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View Full Version : Leave of Absence

Greg Stafford
08-28-2013, 10:19 PM
Friends, Fans and Lurkers;
I just want to advance a short note to mention my upcoming absence.
I just want everyone to know why I will be gone
I am going to undertake a bit of medical procedure that will require some healing time
My Healing Rate is usually pretty good, but I do not know how long I will be absent
I am just glad it is surgery instead of chirurgery! :)

Please, however, keep up the questions and comments, and please everyone who has some input, dive in to keep things rolling until I return in a few (or perhaps several) weeks

And please don't be alarmed for me
I am looking forward to this 'cuz I need it, and I am going to be much healthier and happier afterwards

Thanks to all for your support

08-29-2013, 12:48 PM
We'll keep the fires burning till your return, which we eagerly await! Get better soon.


Greg Stafford
09-28-2013, 01:00 AM
OK everyone
I am pretty much back on board again
For the first time in my life my heart is beating regularly
So get those questions and comments going!