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View Full Version : Prince Valiant!!!! Does anyone remember the Cartoon?

03-30-2009, 07:26 PM
I went to Youtube to try and find it, but I can not Find it in episode order. If I was to find the whole series somewhere is it worth getting? I know it is just a kids cartoon and all, but does anyone remember... was it good? Would you get it? And also.. Does anyone add Prince Valiant into your GPC stuff?

03-30-2009, 07:29 PM
You know I probably could just have put this under the King Arthur on Film topic. Sorry. :-[

03-30-2009, 07:49 PM
I remember this cartoon and i found it better than the movie and even the original comic strip. There are some good ideas in it, like the black rose, a secret society of conspirators ruled by Morgan.

03-31-2009, 05:13 AM
I have, but you might want to speak to Greg about a certain very good source book on the subject.

03-31-2009, 05:15 AM
Very, very dim memories. Wow, I haven't thought about this for years.

I feel so old :(

04-01-2009, 05:49 AM
I just remember the movies.... Katherine Heigl. :o

04-17-2009, 02:53 PM
I used to love it! Weirdly I've only seen DVDs of it in cheapo pound shops or seaside tat shops. I'm not sure whether they're legit or not but they look fine. It's weird you can't find them on Amazon or anywhere else for that matter though. The soundtrack was great!

06-30-2009, 11:20 PM
This is about the original strip rather than the cartoon, but Fantagraphics Books is doing an improved reprint of "Prince Valiant", in hard-cover this time. And the first volume will contain an interview with Hal Foster (reprinted from a past issue of "Comics Journal") in the back.

Also, in November, Fantagraphics will be publishing "The Definitive Prince Valiant Companion".

Now if Chaosium (or whoever owns the rights to it at present) will do a reprint of the "Prince Valiant" role-playing game, that'd be perfect....

06-30-2009, 11:55 PM
And also.. Does anyone add Prince Valiant into your GPC stuff?

Well Greg does. Check out some of the allies who came to the aid of the Candlebees during their recent troubles with the de Ganis faction.

Valiant also gets a brief mention in the gazeteer of Land of Giants.


07-01-2009, 11:55 AM
Valiant also gets a brief mention in the gazeteer of Land of Giants.

Well, not Val in person, but his father, King Aguar, is mentioned as one of the northern rulers, and Aguar's deposition by Sligon and exile to the Fens (at the opening of the strip) is included in the timeline.

Greg Stafford
07-01-2009, 03:11 PM
Now if Chaosium (or whoever owns the rights to it at present) will do a reprint of the "Prince Valiant" role-playing game, that'd be perfect....

I'd love to see that back in print, but I can assure you that Chaosium does not have the rights anymore.
Too bad.


07-02-2009, 12:11 AM
Well Greg does. Check out some of the allies who came to the aid of the Candlebees during their recent troubles with the de Ganis faction.

Which year was that? I've been trying to find it on his campaign website, but haven't found it yet (unless Greg didn't commit that part to writing).

07-03-2009, 01:46 AM
Somewhere between 520 -522 . The same year that Sir Gwalchmai slays a dragon and avenges vals father. Also Edar is captured by the norweigians but escapes and is then taken by valiant and his Trond tribe. That is where Edar find his current wife Lady Valerie ( Valiants sister). It is quite good. :-X

07-03-2009, 04:43 PM
Which year was that? I've been trying to find it on his campaign website, but haven't found it yet (unless Greg didn't commit that part to writing).

The war between Leicester and the de Ganis happens in the mid-530s. Greg's Sir Cynfyn entries on the weareallus website are a little behind the timeline of the Saturday Night Pendragon campaign blog.

The stout Candlebees prevailed (of course) and have secured their liege's rightful claim to the county of Lambor for the trifling cost of:
- Edar's Irish kingdom
- the annullment of his marriage to Valerie
- a mere ?200 in weregild for the de Ganis dead
- the general desolation consequent upon being invaded from several directions at once

With victories like that, who needs defeats?


