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03-14-2013, 04:39 PM
Trying to complete my Pendragon collection and wonder if Chaosium and Green Knight published different versions of the Saxons! supplement? Maybe simply different markings on the cover?



Greg Stafford
03-14-2013, 05:29 PM
No changes were made to the interior that I am aware of


Trying to complete my Pendragon collection and wonder if Chaosium and Green Knight published different versions of the Saxons! supplement? Maybe simply different markings on the cover?



03-20-2013, 06:01 AM
I'm 99+% sure that there is no Chaosium version of Saxons, only Green Knight.

The only items that both published were Pendragon 4E and Lordly Domains, neither of which has differences beyond logo/publisher info, as far as I recall.

03-30-2013, 02:05 AM
I'm 99+% sure that there is no Chaosium version of Saxons, only Green Knight.

The only items that both published were Pendragon 4E and Lordly Domains, neither of which has differences beyond logo/publisher info, as far as I recall.

Nope your wrong the Saxons were first printed in the CHA2711, Blood & Lust (CHA2711) this was the first and only publishing they were in that I am aware of sense i have all these books I looked it up. and this was published by Chaosium, Inc. not green knight. I also can say they have the same stats as fifth edition book has so nothing their changed either. So basically the Saxons of 4th edition are same as 5th edition.

Ok whoops I hear by correct my earlier statement yes they do appear in the back panel of the GK2724, Book of Knights (2000), and in GK2722, Saxons (1999) by Green Knight Publications, but their stats all appear to be the same. But CHA2711, Blood & Lust came first published in December 1991 by Chaosium.

03-30-2013, 09:37 AM
What I was saying is that Chaosium did not publish an entire book called "Saxons," so there is only one version of that book, which is the one by Green Knight.

03-30-2013, 03:32 PM
oh true lol sorry lol :D

Greg Stafford
03-31-2013, 06:00 PM
Trying to complete my Pendragon collection and wonder if Chaosium and Green Knight published different versions of the Saxons! supplement? Maybe simply different markings on the cover?

I was initially wrong
Chaosium never published it
I had commissioned Saxons! but then lost the line to Green Knight, who published the only version
The published version was not the whole work I had commissioned
but it is a very nice piece

03-31-2013, 09:37 PM
Greg I Knew you lost the line to green knight but dispute this they did produce some awesome books I still use to this day The book of Knights was a nice streamlined a way of Starting characters fast with out all the events tables for players to get started fast and furious then had tables to see what happened and how much glory you had gotten. It only took like 30 minutes per character to make, I still use it to this day. The rest of the books looked like updates with new martial from your older stuff you had done and I always figured that you might be some where in the back ground lurking giving your opinion on the new books any wase.