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View Full Version : Question about combat

07-08-2014, 07:48 AM
I was curious as to whether 4th edition Pendragon has rules inplace for fighting with 2 weapons or fighting left-handed, as it might throw off an opponent for a short time.

Thank-you for all who reply.

07-08-2014, 09:01 AM
The Adventure of the Circle of Gold has rules for using two weapons at the same time. In essence, you have an additional skill for the two-weapon combo you are using, and roll for the LOWER skill of your normal weapon skill(s) and the combo. Say you have Sword 20, Axe 16 and Axe-Sword Combo 18. You'd roll vs. Axe 16, since that is your lowest skill. If you'd have Sword 18 and Sword-Sword Combo 20, you'd roll vs. Sword 20. In addition, you can't obviously use a shield, but on a hit, you get to roll damage for both of your weapons, which tends to cleave poorly-armored opponents up like cutlets. (However, once better armor becomes available, the two-handed can-openers like warhammers become a better bet.)

As for fighting left-handed, I assume you mean (from your signature) that if a knight has trained to fight left-handed, would that give any benefit in a fight? I'd say no. Whilst there seems to be a small benefit for being left-handed in real-life fencing (probably due to people having sparred more against right-handers than left-handers), I think this is first of all just a small effect and secondly, would constitute as a 'free lunch' for a left-handed knight. And I am very much opposed to 'free lunches'. You are as good as your skills (and rolls) say you are, and your left-handed advantage is already included there. But I would definitely as a GM be willing to attribute a critical roll you make to the fact that your enemy makes a mistake due to your left-handedness, leaving an opening on his right side that a normal right-handed opponent could not take advantage from but you can.

07-08-2014, 01:52 PM
I have that adventure in my small collection. I'll have to read it.
For the left handed fighting, I'm not looking for "free lunch". It's more aimed at the momentary surprise in seeing a Knight draw his sword and shield and realize they are backward. Your idea of the crit is good.