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View Full Version : Taliesin's Armory Gallery

08-08-2014, 04:01 PM

Inspired by luckythirteen and PrinceKevin's recent work and posts, here's my online gallery of coats of arms (http://www.smugmug.com/gallery/n-BvRgn/) for various characters from the GPC, my own campaign and some other characters swiped from various GPC blogs scattered across the interwebs. I add to it every once in awhile, so you might want to check back a couple of times a year. Not wanting to duplicate anyone else's good work, nor detract from it in any way — I simply thought maybe my prior post wasn't visible enough, given that other folks are walking this same path. I've also blazoned all the designs — you'll find those in the meta data under each image.



08-08-2014, 04:43 PM
Those are gorgeous. What tools are you using for that?

08-08-2014, 05:12 PM
Thanks! I'm using Photoshop, but some of the charges are generated in Coat of Arms Design Studio first. It's a very handy starting place.



James Knevitt
08-26-2014, 08:18 PM
Care to share your Photoshop technique? I'm trying to replicate it but can't quite nail it (I like to have consistency in my game aids). I'm doing arms in Illustrator but can't get the final gradient down right.

(A Photoshop Action would be super useful here!)

08-27-2014, 03:04 AM
Very nice. I assume that the ones marked "Baron X" are for as-yet-undefined NPC's?

08-28-2014, 06:52 PM
Care to share your Photoshop technique? I'm trying to replicate it but can't quite nail it (I like to have consistency in my game aids). I'm doing arms in Illustrator but can't get the final gradient down right.

(A Photoshop Action would be super useful here!)

Hrm.. not exactly. I have so many layers, and manipulate them in so many way, they can't be reduced to a simple Action.

When I have some spare time, perhaps I'll try to clean up my file, boil it down to the essentials, and share it — but don't look for that anytime real soon. Trying to wrap up the Book of the Warlord!



08-28-2014, 06:53 PM
Very nice. I assume that the ones marked "Baron X" are for as-yet-undefined NPC's?

Indeed. Use 'em however you wish.


09-01-2014, 12:22 PM
Very nice!

09-30-2014, 02:43 AM
Is the Coat of Arms Design Pro worth it? I've been using this...

09-30-2014, 05:43 AM
Is the Coat of Arms Design Pro worth it? I've been using this...

That's a nice editor! Seems easy to use, but there's no way to leave out the mantling and the motto?

You can try out the Coat of Arms Design Studio free version (http://inkwellideas.com/coat_of_arms/free-version/), it's almost the same as the Pro version. It's more cumbersome than the editor you use, but has more control and options for everything.

09-30-2014, 05:43 PM
You can try out the Coat of Arms Design Studio free version (http://inkwellideas.com/coat_of_arms/free-version/), it's almost the same as the Pro version. It's more cumbersome than the editor you use, but has more control and options for everything.

Coat of Arms Design Studio is fantastic. Even just the free version.