want to add the winter phase (to connect if possible with the manor handling), a system to handle the father story and glory, a better saving system which would allow to save as a printable file and several other things.

Still, I think right now I'm close to getting the basic character generation system working.

2) It is possibile to keep adding family characteristics, which is, in my opinion, a bug

Should be fixed now.

3) There is no set of stats for other cultures but more than that I have some question about the creation method. Since I remember 6 points for traits customization, for example.

If I'm not wrong, in fifth edition there are no points for traits. Still, in this new version you can modify the environmental values, changing things such as the initial points allocable for traits.

4) There is some work to do about the father's class effects, meaning bonuses to skills, traits and passions

That will have to wait until later. But I want to add a way to handle inheritance.

5) The same for regional differences

6) No family luck seems present.

I think this is also from the advanced creation system.

I hope you see my post as a contribution, since, as I wrote, I found your tool a wonderful and potentially limitless item for Pendragon gaming.

I'm always glad to hear anything from the users, and if anybody has any idea for the program I want to hear it. After all, it's possible to add anything to the program, the only problem being the time it requires.

Primo Cavaliere
01-09-2013, 09:11 AM
Hello Wandrell,
I am relieved you took my post in the right way.
I may be able to help trying to write down some other cultural examples, which I may be able to send you.
What do you think about it?
Best Regards

01-09-2013, 09:26 AM
Thanks, send them. There will be some changes to the cultures files when I add the advanced mechanics, but that can be added easily.

Also, things such as lists of names for the cultures can be great.

01-13-2013, 05:47 PM
Yesterday I uploaded a new version with several fixes. Also I've added the extra skills, passions and religions from the core book and campaign book. Which means also that now religions can affect most of the derived attributes.

The main feature now missing from the base character generation is handling armors and weapons. I think I'll add a system similar to horse edition, allowing to create a weapon, setting the skill it uses and things such as extra damage, if it breaks when fumbling for when the battles and combat system is implemented in the future.

Primo Cavaliere
01-16-2013, 11:01 AM
Hello Wandrell,

I'm unable to add bonuses to attributes.
I mean, I started creating Irish culture file, but it is impossible to set Consitution Bonus to 3.

I keep working on them.


01-17-2013, 04:54 PM
I'll look into it and try to upload a version without that bug as soon as possible.

01-19-2013, 10:25 PM
I've been unable to repeat the bug, and I see you managed to add the bonus to the files. If you have any more concrete information about how to repeat it I'll try to see what happened.

Thanks for the files, they will be added to the next version, and thanks will be given in the "about" section.

Also. Are these from the advanced creation or from one of the old cultures books?

Primo Cavaliere
01-22-2013, 08:28 AM
They are all from the BoK&L new version, but the one still printed by Greg himself, not the one from Nocturnal Editions.

02-02-2013, 03:47 PM
I am having a problem starting a new charater in the latest program, I have an older version on my laptop (which also runs Java 6 not the latest 7.## like my main PC) I do like the new menu layout though and I can access the edit horses tables (also culture but not Religion)... perhaps my PC just doesnt like me :)

02-02-2013, 04:36 PM
Which error are you having exactly? Are you running it on the computer with Java 7?

02-14-2013, 01:35 AM
Hi sorry for the delay, I am running Java 7 on my main PC and another site I use has warned of a security risk associated with it so I may remove it and install Java 6...

but basically when I load the tool it opens but will not allow me to create new characters.

Thanks again for your work on this its a great tool. Will there be an option to print out at some point? that would be awesome :)

Take care Dalfort

02-14-2013, 05:01 PM
Which security risk?

I want to add a print option, but right now, when I get time to do it, the priorities are:
- Finishing character creation (adding inventory and armor/weapons)
- Redoing the save system (there are some problems when loading data, and the file is hard to understand if you try to edit it manually)
- Creating a manual edition system

Those are the main points, then I'll get with printing and advanced characters.

Also, I'll take a look at it as soon as I can. Will have to add some better error handling, as it sounds as if it was a problem when loading the constants file.

02-23-2013, 02:36 AM
Thanks for outlining your priorities I am sure many of us appreciate the work you are doing and can all wait for the full package :)

Link (http://www.fumbbl.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid= 1775) hopefully you can read this "news" page from FUMBBL where I play a java client for Blood Bowl.

Take care Dal

03-02-2013, 06:14 PM
I've uploaded a new version, try it and tell me if anything changed.

I've not added the culture files created by Cavaliere, these will be on the next patch along the new file format, which will be xml files.

If anybody feels curious, the British Christian file, for example, changes as follows:
Old file:

chaste energetic generous modest temperate
hitpoints 3
damage_bonus 2

New file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Easier to handle both by the program and by anybody who wishes to edit it manually.

Primo Cavaliere
03-05-2013, 07:41 AM
What can I write?


You are just great!!!

03-09-2013, 11:12 PM
\o/ mine is working in Java 7 now as well :) Thanks again.

The Evil religion puts the 13's on the wrong side and when I chose Cruel for my 16 it didnt register as a religious bonus (1 of 5)
I was trying to create an NPC :)

Thanks Dal

03-11-2013, 06:44 PM
Thanks for spotting that. In one of the last updates I cleaned up the code (it really needed it), and that kind of bug creeps in when you do that.

It will be fixed on the next update. The new saving system is done, but may need more testing (I found some errors with things such as not having a family characteristic which now are solved, but probably there are more around). In the next update I want to add the new inventory system, which will change the initial equipment table file, and add the advanced skills.

This last one wasn't going to be yet, but as I've just modified the culture files I may take the chance and make all the changes it may need at once.

10-27-2013, 11:58 AM
It seems my account got deleted on the last spam cleansing, and when I tried to create it back it didn't get accepted.

Any way, I am back and just wanted to say I've been working again on the program. In the next few days I'll upload a version with the new files (there is a test version already on SourceForge), and after that I'll make a new character creation system, which I hope will be close to the final version.

Thanks to my game master, who lent me his books, I will add the advanced creation system. But these are not the latest 5.1th version, so there may be some differences to the newest character creation system.

I'm advancing much slower than I would like with the project, but things get done when I have time. Still, if anybody feels curious, I'll try to add periodical updates to the code at SourceForge, which at least will show things are going on.

04-10-2016, 08:27 PM
Hi I would like to know if there is a way to export a character created with PT to an utilizable format, or better in a Character sheet for Pendragon.

Thanks for your answer

06-26-2018, 04:14 AM
This is probably a silly question, but that is where I stand right now.

I downloaded the zip, unzipped and installed it, and executed the .jar file.

It seems to start fine, but for some reason I just can't select the culture (although I do select the other fields).

The option to follow ahead to the next step is blocked as well.

Any suggestions?