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View Full Version : What KING ARTHUR PENDRAGON publication would you like to see the most?

04-06-2013, 02:30 PM
In an effort to better understand what you want in the way of game supplements please take this quick poll. Don't see something you'd like to see? Make a suggestion in the thread below. We're going to hide the answer until you vote, to keep people from gaming the system. And we make no promises about our publishing priorities. This is simply a "pulse" poll.

Thanks in advance!


04-06-2013, 03:04 PM
Well I wish you could vote for one because their are more then a half dozen I would like to see and they are as follows.

The Great Pendragon Campaign, Second Edition
The Book of Important Personages
The Book of Magic
The Book of the Manor, Second Edition
The Book of Castles
The Book of Britons (updated Knights & Ladies focused on Britain only)
The Book of Churches
The Book of the Grandfather (more detail for the pre-Uther period)
The Book of Faerie
The Book of Commonplace Things: Uther Edition (describes daily-life things like travel, law, feasts, religion, food, clothing, etc.)
The Book of Commonplace Things: Arthur Edition
The Book of the Family

Any and all of the above I listed I would like to see.

04-06-2013, 03:29 PM
Please vote for one, captainhedges! We'll be able to figure out priorities across the community that way. Thanks!


04-06-2013, 03:46 PM
not a problem the hard part is which one lol! ok I know sense i complained the most about it the book of magic! their I voted!

Would also like to see a book of tournaments some where i know was a book published not sure in which publication of KAP where it had the years of tournaments and each tournament year starting with 515 the coming of the grey knight and ending with the great Easter tourney in which Mordred first hatched is plot to take over Arthur's throne and after that led to the holy grail quest. Would like to see a book of tournaments some day if possible.

04-06-2013, 03:55 PM
Thanks! Added to the list.


04-06-2013, 04:18 PM
Cool! Thanks!

04-06-2013, 05:56 PM
Book of family and Book of Salisbury for me.
Both are about common knowledges for Player Characters, but very few informations exist for the moment, so it's need many work to develop it.
Any help will be useful ! :)

04-06-2013, 06:37 PM
Awful difficult vote. I must agree with Captainhedges. there are too many I would like to see.
Of course I would like to see some of the supplements that are already in the works. Like Book of the Warlords.

04-06-2013, 07:31 PM
Yep, WARLORDS is a given; it's next in the production queue as soon as we deliver ESTATE. That book is a little behind where I'd hoped it will be at this time, but still progressing, never fear!


04-06-2013, 08:06 PM
My top preference would be a reprint of the 4E core. As was, except filling in the missing entries in the sample/default characters. My 4E rulebook is close to death from use.

Following that:

Book of Magic (duh) which is what I voted for.
Book of Faerie would be next.
Book of Beasts

I'm unlikely to make the switch to 5E again (don't like the CGen, and my wife detested the 5e changes), so I'm looking at what I can steal back from 5e into 4e...

04-07-2013, 01:29 AM
Grail Quest

04-07-2013, 03:34 AM
In order of what I'd like to see to what I'd really like to see:

5. Book of Faerie
4. Book of Magic
3. Book of Family
2. Book of Commonplace Things, Arthur edition
1. Book of Tourney

Book of Grandfather would be cool to help detail PC background, but my runs never start before the Boy King period so I really wouldn't have a use for it. What I need help with the most, as a GM, is historical accuracy and that's why I'd really like to see a Book of Commonplace Things, or even Book of Castles and maybe Churches. My imagination and willingness to fiddle with rules and mechanics turns me off from Bestiary or new editions, and even to Book of Faerie to a degree (but I'd love to see a pseudo-historical take on all things fey).

