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View Full Version : Berserker combat tactics question

08-30-2014, 09:49 PM
Good gentles,

Saxon berserkers "regularly" use the Uncontrolled Attack combat tactic (KAP 5.1, p. 178). My question is: Do they do so when facing lance-armed mounted knights, or just against foes afoot?

On one hand a berserker is far less likely to shrug off a lance than he is a 5d6 swordsman's blow, but on the other hand berserkers are not known for intelligent tactics.

Thank you very much.

08-30-2014, 10:45 PM
Your Berserkers may vary.

If they are the mushroom-chomping, naked-into-the-battle-charging maniacs, then yeah, they will be foaming in the mouth no matter what they are facing.

In my campaign, the "berserkers" are the champion fighters and bodyguards of their chieftains. Thus, they tend to fight smart, and their notoriety is more due to the fact that they are skilled wielders of the Great Axe and tend to have the Wotanic religious bonus of +1d6 damage, too. And if their Lord dies, then it is time to go full on berserk and kill the killer(s), or die trying! Walhalla awaits! Lets collect an entourage, brothers! RAAAA!

08-31-2014, 03:34 AM
Morien, I really like that distinction. Thank you. I can see a place for both types -- the skilled champion and the wild brute.

09-15-2014, 10:32 AM
I concur with your post here. It actually came out very easily understood.