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View Full Version : Salisbury Family History

06-17-2014, 03:01 AM
Hello! My group and I are loving this game, and we can't wait to get started. But I have a few questions about the Salisbury Family History rules.

1) The event "Night of Long Knives" in the year 463 has only one possible result: "“Night of Long Knives” treachery: Grandfather murdered. Your family gains Hate (Saxons) passion 3d6+6." Does this hatred apply to characters whose grandfather was not in attendence (already died in a previous year)? All good Britons hate the Saxons, of course, but it seems to render the future chances of gaining Hate (Saxons) at a paltry 1d6+6 rather irrelevant by comparison!

2) The event table for the years 452-454 only list events for dice rolls up to 10. We've been assuming that's a typo, but I didn't see anything on the errata page, so I figured I'd check.


06-17-2014, 03:22 AM
1) I would apply the 3d6+6 only for those families whose Grandfather was actually killed at the Night of the Long Knives.

2) This would be KAP 5.1? Unfortunately, can't help you there... my KAP 5.0 has 451-453 with nothing much happening at all but happily up to 20. Assuming that KAP 5.1 452-454 is similar uneventful period (just shifted by a year), I'd assume it is a typo and will make for a good errata entry. :)

06-17-2014, 04:36 AM
The pdf is indeed 5.1.

I've also noticed that the year 461 appears to be missing entirely.

06-17-2014, 09:27 AM
I've also noticed that the year 461 appears to be missing entirely.

That is missing in 5.0, too. I just used 460 entry again, if I recall correctly.