I voted for Book of Tourney because I'd hope it provides something for everyone. It'll add more detail to the setting, seeing as tournaments are something that take place during every era of Arthur's reign, including a period called the Tournament period. Hopefully it'd describe the scenery of a tournament area and provide more historical accuracy for me, providing material for the GM, and expanded tourney rules so the PCs can engage as well

EDIT: Book of Grail Quest would be great, too, and probably replace Book of Faerie for my #5 spot

04-07-2013, 04:44 AM
My tuppence:

Book of Magic
Book of Faerie
Book of Common Things: Uther
Book of Common Things: Arthur
Book of Common Things: Hengist
Book of Common Things: Cerdic
Book of Common Things: Niall

But honestly... for me most that do not have to do with running an estate/county/kingdom, or large battles beyond whats out now.

Would also like to see revised Beyond the Wall, Pagan Shore, Land of Giants, and Saxons.

OH! And the Samurai game/supplement that Greg has mentioned before!



04-07-2013, 04:13 PM
I may have gotten two books confused. Book of Grandfathers is described on the original announcement as "[...] how the Salisbury ancestors' actions and choices help explain the background and define the family.
The Book of GRANDFATHERS does the same thing FOR ALL OF BRITAIN."

Is this now called the Book of the Family? If so, that's the one I want! I'm looking for the ability to do ancestor glory for multiple regions and an extended timeline, so that when I add PCs in mid-GPC, I can easily generate their backstory the way I did with the beginning PCs.

Similarly, I'd love that backstory to include (optional) events which might pull the family into other locations, such as Salisbury.

04-07-2013, 06:56 PM
Book of Salisbury and Book of the Family. Actually, if I could change my vote I'd go with Family - the dynastic aspects are what really sets Pendragon apart from all other systems I've played.
At this point I'd be mortified if a new edition of GPC came out. I'd be debating with myself every night whether or not disband the current campaign (which we've been at for a year) and start again.

04-07-2013, 07:57 PM
I may have gotten two books confused. Book of Grandfathers is described on the original announcement as "[...] how the Salisbury ancestors' actions and choices help explain the background and define the family.
The Book of GRANDFATHERS does the same thing FOR ALL OF BRITAIN."

Do you find the way i've characterized it in the poll inconsistent with that description? If so, I didn't intend it to be.

Is this now called the Book of the Family? If so, that's the one I want! I'm looking for the ability to do ancestor glory for multiple regions and an extended timeline, so that when I add PCs in mid-GPC, I can easily generate their backstory the way I did with the beginning PCs.

No. They're two different things. Book of the Family is more about family dynamics, inheritance issues, etc.

Similarly, I'd love that backstory to include (optional) events which might pull the family into other locations, such as Salisbury.

Thanks for the feedback!


04-07-2013, 08:02 PM
Oops, I forgot to include the book of Uther and Arthur in the list. I've edited the poll to allow you to change your vote, if you wish!


04-07-2013, 09:07 PM
At this point I'd be mortified if a new edition of GPC came out. I'd be debating with myself every night whether or not disband the current campaign (which we've been at for a year) and start again.

Nah just do what I do buy the new system and take a look see if your characters can be transferd over and continue the current campagin in the new sysetm if not continue with the old system like i did.

04-08-2013, 03:39 PM
Oops, I forgot to include the book of Uther and Arthur in the list. I've edited the poll to allow you to change your vote, if you wish!


Definitely these 2 books. I initially voted for the Book of Grandfathers, but that was only because I didn't see the previously mentioned Book of Uther and Book of Arthur on the list. I've changed my vote over to the Book of Uther, since from posts that Greg has made here it sounds like some work has already been done on it. But the details of Logres during their reigns, and how the courts work are definitely at the top of my Want Now list. Details to fully flesh out the king and his court would be immensely welcome to provide another way for players to participate in the setting.

04-08-2013, 03:42 PM
I wont change my vote but I want all of them lol!

04-08-2013, 06:41 PM
Yeah, the reason I didn't include the Book of Uther initially is because it's basically a known quantity; something we know is going to happen — possibly after Estate (next, almost done) and Warlords (next after Estate). No promises either way. Just letting you guys know there is a pipeline of products and we're definitely making progress on them. Some of the titles are already in progress. Two or three are basically finished — just waiting for production. The rest are in various stages of completion or just ideas we've bandied about.


