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View Full Version : question about year 501- Morgan's Wedding

08-25-2012, 04:52 AM
I am running year 501 this Sunday night and I am expecting the PKs to be escorting Morgan to her wedding. The GPC states that Morgan’s two elder sisters are present with their children and Husbands. The only sons that I am aware of are Gawaine, Agravaine, and Gaheris. Does Elaine have any sons I should know about? Also, I am assuming that the oldest son of either sister would be at most 9 years of age (I believe that would be Gawaine) based on their marriages in the Spring of 492. Just trying to make sure I introduce any notables that are likely to be seen in the future.

08-25-2012, 01:58 PM
My edition of the Arthurian Companion says that Elaine has a son called Galescin/Galeshin who becomes a Knight of the Round Table. I don't believe that he's mentioned in Mallory and he's not in the GPC, so he does give you a character that is closely related to the sons of Margawse yet not tied to any plot strand, so make of him what you will.

I think that Gawaine is Margawse's eldest, the GPC gives him as being born in 493 while older editions of the game say 495. I kind of presume that the other brothers follow within a few years of that, so by 501 I think it's reasonable to assume that all three are present.

08-27-2012, 05:03 AM
I thought I post a thank you already, but I must have forgotten to hit the post button! Consider yourself thanked :)

I looked all through the GPC and was unable to find the birth year for any of the sons. However, I just tracked down and bought the Arthurian Companion so I should have a helpful book to assist me from here on out.

Thanks again!

08-27-2012, 05:32 PM
The main GPC book doesn't actually give details for any of the main NPCs, I think they were cut for space reasons (let's face it it's a huge book already). However there is a supplement for it that added those in, and it's that supplement that I was referring to.

You can buy it here:

It's $2.50 at the moment and I can really recommend it.

08-27-2012, 06:19 PM
I actually have that, but I always forget to look. The weird thing, though, is that the errata for the GPC has Earl Robert born in 492, but the character book has him born in 485. I went with 492, because he is 18 when he get knighted in 509.

I hate to say this, but the second time I run the GPC I will be much more prepared :) I doubt that will ever happen though.