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View Full Version : Clarifying what all comes with the "standard" manor

01-23-2012, 04:14 AM
I'm trying to figure out what the default configuration of the "standard" manor is, right down to personnel. I think it's:

In the Manor House

The PK and his family
A squire for the knight
A handmaiden for the lady

The famuli. Might include:

Bailiff or reeve
Kitchen wench
Stable Boy

Miscellaneous Assets

Various outhouses and sheds
Dog kennel with 10-12 dogs
A herd of about 20 horses
Cows, cowherds and dairy maids
Pigs, chickens and geese
Fruit tree orchard
Small sheep herd, shepherds to tend them

Common Structures/People

Baker (w/bakery)
Miller (w/mill)

This is a little confusing because, by definition, an improvement is not default or standard. But the descriptions of these items suggest that some of them are and some of them aren't. I would suggest that the ones that are be listed under "Common Structures" on the next revision.

Blacksmith (w/smithy)
Stable master (w/stable—confused on this one, because in BotM 2ed. we're told the Stable master is a specialist, but that every manor has a horse herd. Wouldn't they need a stable and a caretaker?)
Carpenter (with workshop—although this structure is not mentioned in the rules, it stands to reason)
Cooper (w/ workshop—again, not mentioned but inevitable)

Holy Folk

Village Church (w/ porter and itinerant priest)
Common Healers

Is that about it? I'm trying to consolidate all this data in one place. My wife particularly enjoys this aspect of the game, so I mean to flesh out this community. Gotta make sure my basic inventory is correct, for this, and future situations!

Ah--one more thing: the upkeep level provided for all the different people in their descriptions is if you want to hire additional help—beyond those that come with the "standard-issue" population above, correct? It is assumed that the cost of all these are subsumed in the "Money You Never See" part of the manor economics, I imagine?



01-23-2012, 09:13 AM
And how many villages? people, children, elderly? Churches etc? These numbers changed over the editions, so be nice to have 'overview'..


01-23-2012, 11:40 AM
Agreed. All of the above was gleaned from various places in KAP 5.1 and BotM 1st and 2nd editions. I know that later editions are the authority, but there were just some curious omissions in the 2ed that I've included here.


Greg Stafford
01-23-2012, 03:53 PM
Agreed. All of the above was gleaned from various places in KAP 5.1 and BotM 1st and 2nd editions. I know that later editions are the authority, but there were just some curious omissions in the 2ed that I've included here.

before I reply, concerning the above,
what omissions?
such as?

01-23-2012, 07:57 PM
Page and stable boy.

These are admittedly trifles and there is a discussion about pages in the Second Edition, but they were struck from the "examples" list nonetheless. So should we expect both the knight and the lady to have a page each, in addition to the squire and handmaiden? Or is this more of an opportunistic option—just introduce a page whenever one serves the larger campaign story (a knight asks the PK to take in his son, for example).

Thanks, Greg.


Greg Stafford
01-24-2012, 04:39 PM
Page and stable boy.
These are admittedly trifles

and there is a discussion about pages in the Second Edition, but they were struck from the "examples" list nonetheless. So should we expect both the knight and the lady to have a page each, in addition to the squire and handmaiden?

Well, each book says its rules supersede all previous rules.

Or is this more of an opportunistic option—just introduce a page whenever one serves the larger campaign story (a knight asks the PK to take in his son, for example).

Every level of organization could have more and more detail about what is possible, especially in its lower ranks. But listing all the possible details is of minor interest to me, and it is likely every list I make up will have some sort of difference drizzled on at the bottom fringes. Details may depend on the last book I read, something from my campaign, or an idea plucked from the forum.
Feel free to fiddle with the details as desired. I think BoENTOURAGE will go some way to helping to flesh out the details of a manor, though.