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View Full Version : Should Greg specify the holdings for Boy King Period?

Greg Stafford
07-12-2014, 09:45 PM

For Book of Warlords we have made assignments about who the lord is for every castle in Logres.

In the Anarchy Period everything goes crazy and there is practically no telling who holds what
When King Arthur finally takes control of Logres he starts to sort out who is the legitimate holders of the thousands of properties in Logres
I am not going to determine who holds all the castles (except for Salisbury, at the start of the period)

I am wondering if you, the players and gamemasters, would want the castles and major holdings to be assigned for the Boy King Period.
The issue at hand is that I would be determining who died, etc., during the Anarchy Period
My concern is that this might disrupt many potential campaigns that people might want to set in areas other than Salisbury
(although I really think that any gamemaster who sets their campaign elsewhere than Salisbury is probably creative enough to take this into account.)

07-13-2014, 06:25 PM
Originally I was going to vote no. Anyone playing through the Anarchy phase will have things so mixed up that it is very unlikely it will match anything you publish for the Boy King era. However, the more I thought about it the more I like having a "this is how things will go if the players don't change the script" option. This will actually make it a bit easier for me to see how the domino effect of the player's choices impact the campaign. The fact that it would make it easy for players to start new campaigns in the Boy King era is also a nice secondary bonus.

Of course I am a new KAP GM and this is my first play through of the GPC so take my suggestion with a grain of salt. 8)

07-13-2014, 06:57 PM
I would suggest detailing at least the major holdings of the lords known to be around based on the storyline. GMs can always mess with the details if they've changed.


07-14-2014, 01:33 AM
For whatever my opinion might be worth...

I will also vote for "this is what could happen if the PKs don't change events." Perhaps there is even some potential for adventure seeds in this... something on the order of - "this castle will fall to an Evil Lord during the Anarchy unless the PK can prevent it." Such things might help guide and inspire adventures during the Anarchy, even to the point of allowing the PKs to help lay the groundwork for Arthur's rise by "preemptively" helping lords who will eventually support the Boy King.

07-14-2014, 02:08 AM
Compromise: Not every castle, but the most important ones, and the ones that are held by famous non-player characters.

07-14-2014, 11:59 AM
Definitely in the "this is what happens if status quo maintained" camp.

07-14-2014, 11:11 PM
I am also in the "nice to know who has what" camp, but also because it helps give names to the owners of the various places. Very helpful when you have a new player who wants to be "from someplace in the lower north area someplace on the west", and I have no idea who is there.

07-15-2014, 10:40 AM
As a new GM, running the campaign for the first time some "canon" is good. If no big political change has occured in the story in one particulate area, it's great to know how it would turn out.

If something campaign-specific happens when I GM, I can always change it.

After all, you cannot change what doesn't exist. :)

07-15-2014, 11:56 AM
Think I would go with the consensus so far. I'd love to know where some of those famous NPCs are based 'officially' - and so would the players so that they could mess with them!

07-15-2014, 01:28 PM
I think I will go with the consensus, too. Bonus points if you can include some plothooks for players to get involved in, like the Red and Green Bannerets of Gloucester and the Countess of Rydychan. Or is that beyond the scope of what you had in mind?

But yes, I agree with your original thought, Greg: It will be useful for the GMs who just like to know where everyone is without needing to do the work, and any GM worth his/her salt who is GMing outside Salisbury will be able to put official stuff aside if it conflicts with his/her vision. Heck, I happily stomp all over the Salisbury stuff, too, if I think my own ideas are better.

07-15-2014, 06:46 PM
I think I will go with the consensus, too. Bonus points if you can include some plothooks for players to get involved in, like the Red and Green Bannerets of Gloucester and the Countess of Rydychan. Or is that beyond the scope of what you had in mind?
"Red and Green Bannerets of Gloucester" - I've not heard of this one, but I am familiar with the "Countess of Rydychan". Where can I find information about the Red and Green?

07-15-2014, 11:01 PM

07-17-2014, 11:45 PM
I'll go with the consensus too. Let the GM change the canon storyline if he wants, but it's good to have the book cover the stuff we know are part of the legends (or at least Mallory).