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View Full Version : Bronze Age

Greg Stafford
11-07-2011, 12:44 AM
I just got a complete submission for a game using KAP mechanics,
from the Williams Brothers,
with some clever twists to make it ring true

You, blood of the gods, do not make manors
you make mycenean cities!

You thought SAN was bad?
Wait until you court Hubris
and atonement
before your tragic spiral takes you
to death

Watch this space for updates
I haven't even finished reading it all yet
and I am excited and confident enough to write this, oh what, a year or so before it will see print.

I will tell you--this has surprised me

Greg Stafford
05-01-2015, 02:17 AM

Your patience is veeeeery slowly being rewarded.
I have been informed that this Bronze Age adaptation of KAP is being edited now.
Still no idea of any further progress, but this is something!

The title of it it is BEFORE IRON

03-16-2017, 09:31 PM
Well, did it move beyond editing? I know I am excited about this and that my brother would be VERY excited if I tell him about it. I love the idea of hubris and atonement, I am really looking forward to see how it comes together.

Greg Stafford
03-16-2017, 09:57 PM
Alas, it is still getting to editing
Early Nocturnal materials have taken a long time to get into production
However, things are moving forward and I'll keep everyone apprised of the situation here