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Mac Lane
12-29-2012, 02:28 PM

I'm writing a scenario taking place in White Horse Vale during the Anarchy Period.
In the previous Pendragon's editions, where the game's began in 531, the White Horse Vale was a part of Salisbury; but in the new edition the Vale is mentionned on the map, but there's no mention in the text. What's about the Vale during this Period ? Is it already a part of Salisbury ?

More, in the 3rd edition's text, the city of Uffingham appeared to be the main city of White Horse Vale but the Uffington City is noted on the map. Are these two cities the same ? In this case, why the names are differents ?

Mac Lane

Greg Stafford
12-30-2012, 12:48 AM
I'm writing a scenario taking place in White Horse Vale during the Anarchy Period.
In the previous Pendragon's editions, where the game's began in 531, the White Horse Vale was a part of Salisbury; but in the new edition the Vale is mentioned on the map, but there's no mention in the text. What's about the Vale during this Period ? Is it already a part of Salisbury ?

No, it is part of Lonazep, or Lonazepshire if you prefer
In Ness Hundred, if you want to know more
which also includes Lonazep Castle and town.

More, in the 3rd edition's text, the city of Uffingham appeared to be the main city of White Horse Vale but the Uffington City is noted on the map. Are these two cities the same ? In this case, why the names are differents ?

I have learned a lot since I wrote that
Uffington is correct
And it is not by any means a city, especially in the Uther and Anarchy Periods
It's a town

Mac Lane
12-30-2012, 02:27 AM
Thank you very much !

Mac Lane
12-30-2012, 01:12 PM
Just another question :
When did the Vale become a part of Salisbury ?

Greg Stafford
01-01-2013, 04:14 AM
Just another question :
When did the Vale become a part of Salisbury ?

Well, never really
But when Earl Robert marries the heiress, it becomes part of his realm.
Like I say, I've learned a lot :)

Mac Lane
01-01-2013, 03:15 PM

Thank you and happy new year !