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View Full Version : Excel Spreadsheets - BoK&L Compatible

02-12-2012, 12:01 AM
Hey all,

Many moons ago, before the PDF release of the 5th Ed supplements, I downloaded Excel spreadsheets for Pendragon character sheets from here - http://www.adnd3egame.com/pendragon.htm.

I still hadn't ran Pendragon but to make my life easier I decided to make up sheets for possible player character races. Without Book of Knights and Ladies I just had the Book of Knights, so I used that as a starting point to make up many different Excel sheets.

When BoK&L finally came out, like a true little obsessive compulsive I sat back down and made all the sheets again. :-) I did one for every viable race/religion combo for early British and Continental characters, including a few odd things like the Gepids and Vandals. They self-calculate the relevant religious traits and include the relevant culture-specific skills.

Now that I'm running I've gone back to expand my collection - first to add Ladies, and then possible to make the later British characters. It occurs that this would be less OCD and more useful if I was sharing them. ;D

Is this something that would interest anyone here? More importantly, does anyone know the original author of those Excel spreadsheets and if they'd mind me sharing my expanded version of their original work? If not I'll need to email that site, try and trace the original crafter - just to be polite. :-)