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View Full Version : Have You Revised an Old Supplement?

Greg Stafford
08-17-2013, 02:26 AM
I see in the comments that some people have performed revisions to some of the old supplements to bring them up to 5.1 speed.
If you have done this
and you have your revision notes
and they are legible and in good order
I would like to request them!
If they are sufficient to update the old books then we would like to do that!
You will get contribution credit too
and of course, a free pdf of the new item.

Please consider it!
It's a great way
and an easy way
to get your name and work into the KAP canon!!

09-30-2013, 04:19 PM
Sorry for the bump, but just one question: is the plan to just make some minor stats updates to the old supplements and put them back in print (PoD) or are any major changes planned (added background, adventures, etc?

I ask this because there's some stuff I'd like to have in dead-tree format that is missing from my shelves, like Beyond the Wall (I only have the pdf) and Saxons! (again, I only have the pdf). If substantial modifications are planned I'd avoid buying them used and I'd wait for a new edition.


Greg Stafford
10-02-2013, 11:26 AM
Actually, no one has volunteered
Since I will almost always work on new product instead of revisions, I suggest you get the ground wood versions

Sorry for the bump, but just one question: is the plan to just make some minor stats updates to the old supplements and put them back in print (PoD) or are any major changes planned (added background, adventures, etc?

I ask this because there's some stuff I'd like to have in dead-tree format that is missing from my shelves, like Beyond the Wall (I only have the pdf) and Saxons! (again, I only have the pdf). If substantial modifications are planned I'd avoid buying them used and I'd wait for a new edition.


10-02-2013, 12:21 PM
Actually, no one has volunteered
Since I will almost always work on new product instead of revisions, I suggest you get the ground wood versions

Thanks. A used copy of Saxons! will be on its way to a new home soon, then. :)