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03-28-2013, 08:16 AM
Thank you all for your input with my house rules. You've helped me find the flaws in them and your criticism was appreciated and welcome. I'm creating the house rules for a game I plan on opening for online play at a forum with PM at Proboards.

03-29-2013, 05:46 AM
Interesting group of settings. I went with Charlemagne, but I was torn.

I quite like 12th C France with all the potential for Plantagenets vs Plantagenets vs Capetians intrique and in fighting. However, it is a familiar enough setting that (to me) that I wouldn't be interested in it as an RPG setting. I could just wing it. Regardless, it would be fun setting.

Werewolves just don't interest me. YMMV

Clovis could be quite cool.

Charlemagne seems to have a similar "Epic" feel to it similar to KAP.

I'd also suggest:

War of the Roses
Italian Wars
Fulk Nerra and late 10C Anjou

My personal favorites.


04-02-2013, 07:26 AM
Interesting group of settings. I went with Charlemagne, but I was torn.

I quite like 12th C France with all the potential for Plantagenets vs Plantagenets vs Capetians intrique and in fighting. However, it is a familiar enough setting that (to me) that I wouldn't be interested in it as an RPG setting. I could just wing it. Regardless, it would be fun setting.

Werewolves just don't interest me. YMMV

Clovis could be quite cool.

Charlemagne seems to have a similar "Epic" feel to it similar to KAP.

I'd also suggest:

War of the Roses
Italian Wars
Fulk Nerra and late 10C Anjou

My personal favorites.


Charlemagne was even more epic than Arthur and real, but some KAP things like amours with cheating wives could not be transferred to it, nor tourneys and jousts, but with sixty real campaigns happening it would still provide plenty of action. the amours would be between husbands and wives and single people just as they were in real life and chanson de gestes. There's were also fantasy elements like enchanters tied to it.

Early 19th century New Orleans is the perfect setting for a Kap horror setting like Van Helsing. There was the conflict between cultures (Anglos and Creoles). The conflict between religions: Catholocism; Protestantism; Houdoo and Voodoo. the conflict between French magic and Voodoo. The conflict between slaves and masters. New Orleans was a place slaves ran away to to be free and they organized themselves into a resistance centered around Voodoo and warning each other by drums of danger. it also had duelling as a way of life, amours and mistresses. The city doubled each year in population as the surrounding planters came into to enjoy the social life and then returning home. there's so much romance and conflict built into New Orleans.

Italy like New Orleans has tons of romance and conflict and easy to find and pronounce Medieval names! It has the problem of a focal point which is really hard to resolved.

I'm mainly interested in setting a Campaign at a royal court and France has the most appeal. Royal courts are full of conflict intrigue and Romance,which makes it easier to create actions for both GM and players. En Garde works very well or worked very well as an online game system (almost all games are down now). En Garde appears to have had a strong influence on Greg and a combination En Garde+Flashing Blades and KAP would work well too - at least in my opinion which could be wrong.

I considered a setting based on the last and greatest knights of Europe, who saved it four times from being over run by Moslem hoards, just their names are too hard to English speakers to pronounce and remember :( these guys http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9x5ADYWXeo

Greg Stafford
04-02-2013, 03:54 PM
Just for the records

Nocturnal has accepted a book and campaign about Charlemagne

04-02-2013, 05:26 PM
cool glad to hear.

04-06-2013, 05:18 PM
I quite like 12th C France with all the potential for Plantagenets vs Plantagenets vs Capetians intrique and in fighting. However, it is a familiar enough setting that (to me) that I wouldn't be interested in it as an RPG setting. I could just wing it. Regardless, it would be fun setting.

Me too. 12th century is perhaps my favorite. You have all the problems with the Anarchy, the Crusading, Frederick Barbarossa, Henry II & Eleanor, the constant intra-Plantagenet fighting, rebellious barons in Aquitaine... Lots and lots to do.

You could even start in the 11th century, let the PKs decide whether or not support the adolescent Duke William the Bastard (with strong hints that they should), and then participate later in the Norman Conquest of England.

04-08-2013, 12:28 AM
I personally would like to develop Ivanhoe England, with Robin hood, king Richard, etc. As it is part of my family history and I have a lot of research on the subject as well, but my problem is I am not a very good writer or as some would say I write well just my spelling and how i put them down is messed up! That is what my players say but I have not developed my own rules system for it! Would Nocturnal be interested in an alternate setting using KAP rules or I should say would you Greg Stafford be ok with me writing something down and submitting it? Most company's wont print or even look at works from non writers in the industry! Let alone us crazed out gm's who basically get freaky at times! I know I submitted some work to other company's who told me thanks but no thanks maybe it was because I am a crazed out fool. Who knows!

here is what they said I saved the emails by printing them out and putting them in my folders.

"So its gone from a fantasy game to historical simulation? I don't see this as being a very good idea...first of all, since Ivanhoe is not fantasy but takes place during a very specific time period on earth, there are no fantastical elements, the game is bound by allot of historical info that is taken for granted but not specifically described or expressed in the book itself, and it is not a genre popular among role-players who tend to prefer the simplicity, accessibility, and creative aspects of medieval-inspired worlds or game as opposed to semi-realistic historical settings". While, I LOVE the idea.
But then again, I have a BA in History and think Pendragon is the most perfect game written so far. In any case, it does not work well for Ivanhoe for several reasons. That's why I think there is scope for you not to design a game based on Ivanhoe. Absolutely. Pendragon is the most perfect game written so far to emulate a specific genre, I should have said. And Le Morte d'Arthur is not Ivanhoe, and hurrah for them both! for that. So the world DEFINITELY has room for the perfect Genre Emulation of Ivanhoe game. But were not interested in publishing this kinda of martial at this time Thank you for your interest."

So I gave up and went back to playing KAP as is. and put a new spin on things for my group.