Sir Darryn
04-10-2013, 08:52 AM
We need a Book of Faerie and some strange faerie adventures :-]

04-10-2013, 05:57 PM
I don't even understand how there's a debate. Every knight has a Family; very few knights have Faeries.

04-10-2013, 06:08 PM
It would be interesting to do a "would you buy" poll with a definitely / maybe / unlikely split for each of the books. There are quite a few of these that I would buy immediately, a few I would have to debate, and a couple that I would probably break down and buy eventually, but are not on my "wish list".

Maybe 3 versions of this poll, with multiple response turned on -- one for "definitely", on for "maybe", etc.?

This poll is good for prioritization, but probably not for overall demand.

Hope you don't mind the suggestion!

lusus naturae
04-11-2013, 11:05 AM
I voted for a second edition of the Great Pendragon Campaign.

Not for me, although I would buy it, I'm thinking more for new GMs. It's a hard to find book now in hard copy and I think it should be out there. Hopefully a second edition will tidy it up a little as well, adding the errata to it.

04-11-2013, 10:44 PM
Hope you don't mind the suggestion!

Not at all! All suggestions are welcome. It's why we created this forum! That said, I was just sort of looking for a "pulse" poll of the fans. If I get enough people to respond it might guide our priorities. Then again, it might not. No promises here, just curiosity. But if it comes time to work on Book A or Book B and Book B has three times as much demand, we'll almost certainly tackle Book B first. At least that's the idea. The more scientific poll may be beyond the capability of this forum software to pull off. But maybe we'll entertain a 3rd-party poll in the future, who knows?



04-13-2013, 05:35 AM
I voted for a second edition of the Great Pendragon Campaign.

Not for me, although I would buy it, I'm thinking more for new GMs. It's a hard to find book now in hard copy and I think it should be out there. Hopefully a second edition will tidy it up a little as well, adding the errata to it.

Does a need for a new printing really warrant a new edition? I think the GPC is as near to perfect as any campaign can be. I can't think of what should be changed.

04-13-2013, 10:42 AM
Really hard to pick just one, and especially as it is a bit hard to quantify what each book would contain.

In the end, I voted for the Book of the Family, as inheritance issues crop up regularly and the NPC family members can be a pain to manage (NPC glut), which means that they tend to drop out of sight. I am assuming the Book of Family would have some system for NPC Family member management? The Book of the Tourney might be nice as well, in particular with some better systems for running the melee and joust. The Book of Grandfathers sounds interesting, too, expanding the game to an earlier era, although less of an interest to an ongoing campaign.

The Book of Salisbury and the Books of Uther & Arthur sound interesting, but are of a lower strata. I am sure I could mine the Book of Salisbury for interesting NPCs, even though the political situation in Salisbury is much different from the norm. Courts would be interesting, but probably not so interesting that I would need to have them: we play relatively low powered game and Arthur is accessible enough for RTKs without extra rigmarole of a courtly maneuvering. Whereas if you are not a RTK, you'd better have a good reason why you need the high King's time.

I am less keen on the Book of Magic and the Book of Faerie, since I like to keep those two very firmly on 'plot magic' territory, and my version of Faerie likely would not be identical to Greg's vision.

04-13-2013, 04:25 PM
Really hard to pick just one, and especially as it is a bit hard to quantify what each book would contain.

This is very true. The quality of Pendragon supplements has always been exemplary. But...

In the end, I voted for the Book of the Family, as inheritance issues crop up regularly and the NPC family members can be a pain to manage (NPC glut), which means that they tend to drop out of sight. I am assuming the Book of Family would have some system for NPC Family member management? The Book of the Tourney might be nice as well, in particular with some better systems for running the melee and joust. ...

If a new version of the game is being contemplated, then I think that issues of inheritance and family, revised estate management rules (though not with the depth of the supplements), and revised mass combat rules should go in there. These are somewhat core to the game, and while added depth via supplements is good, it seems like Management is becoming the game. Think SimCity.

