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View Full Version : "Child is ill, but lives" game effect?

05-17-2013, 02:36 PM
This result comes from the Child Survival Table in the Winter Phase. I read that section twice over and I cannot see any game effect from this result. Is there one? Or is that purely a narrative device?

05-17-2013, 03:08 PM
I think it is purely a narrative device. Of course, if you really wished to attach some significance to it, you could keep track of the illnesses and then maybe give some kind of attribute bonus if the child has been remarkably healthy during his/her childhood. Such as, if he was sick only 5 or less times, +1 to CON, while if he was sick 10 or more times, -1 CON. Or something similar.

05-18-2013, 05:28 PM
Here's what I do:

Unhealthy children that reach maturity get only 50 pts to spend on stats, instead of the usual 60. Each year, a Healer can attempt a Healing roll on the child. With a Crit Success, the child recovers two of these lost points. With a Success the child gets back one. Failure means the child gains nothing that year. A Fumble indicated the child loses a point!. If you spend £.5 a year to procure and transport some special healing waters from a holy site, the Healer gets +5 on the roll. Of course, other quests for special healing opportunities are possible, as well.


05-18-2013, 09:38 PM
Taliesin, the question was not about 'Unhealthy Child', but a healthy Child who gets a 'child is ill, but survives' on the yearly child survival roll. I guess one could say that a healthy child starts with 65 attribute points and then gets -1 per each ill result, which should more or less end up around 60 points for the survivors on average, with exceptionally healthy children closer to 65 and really unlucky ones below 55. This might be a bit too big a variation for most games, though (10 attribute points -> a difference of 10 000 Glory or 10 yearly trainings).

05-25-2013, 04:57 PM
Taliesin, the question was not about 'Unhealthy Child', but a healthy Child who gets a 'child is ill, but survives' on the yearly child survival roll.

There's a distinction? I must be missing something. Sorry if I added to the confusion.


05-25-2013, 11:19 PM
There is a distinction.

Childbirth (in Greg's website's new childbirth tables): Unhealthy Child (-1 Survival, 50 Statistics points if survives)

Child Survival: 3-10 Child is ill, but lives. (no effect mentioned)

Now, if 'Child is ill but lives' means that the formerly healthy child would become Unhealthy, then there is VERY little chance of a normal child being healthy until his/her adulthood. This cannot be right, as the Unhealthy is the rare aberration and Healthy is the default of character generation.

05-27-2013, 12:43 AM
Ah, I'm sure I conflated the two in my mind. Yes, I was definitely talking about Unhealthy Child.



lusus naturae
05-27-2013, 02:54 PM
I have the players make a little tally next to each child that gets ill but lives. If the child has been ill three times then that child is unhealthy and only gets the 50pts at character creation.

I like the mention of healing though. That may encourage the players to make sure they employ a healer at their manor.

05-27-2013, 07:05 PM
I came up with this after reading.

Child survival roll is required for first 7 years of life..
Child is Healthy, gets +1, each time the child is ill -1. Keep a Tally if the childs number is negative it is a
Unhealthy Child and -1 survival to future survival rolls.

If the child ends up with a negative number by 7 it is unhealthy at maturity. It will lose Con=to the unhealthy number or be born with reduced stats.

Taliesen's House rule
Unhealthy children that reach maturity get only 50 pts to spend on stats, instead of the usual 60. Each year, a Healer can attempt a Healing roll on the child. With a Crit Success, the child recovers two of these lost points. With a Success the child gets back one. Failure means the child gains nothing that year. A Fumble indicated the child loses a point!. If you spend £.5 a year to procure and transport some special healing waters from a local holy site, the Healer gets +5 on the roll. (see below).

If the child ends up with a positive number, it is Healthy and may award the number as a bonus to starting con or instead take 5 extra attribute points in creation