View Full Version : Loss of Battle Buddies
08-31-2011, 06:04 PM
So I'm playing a 1PK campaign and I've designated two "battle buddies" to go into combat alongside my PK. If one of them is mortally wounded, should I just have some extra profiles in reserve so I can regain and odd-numbered "unit"? Or should I carry on with just the two?
Sir Pramalot
08-31-2011, 08:13 PM
Just drop in another NPC. The system cannot work with less than 3 participants.
09-01-2011, 01:29 AM
Yep, that's as I figured. Just making sure...
Just drop in another NPC. The system cannot work with less than 3 participants.
If I'm reading it right the system can work with less than 3 participants, but what will happen is that the unit can no longer get a "Triumph" result.
So when I've had a unit of Player Knights drop down to less than 3 Knights they have had a choice to make. They could keep on going, they can still get "Win" results after all. But the big juicy "Triumph" is now unattainable, which is a shame, so they could pull back and try and pull in another NPC Knight to their unit to get it back up to the magic number of 3.
So I'd leave it with the Knights on the battlefield, let them decide if they want to carry on with just 2.
Sir Pramalot
09-01-2011, 01:58 PM
With just two active characters (PKs or NPKs) you can get a Triumph, the rules only forbid it with one. Two wins equals a 100% success and therefore a Triumph. You could also get a Crush, ie 2 losses, but it gets tricky inbetween. Is a win/loss considered a Win or a Loss? Technically a Loss is no longer achievable because it occurs only when *more* than half lose. Thus it actually becomes easier for the PKs; Triumph/Win/Crush.
You could shift the outcomes so that a 100% win is a Win, a 50% win is a Loss and 0% Win is a Crush. This shifts the odds against the PKs but IMO makes sense as their numbers are so few. I don't think a Triumph should be achievable with less than 3 men as it will happen far too often.
I should revise my earlier comment. The system can work, but unless you tweak the success requirements, the extreme outcomes are more likely.
With just two active characters (PKs or NPKs) you can get a Triumph, the rules only forbid it with one.
My apologies, you are absolutely right, a re-read of that chapter makes that pretty clear. So the way I've been treating a unit of two knights is, as it turns out, a house rule. It is however a house rule that I quite like and has prompted some interesting game play moments with Knights wanting to both stay in the fray and pull back in order to be able to get Triumphs again.
I don't think a Triumph should be achievable with less than 3 men as it will happen far too often.
I agree completely and, as said, this is how I've been running it and it works very nicely.
Sir Pramalot
09-01-2011, 02:14 PM
No need for an apology :) Actually, your comment made me re-think the way I handle things. I might let the PKs struggle on with 2 in future against the shifted odds.
Greg Stafford
09-11-2011, 07:09 PM
Interesting and informative, thank you
With just two active characters (PKs or NPKs) you can get a Triumph, the rules only forbid it with one.
My apologies, you are absolutely right, a re-read of that chapter makes that pretty clear. So the way I've been treating a unit of two knights is, as it turns out, a house rule. It is however a house rule that I quite like and has prompted some interesting game play moments with Knights wanting to both stay in the fray and pull back in order to be able to get Triumphs again.
I will have to reword it for an errata, as my intention was indeed to require a minimum of three player knights (in any position) for a unit to obtain a Triumph.
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