The Book of Grandfathers sounds interesting, too, expanding the game to an earlier era, although less of an interest to an ongoing campaign.

I prefer things that expand the scope of the world. Using the core rules, a book (or books) like this that would expand the generational campaign mechanism and the "world" you play in really interests me... and if the past is something to go on, others too. Pagan Shore, Beyond the Wall, Land of Giants, Saxons; all excellent and well loved supplements that expanded the world AND in most cases gave more detailed information on cultures already introduced in the core book.

I am less keen on the Book of Magic and the Book of Faerie, since I like to keep those two very firmly on 'plot magic' territory, and my version of Faerie likely would not be identical to Greg's vision.

I am very keen on these. Magic, as a supplement, would give more guidance to GMs on how to implement this in their campaigns; not everyone can envision and implement plot magic ala the Arthurian Cycle or even Middle Earth in their campaigns. It could also clean up and revise the magic system from 4e so that those who wish to allow magic using PCs have a viable option.

The Book of Faerie, imho, should be on a short track at least, if not one of the next supplements. While we are seeing something of a revival of Fae as opposed to Tolkienesque other-humans in gaming, most of what I've seen has been somewhat shallow.

Depending on how they were written, perhaps these two books could be combined. They are very closely linked in the "plot magic" sense. The Book of Faerie and Magic perhaps?


04-13-2013, 09:54 PM
I would like to see the following books:
Book of Cornwall, because that is the only part of the British Isles (apart from Logres itself) that does not have it's own book, and I want to read about Mark, and Tristan and Isolde.
More books about Logres, apart from the one about Salisbury.

04-13-2013, 11:30 PM
I would like to see the following books:
Book of Cornwall, because that is the only part of the British Isles (apart from Logres itself) that does not have it's own book, and I want to read about Mark, and Tristan and Isolde.
More books about Logres, apart from the one about Salisbury.

Great idea, Clydwich! Thanks for chiming in!


04-14-2013, 02:59 AM
Are there (even brief) definitions of the topics and format for these books anywhere? I voted for the book of the Grandfather thinking it was a work that predates the GPC and provides a campaign for the era of Vortigern (or there abouts), but now

I'm not certain of if that's it at all. I'm concerned we may be discussing books without really having a similar idea of what those books are all about.

04-15-2013, 07:50 AM
I would like to see the following books:
Book of Cornwall, because that is the only part of the British Isles (apart from Logres itself) that does not have it's own book, and I want to read about Mark, and Tristan and Isolde.
More books about Logres, apart from the one about Salisbury.

Great idea, Clydwich! Thanks for chiming in!


I'd like to second this, noting the fact that Cornwall is the only area in the GPC that doesn't have a dedicated map! Ireland, Brittany, and Europe get one, too, yet not Cornwall! That place is important right from the Uther period, with Tintagel and Gorlois, up to the Romance period with Tristram, down to King Mark's war in the Grail Quest period. You'd think it would have gotten some attention :-\

04-15-2013, 11:40 AM
Are there (even brief) definitions of the topics and format for these books anywhere? I voted for the book of the Grandfather thinking it was a work that predates the GPC and provides a campaign for the era of Vortigern (or there abouts), but now

I'm not certain of if that's it at all. I'm concerned we may be discussing books without really having a similar idea of what those books are all about.

Good point, Rob. My understanding is the Book of the Grandfather is intended to expand on the PK background material as presented in KAP 5. But I can say that the concept and content of these books can and do evolve as they're worked on. So it might well end up with a more detailed timeline and NPC profiles that could be used to form the basis of a pre-Utherian campaign. So I'd like to turn the question around to the community: what would you expect to see in a title called "Book of the Grandfather?" After all, we want to make books that you'll want to buy, so we'd love to have a conversation on this and any other proposed title!

Meanwhile, I'll expand the list to include the Book of Cornwall and some others that I'd heard rumored in the pipeline. Feel free to change your vote!

