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View Full Version : Honor Passion Reduction in 492

06-26-2012, 04:53 PM
OK, so if a passion is a, "strong personal emotion," and if, "passions provide a method of measuring a character’s inner self," (both quotes taken from KAP 5.1 pg 73) then why do Player Knights lose a point of Honor when accused of treason in 492?

It doesn't really make sense for the way people perceive your PK's to adversely affect their Honor... unless a player states that they're going to start acting less honorable of course.

What are your reasons for enforcing the Honor loss, or for disregarding it?

06-26-2012, 05:56 PM
Well, I'm on your side in this: I just ignored that loss.

06-26-2012, 07:29 PM
I'll play devil's advocate on this one.

The passion represents the characters self image. Being acused of treason is going to seriously challenge their faith in the whole honour system and their place in society. Faced with such a dire situation, it would be entirely understandable for them to experience a crisis of confidence in themselves as honourable knights.

Simon Hibbs