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View Full Version : Family Survival Rolls: Modifiers seem reversed?

06-18-2013, 03:30 AM
Looking over the sample of the book and glancing through the modifiers to be applied to the rolls, it seems that the modifiers are with a wrong sign. For example, the standard of living modifier for Poor is +2. But the higher you roll, the less likely you are to die. Hence, the modifier, in my mind, should be -2. Same goes for all the other modifiers as well.

Also, Table 2.1 labels are somewhat confusing. I'd change 'Roll again' result as 'Make 2nd roll' and 'Safe' explanation as 'Safe: The family member survives this year.' I'd also drop the confusing comment: 'Children and Old People need to roll once only.' It is already clear from the table that they don't ever go to the 2nd roll, and given that the previous sentence was about 1d20 per each year, it reads almost as if the Children and the Old people only roll once for their age category, rather than each year.

06-18-2013, 07:14 AM
Also if you interpret whats written strictly you roll twice, on each table unless they are child or old. If roll again comes up id assume you roll on 2nd table twice, for 3 rolls total. Of course this couldnt be whats intended but if you read it, its not clear. I dotn know if this means roll twice on 1st table or once on both tables. But i think it intends for you to actually roll only once unless you get the reroll on other table result.

06-22-2013, 07:07 PM
This is good feedback, fellas, thanks. I can report that the modifiers have been reversed for v.1.1, but I did not see these comments until after I'd sent the file, but we'll revisit the language on v1.2.


07-03-2013, 03:10 AM
Okay, I think I've got this sorted now. Thanks again for your feedback. The corrections will appear in the both POD versions (coming soon) and will also be updated in the downloadable PDF at the same time.