Remember this is not an official product pipeline! Some of these are known works in progress and some are wholly speculative. I'm merely consolidating different titles that have cropped up in various threads in these here forums over the years so that we can discuss them all in one place and learn something about what your needs and wants.

I think it's safe to say that, after Book of the Estate (so close now!) the titles you're next likely to see are the Book of the Warlord (describing the upper nobility of the Uther period) and the Book of Uther (describing the court and landholdings of King Uther). The Book of Britons and the Book of Magic are also high in the queue. After that, who knows? Lots of cool things in progress!


04-15-2013, 05:22 PM
I changed my vote over to the Book of Barons. I'd really like to see the full progression of economic systems from Manor to Estate to Warlord to Baron. In the early periods of the game, my players loved the winter phase and fiddling with their manors. As they acquired more land and resources, they were left with very little else to buy or do (especially since we limit development to a primary manor). Having this full series of books would be great for keeping players interested and engaged with their landholding. As a quick question about the Book of Warlords, how late in the game will it still be useful? The early days or Arthur's reign resemble Uther's (at least in the economics and constant wars against Saxon kingdoms), and a book that only focused on the economics of the upper nobility during Uther's reign would be fairly limited since he is offed so early in the campaign. Will Warlords still be useful through the Boy King Period? Conquest?

As far as the Book of Grandfathers, my dream for this book would essentially be the Great Pre-Pendragon Campaign. Start in 410 and go up to the start of the GPC.

I'd also love to see the Book of Arthur to flesh out his court and the Kingdom of Logres during his reign.

04-15-2013, 08:29 PM
Good point, Rob. My understanding is the Book of the Grandfather is intended to expand on the PK background material as presented in KAP 5. But I can say that the concept and content of these books can and do evolve as they're worked on.

So is Book of the Grandfather a list of tables to determine the grandfather's actions like the ones found in Pendragon 5 for the grandfather's background?

Sir Pramalot
04-17-2013, 10:03 PM
Easy. Book of Battle 2 - in hardback :)

04-18-2013, 12:44 AM
That's still in the works, Sir Pramalot. ESTATE is taking longer than I imagined it would, but BATTLE 2 in hardback is still the next item on my to do list! I can't wait to see it myself!


05-13-2013, 11:46 AM
Torn on this one! Too many good things!

I ended up voting for Book of Tourney. There's lots of good background information in these books, but to be honest I guess what I'm looking for are things that will get played and used at the table most. A book outlining what goes on at tournaments in the different periods in greater detail, the customs and rules for competing (in game and real terms) and maybe a few scenarios thrown in too to illustrate these would most certainly get used by me.

I was also close to voting for Book of Faerie - I love this magical side of Pendragon, although am not that worried about a book of magic rules as I enjoy it being non-prescriptive and in the GMs hands to do whatever works best with the story and mood.

The other contender was the Book of Salisbury - for the starting point of the default setting, we don't have an excessive amount of background on it.

But to be honest, I'll get and enjoy most options!

05-13-2013, 03:05 PM
Ok, so I think im in the same boat as a lot of people here where quite a few of the books mentioned are highly desireable.

The Book of Salisbury
The Book of the Manor, Second Edition
The Book of Castles
The Book of Faerie
The Book of the Family
The Book of the Tourney
The Book of War and Diplomacy (Mini-game for dealing with your neighbors)
The Book of New Settlements (rules for organically expanding your landholding)
The Book of the Baron (Upper nobility in the reign of Arthur)

All of the above would add plenty of flavour to my GPC game and to be honest the only 2 on the list that I would not want are a 6th Edition and the Book of Magic (We got rid of it in 5th, why bring it back?)

Eventually I went with the Book of the Tourney as this is an area that I feel could be much expanded upon from the materials that are already out there. Most others we have at least something we can use but organised combat is rarely mentioned.

Of course the easy answer to all this is just clone Greg and have him work on multiple books ;D

05-14-2013, 12:03 PM
I would not want [is] the Book of Magic (We got rid of it in 5th, why bring it back?)

