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View Full Version : The BOOK OF RECORDS, VOL 1: KNIGHTS now available!

12-25-2013, 01:19 PM
Merry Christmas to KING ARTHUR PENDRAGON players everywhere! The Nocturnal elves really burned the midnight oil this week to finish the newest official KAP supplement: the BOOK OF RECORDS, VOL 1: KNIGHTS. The game's first official digital character sheet is like the classic sheet on steroids and we hope you'll like it as much as we do! Learn more about it and treat yourself to this virtual stocking stuffer here (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/124293/Book-of-Records-Vol-I-Knights). Then come back here and tell us what you think.



Sir Curwain
12-25-2013, 03:06 PM
First I was not sure if a bunch of character sheets is worth the 4.99$.
But after I took the risk of buying them, I was surprised about the great amount of detail and the overall good quality of the sheets.

This supplement is really beautiful, worth it's money and I'm looking forward to Volume 2, 3 ...

So, Merry Christmas to you, Taliesin and thank you very much. Great job!

12-25-2013, 10:55 PM
Thanks, Curwain! This is sort of an experiment for us and we really pulled out all the stops, trying to include every bit of auto-calculating, auto-populating, auto-timesaving goodness we could think of. We really pushed the Acrobat platform to the limit and we're really pleased with the result. Glad you are, too!


12-28-2013, 02:03 PM
I moved the bug reports to the Errata forum. (http://nocturnal-media.com/forum/index.php?topic=2127.0) Please enter all such reports there, so we can keep them (and their responses) well organized.



Sir Alexios
12-30-2013, 11:01 AM
I would say you might want to add the continental character data. Most of the games I run consistently use continental characters mainly cause my gamers like them so much more then the standard islanders choices. I know that several other of the GMs were I live also consistently use continental characters.

12-30-2013, 05:45 PM
Thanks, Sir Alexios. Well, we had to start somewhere. Just getting this done was a ton of effort and we weren't sure how the product would be received, or how brisk sales would be. If there's enough demand for continental characters we'll offer them in a future update or optional upgrade. In the meantime, you can pretty much overwrite the value of any field to create any sort of character. So this sheet doesn't preclude you from making such knights, it just doesn't offer all of the auto-complete goodness that you get with "standard" knights. If you find a hitch when trying to "roll your own" please let us know. We could probably address that a lot easier than adding all the continental types.



Sir Alexios
01-01-2014, 10:20 AM
The one thing that I found was I was not able to mark was the Personality traits to show which traits were the religious traits for the religious bonus.

01-01-2014, 11:42 PM
Sir Alexios, that should be happening automagically for you. "Daggers" should be appearing after each of the appropriate traits for your religion, based on your choice in the Culture drop-down. Are you not seeing that?



Sir Alexios
01-03-2014, 11:29 AM
No I am seeing that what I meant was to be able to manipulate that for all the personality traits for some religions which you do not have set up. They use traits which don't have the box to mark it as the religious trait, or religions which have been modified due to personal research on that culture.

01-06-2014, 12:05 PM
Well, I could make the dagger field editable, but then I wouldn't be able to auto calculate the Chivalry bonus for everyone else. Hard to make these things be automated and completely user editable, unfortunately. I will continue to think on it though, thanks. But basically, the sheet is designed to support the standard character types in the official rules, a this point.



01-07-2014, 09:45 PM
Hi All

I have been playing with the Book of records for a few days now and I'm loving it! It makes it so much easier to sort out new characters or just to keep track of the old ones. I'm looking forward to the other volumes. (Thanks for the prompt update to 1.1, by the way)

One thing that didn't occur to me until cross referencing the sheets of the characters I am inputting - When did the chivalric bonus requirement change from 80+ to 96+? I've looked through the recent publications/errata/forum posts, but can't seem to find mention of it...

01-08-2014, 04:13 PM
Hi All

I have been playing with the Book of records for a few days now and I'm loving it! It makes it so much easier to sort out new characters or just to keep track of the old ones. I'm looking forward to the other volumes. (Thanks for the prompt update to 1.1, by the way)

You're welcome, TaP — and thanks!

One thing that didn't occur to me until cross referencing the sheets of the characters I am inputting - When did the chivalric bonus requirement change from 80+ to 96+? I've looked through the recent publications/errata/forum posts, but can't seem to find mention of it...

Greg announced it right here on these very forums. It's official errata. Find the announcement, and some discussion about it, here:


I shoulda mentioned that in the Designer's Notes. I'll try to remedy that on the next update. Thanks for catching it!




01-08-2014, 08:36 PM
Ah yes, so he did.

To paraphrase a certain webcomic - "I think I rolled a 20 on my awareness check..."

Thanks for the heads up!

Sir Alexios
09-23-2014, 12:41 AM
Just wondering would it be possible for the culture and religion to be separated from each other and an open field be left open in the religion field for people who have edited the religious traits from the nook standard or who have non standard knight character that are outside the cultural norms for their people. It does make things difficult when trying to keep track of player characters when I cant insert their information into the file.

09-23-2014, 04:40 PM
No, sorry. The sheet is designed to support the official version of KAP characters. We can't provide for every house rule possibility in the form-fillable version, unfortunately. Your best option if you print a blank sheet and fill 'em out by hand.

