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12-04-2011, 01:47 AM
I vaguely recall seeing that a PK gets glory when a son or dau is born, but I cannot for the life of me recall where I saw it.

So, how much glory does one get for the birth of a Son or Dau?

12-04-2011, 01:58 AM
You dont get any glory for the birth of a child. (Though it's an opportunity to fund a lavish feast and other conspicuous consumption - so you could get glory that way.)
The son or daighter gets glory from the father, when they become adults. Is that what you're thinking of?

12-04-2011, 02:02 AM
You dont get any glory for the birth of a child. (Though it's an opportunity to fund a lavish feast and other conspicuous consumption - so you could get glory that way.)
The son or daighter gets glory from the father, when they become adults. Is that what you're thinking of?
No, I had remembered that you get glory for a child being born, but I couldn't recall where I had seen it. But, I HAVE FOUND IT !!!

Book of Knights (for KAP 4th ed) has this in the Glory Award chart on pg 45.

"50 Glory: A child is born! (per parent, each child)"

Since most of the glory numbers in the chart are the same numbers used in KAP 5th ed I have no problem using it.

Thanks for the reply (grin).

12-04-2011, 02:24 AM
Well, you learn something new every day.

Though Book of Knights was a fairly controversial supplement in several ways, and was widely disdained on the old KAP mailing list. I wouldn't use anything from that book that wasn't corroborated in another supplement. Even if I didn't think that, I'd still think 50 glory is more than a bit excessive, especially for something that could (with a bit of luck) be happening more years than not.

Greg Stafford
12-04-2011, 04:07 AM
No, I had remembered that you get glory for a child being born, but I couldn't recall where I had seen it. But, I HAVE FOUND IT !!!
Book of Knights (for KAP 4th ed) has this in the Glory Award chart on pg 45.
"50 Glory: A child is born! (per parent, each child)"
Since most of the glory numbers in the chart are the same numbers used in KAP 5th ed I have no problem using it.

Feel free, but I would not use it.
I suggest you look under the web page for Glory for women.
They get Glory for it,
but for me

BoK has many numbers the same, but enough for me to discard it as reliable

12-05-2011, 04:53 PM
"50 Glory: A child is born! (per parent, each child)"
Feel free, but I would not use it.
I suggest you look under the web page for Glory for women.
They get Glory for it.

BoK has many numbers the same, but enough for me to discard it as reliable
First, Thank you Greg for pointing out the Glory for women bit.

I disagree that the men should get no glory for their legitimate children. Now illegitimate ones are another matter (grin).

I think I will keep the 100glory for Women giving birth to a child.

Men will receive 25 glory for their first-born son, and 20 glory thereafter for sons.
Daughters will always receive a flat 15 glory.

12-05-2011, 05:25 PM
There's not much difference between 25 and 20. I'm against glory for children, as you know, but if you are using it, I would either eliminate the disparity for simplicity, or make it bigger to make it worth remembering. Like say, 25 and 10, or 50 and 10.

The main reason I dont think it's worth including is it's an award for doing things knights will be doing anyway, and knights will have many, many children - a fair few of which won't survive.
Players who want glory for children can already get it - by funding a feast and similar events, spending money for conspicuous consumption. This is how it becomes glory - other knights and ladies remark on the knight's great feast/hunt/tourney/whatever in honour of their new child. Maybe have a special glory bonus, like 5 glory per £ spent on such an event (up to a 50, say, if you like the idea of 50 glory per children).

Greg Stafford
12-06-2011, 12:17 AM
I disagree that the men should get no glory for their legitimate children. Now illegitimate ones are another matter (grin).

I approve of any changes to house rules.
Just do not offer a submission to me using any house rules

I think I will keep the 100glory for Women giving birth to a child.

With my blessing.
From my POV:
Bearing children is a primary task for women.
The deserve Glory for it--it's a task as dangerous as anything a knight ever does.
and men get Glory for...

Men will receive 25 glory for their first-born son, and 20 glory thereafter for sons.
Daughters will always receive a flat 15 glory.

why? There's a good chance he'll die before reaching majority

Just explaining my personal "why"