That's a great question. The answer is, I think, that Greg merely wanted to refocus the game on Knights in the 5th edition. But that's not the same as saying he eschews magic in the game altogether. Obviously there are sorcerers and fae creatures and all sorts of magical things taking place in the Age of Arthur, and some folks would very much like to have some rules for governing such things. But the focus of the game, especially regarding player characters, would continue to be on knights.

Hope that helps.


05-15-2013, 03:15 AM
I would not want [is] the Book of Magic (We got rid of it in 5th, why bring it back?)

That's a great question. The answer is, I think, that Greg merely wanted to refocus the game on Knights in the 5th edition. But that's not the same as saying he eschews magic in the game altogether. Obviously there are sorcerers and fae creatures and all sorts of magical things taking place in the Age of Arthur, and some folks would very much like to have some rules for governing such things. But the focus of the game, especially regarding player characters, would continue to be on knights.

Hope that helps.


I really hope magic stays out of the game, once you put it in the game stops being about people and turns into a live action role play of comic books.

05-15-2013, 11:50 AM
I really hope magic stays out of the game, once you put it in the game stops being about people and turns into a live action role play of comic books.

In my experience the Gamemaster sets the tone for all such things. The Gamemaster decides how magic-rich the world will be, or even if he'll buy or allow THE BOOK OF MAGIC in his campaign. Of course, a BOOK OF MAGIC will establish the right tone from the jump in how it talks about magic, and how the system is designed. There's tons of magic in the Arthurian tradition and yet the focus of the stories is all about people's passions and frailties. Why not give Gamemasters and players who want it a framework, so they're not left floundering? No way my game will ever turn into a live action role-play...



05-15-2013, 12:14 PM
True enough Taliesin, but which is better Chretien de Troyes with essentially no magic or Malory with tons of dungeon and dragons style magic? Thomas Malory's work would of been stronger with a lot less magic or even no magic.

05-15-2013, 12:23 PM
Can I gently suggest that folks spin this discussion on magic in Pendragon off into a different thread if they want to take it further so it doesn't distract from the main topic? Thanks! :)

05-21-2013, 12:56 PM
I would not want [is] the Book of Magic (We got rid of it in 5th, why bring it back?)

That's a great question. The answer is, I think, that Greg merely wanted to refocus the game on Knights in the 5th edition. But that's not the same as saying he eschews magic in the game altogether. Obviously there are sorcerers and fae creatures and all sorts of magical things taking place in the Age of Arthur, and some folks would very much like to have some rules for governing such things. But the focus of the game, especially regarding player characters, would continue to be on knights.

Hope that helps.


Sorry, my comment was a bit more inflamatory than intended :D
I have 4th edition and loved it, 5th edition has been more about mysterious magic for my GPC game so getting a ruleset would detract from that. Hence my own personal preference not to see anything anytime soon.
Thats not to say never release a magic book, but its lower on the priorities list for me.

05-29-2013, 05:57 PM
Has there been a mention of a who's who type book? like who is the earl of Marlboro during such and such phase, here are the issues he cares about and one or to hooks/ideas for adventure there. not a massive thing just a jumping off point.

05-29-2013, 06:48 PM
That's sort of what I was thinking of with the "Important Personages" book.



07-22-2013, 09:59 AM
The book of Salisbury would be very interesting to read and base/expand campaigns on. Especially if it had more info about neighbors, thinking about that old bastard Levcomagus in particular, what a glorious villain to craft adventures with! :)

Emp Bub 01
07-30-2013, 05:17 AM
I would like to see the Book of Faery. It is not for the PCs, but for the GM to weave together a more complete Arthurian Tapestry. Consider Sir Lancelot's rivarly with Morgan Le Fay, and his encounter at the Chapel Perilous. How great were these "fantastic" stories? Two of the best supplements to date have been "Beyond the Wall" and "The Grey Knight".

