08-11-2014, 10:39 AM
In the text with respect to Orchard it says the cost after 4 years equals the income produced. Therefore it implies the income should have no net value in years 5-9 but the notes below and on page 96 say the maintenance cost is only in years 1-4 then the orchard makes £1 for years 5-9 ( etc). So my question is does the maintenance cost continue after year 4 for an orchard ?
A fishery is also confusing, does the fishery itself generate 3+2 per weir & the weir generate another 2 ( thus when you have one weir and one fishery you get 7) or is the weir income included as the "+2" in the fishery description?
A fishery is also confusing, does the fishery itself generate 3+2 per weir & the weir generate another 2 ( thus when you have one weir and one fishery you get 7) or is the weir income included as the "+2" in the fishery description?