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View Full Version : When is Arthur conceived?

06-09-2014, 12:08 PM
As our second campaign happened to reach 491 last weekend, I was of course reading ahead a bit to 492.

Mallory is explicit that Uther begat Arthur when he laid with Igraine, disguised by Merlin's spell in 491. The war against Gorlois is not explicitly stated, but the implication in GPC is that it is happening during Summer, during the normal campaigning season. Probably in early Summer rather than late given Uther's burning haste to deal with the Duke and not marching against the Saxons afterwards, as the implication is there would be good campaigning weather left had Uther not insisted on dallying with the wedding.

But in 492, Arthur is born in Summer, which is a bit too late, if he was conceived last year's (early) Summer.

I think that in our campaign, I will push the marriage of Margawse and Elaine to Autumn 491 rather than Spring 492, and then have Arthur being born in Spring of 492. That allows me to keep the timeline reasonable and tallies better with Mallory, too. Sure, it makes 491 a bit cramped, but worse things have happened.

Has anyone else noticed this 'discrepancy'?

06-09-2014, 01:02 PM
I personaly don't get too bothered by this kind of discrepancies. It's a bit like having all your kids being born in Winter during the Winter phase (if I remember correctly; haven't played in ages). But I can understand that it may bug some people.

06-09-2014, 04:16 PM
Well, I was thinking if it was a deliberate change by Greg to ensure that Arthur's parentage is unquestioned, when he would be clearly conceived only after the Wedding of Igraine and Uther, a couple of months after the death of Gorlois.

As it is in Mallory, Arthur is conceived like 3h after Gorlois' death, which means that some sticklers could start casting doubt on whether or not Arthur is Uther's or Gorlois'.

06-09-2014, 05:37 PM
I personally prefer the idea in Mallory. It's more "poetic", and it also jives well with the whole thing of Merlin aiding Uther in satisfying his lust for Igraine. Or maybe I'm just confusing Mallory with the Excalibur movie (too lazy to check the game books).

But it does open the door for questioning Arthur's parentage.

06-09-2014, 11:02 PM
Oh, I prefer it as well. And it is from Mallory, not just Excalibur. I checked before I posted. ;)

Greg Stafford
06-10-2014, 01:39 AM
Well, I was thinking if it was a deliberate change by Greg to ensure that Arthur's parentage is unquestioned,

No, not deliberate for that.
Few of the events are given a date within the year
Arthur's parentage is in question in GPC

06-10-2014, 11:35 AM
It should be "Malory", not "Mallory" - only one l.

06-10-2014, 12:58 PM
It should be "Malory", not "Mallory" - only one l.

This is a vesting problem for me because I routinely see it both ways, and I've never known if people with either spelling it "wrong" or if it should just be written off to medieval spellings, which are often phonetic and all over the place. How do we determine which is accurate? I guess his tomb is as good as any. Anyone know what's inscribed thereon?


06-10-2014, 02:35 PM
I think Malory is the more common, though. For some reason, my mind seems to conjure it up with two 'l's when I don't have the name before me. In any case, in true medieval fashion, the spelling be damned, the intent was communicated accurately and fie on him who thinks shame of it! :P

Greg Stafford
06-10-2014, 11:02 PM
One L for me

06-11-2014, 10:54 AM
Not being a native English speaker, I'll do whatever my spelling checker tells me to.

06-11-2014, 10:45 PM
Not being a native English speaker, I'll do whatever my spelling checker tells me to.