The PCs might gleam from it detailed pagan history for their Cyrmic/ Gaelish knights, and about the lore of the lands they grew up in, the beliefs of their fathers; the people they are likely to encounter (bards, druids, and Ladies of the Lake), and the 'holy' sites where the Faery enchantment lay thick (the Perilous Forrest comes to mind, but so does the White Horse of Salisbury).

GMs will see the mechanics of The Other Side, how it overlays and underpins the world; reveal the creatures of fay (the queen and king of elfland, for instance, the famous Fairy Knights, the various mounts and monsters found there); and expand his "World" with settings in Other Side (whether it be entered by death, dream, enchantment or through a 'leyline vortex').

Emp Bub 01
07-30-2013, 05:45 AM
I would also like to see a Book of Yeomanry. Sir Gawaine, in Le Morte D'Arthur, introduces himself in one adventure as a yeoman "made of arthur" and is then addressed as a knave. I appreciate that this RPG is mainly for knights, and that they will likely tend to rise in rank over time. However, they have family and servants and tenants on their estates which may be called yeoman. I would like to have the difference of the "gentleman-at-arms" (which seems to me the non-knighted family which might be mounted sargentry), the "freeholding tenant owing only military service" (true yeoman in the economic sense) and the "knave" (???) explained, as well as the offices open to these individuals (forrester, bailif, reeve, etc). A knight might wish to generate one of these officers for his manor and call him to service, with a "simple character sheet" like a Squire. They would be "officers" of the peasant levy, and well-armed semi-professional soldiers and well-educated clerks otherwise. If they are kin, they might inherit the fief! Or be left to garrison or manage a portion of it; or be elevated to the office of knighthood with the winning of Glory, or organize a rebellion against a hated lord, etc.

09-23-2013, 03:23 PM
Like others mentioned, I'd REALLY like to see a Book of the Grail Quest. Maybe you could add that to the list?

09-24-2013, 01:42 AM
For whatever it's worth, I'd like to see the Book of Faerie/Book of Magic (I wonder if they couldn't be done as one book?). Not necessarily rules for PC magicians (though I wouldn't mind seeing some simple rules for good luck charms, divination, cures and other "historical" magics of an Arthurian flavor) but information for the Gamemaster to further incorporate the Enchantment of Britain into the game.

09-24-2013, 10:38 AM
For whatever it's worth, I'd like to see the Book of Faerie/Book of Magic (I wonder if they couldn't be done as one book?). Not necessarily rules for PC magicians (though I wouldn't mind seeing some simple rules for good luck charms, divination, cures and other "historical" magics of an Arthurian flavor) but information for the Gamemaster to further incorporate the Enchantment of Britain into the game.

That's already in the list, albeit as two separate books. Looks like others really want want those too.

11-20-2015, 03:06 PM
The Book of Faerie and the Book of Magic myself, as those two publications would most apply to one of my character concepts.

11-22-2015, 08:52 AM
Excuse me, I'd really like to see " the Book of Londinium " or " The Book of Venta ".

11-22-2015, 06:52 PM
Excuse me, I'd really like to see " the Book of Londinium " or " The Book of Venta ".

Out of personal curiosity, vortiporio, what would you want to see in such a supplement that is not already covered in GPC p. 13-16? It is not as if those cities are huge metropoleis like Rome and Constantinople in their heyday. More details in the city governance? How they organize their defence? How much money do they produce for the King's coffer from crafts and commerce?

11-23-2015, 11:28 AM
Perdon for my bad english.
I think the book on the cities can add a lot to the depth of the game .
In a book I'd like to have information on population ( curiales , clergy , merchants , craftsmen and lower classes ),
Church ( bishop and monasteries and their budget ),
economy ( information on production, trade , taxes and the city budget ),
military ( city walls , militia and guards ),
and the city ( maps of the city and interiors of the main buildings )

Luca Cherstich
11-23-2015, 10:43 PM
Please give the the Book of Castles !!
Playing Knights without more Castles & Sieges details is just WRONG!!