07-07-2009, 04:35 AM
Perhaps not the cleanest of victories, but weakened the de ganis cosiderably... killed Lionel, ector de maris, bleoberis, blamor etc..... Only Bors and lancelot survive as famous members of the clan. Also the Irish kingdom of Oriel was impoverished and a headache to edar as it was constantly threatened. He really only gave up a title here. 200librum is a hard hit , but for our rich and respected count, a couple of years will see him through in this........ and all of this seems harsh, but Edar gained The entire county of Lambor to add to leicester county and actually has enough land that he will be very wealthy and if he can pull some strings could easily be considered a duke. Land is the most valuable asset, and he gave up a irish kingdom that was troubled, far away and poor, to inherit a neighboring county that hated its former masters and welcomes him, and is very rich and close to home. Not everything is always aas it seems! ;D

07-07-2009, 04:39 AM
Oh yeah...., and also Edar didnt really suffer very many casualties in the war. A little land raided, but that will right itself very soon. Edars battle score is well over 35!!!!!!! He has upped it consistently over the years and is the finest battle Lord in all britian if not the world. With his 42,000 glory they know Edras name in Byzantium, and all who know his name know that he is athe finest general who ever lived. Arthur did not press battle against him if it could be avoided. Thats why lancelot intervened before battle was full on. Go Candlebees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah..... so..... what did your post have to do with the awesome prince valiant?

07-10-2009, 12:28 PM
I didn't see much of the cartoon, but I love the strip. I also love Greg's Valiant game and think it is a shame it is no longer available.

07-13-2009, 03:18 PM
Oh yeah..... so..... what did your post have to do with the awesome prince valiant?

Valiant sent some troops help Edar out. That's how the war came up. Then someone else asked where the write up of the war was.


07-22-2009, 01:32 AM
Oh yeah..... so..... what did your post have to do with the awesome prince valiant?

Valiant sent some troops help Edar out. That's how the war came up. Then someone else asked where the write up of the war was.


Yeah, this whole Book of Battle/Book of Armies thing is really interfering with Greg's blogging... ;D

But those Trondians...some of them ended up settling in the eastern reaches of Leicester and Lincoln, and are none too happy that Lady Valerie has been put aside.


07-22-2009, 02:19 AM
None to happy...... :'(

08-17-2009, 11:51 PM
I just received my copy of the first volume of the new reprint of "Prince Valiant" by Fantagraphics Books in the mail today, that shows even more of Foster's art than the original reprint did. It covers the first two years of the strip (up to the point when young Val warns King Arthur about the Saxons under Horsa landing in the Fens - which leads to the battle that gets Val knighted). My favorite new feature is the depiction of the collectable stamps at the top of each page during the latter part of these first two years, which showed King Arthur and many of his associates, both famous (Guinevere, Lancelot, and Merlin) and less familiar (such as Ulfius and Brastias) - with a surprise, yet appropriate, stamp for the Christmas instalment on the final page!

12-25-2009, 12:21 AM
The "Definitive Prince Valiant Companion" (also from Fantagraphics Books) is now out (I got my copy in the mail a week ago; I pre-ordered it in August). It's a reprint of an old summary of the strip from its beginning to Foster's retirement in 1979-80; the new version continues the summary through the Murphy period to Gianni and Schultz taking it up to the summer of 2009. There are also reprints of interviews with Foster, John Cullen Murphy, and Gianni and Schultz, reproductions of a few sample pages from the strip, and a discussion of the strongest artistic influences on Foster. I recommend it to all Prince Valiant fans.

12-27-2009, 08:22 PM
Thats awesome. Thank you merlin :-*

01-20-2010, 02:03 AM
Earlier this month I found a DVD set of the first 16 episodes of the cartoon at Target for $5.
I've started watching them with my kids.

01-21-2010, 05:41 PM
Earlier this month I found a DVD set of the first 16 episodes of the cartoon at Target for $5.
I've started watching them with my kids.

I am sooooo jealous. I'll watch with u and the kids...I'll bring smores! :D

02-16-2010, 07:17 PM
Just in case anyone was looking for this:

So Greg $262 for a "new" Prince Valiant the Storytelling Game. That must warm an old gamers heart...

06-21-2010, 08:03 PM
Just in case anyone was looking for this:

So Greg $262 for a "new" Prince Valiant the Storytelling Game. That must warm an old gamers heart...

Thats awesome!

Greg Stafford
06-26-2010, 02:34 PM
Wish I had a few copies left! :D

This is a rip off though.
Go see Crazy Egor for a ood deal.


Just in case anyone was looking for this:

So Greg $262 for a "new" Prince Valiant the Storytelling Game. That must warm an old gamers heart...