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View Full Version : Looking for online KAP game

Lamorak de Gales
03-27-2012, 12:30 AM
Hi all,

I found about this site today and I joined immediately.

I have a great love of Pendragon, but I have never played it yet. I bought the 4th edition rulebooks in 2006, and this month I bought 5.1 and GPC. I bought The Boy King some years ago, but never read it fully. So the only book I've read thus far is the 4th edition. I'm going now through the 5th (and a bit disappointed that so much of the text seems repeated) and more slowly looking at the GPC.

Anyway, I've read a fair bit about Arthur, including Mallory more than 10 years ago, some tales from the Mabinogion, and Le Cycle du Graal, by Jean Markale. Odd bits and pieces here and there, but that's it.

I have been desiring to play this game for years, but never found the time to create a proper campaign nor the right players to play it. So, I wonder if there is a group online in need of a newbie that might be able to help :)
