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View Full Version : Boy King Period

05-26-2009, 10:45 AM
Getting rather excited now. Our gradually moving GPC epic is finally moing into The Boy King Period (it's only taken us since the 9th January 2006 to get to this point!)

We've had a real blast with this game so far, and I love the different moods of the different periods.

The Uther Period felt very small in some ways, beginning to get to grips with the knights and their individual concerns, but also being part of some of the big stories at the start of the legend - glimpses of Merlin, seeing Excalibur, the birth of Arthur and so on. It ended with a bang - but you know about that - and if you don't I won't spoil it here.

The Anarchy Period has been much larger. The characters have had freedom to roam the land, to establish themselves as powerhouses in Llogres, influencing and steering events. The Saxons have been a constant worry, and alternating between warring against them and getting lost in the magical and dark Forest Sauvage has provided something for everyone.

But now The Boy King is about to stride onto the scene, the Arthur steps into King Arthur Pendragon rpg and I sense that things will take another gear shift. So, what can I expect? What should I look out for? Any tips for a GM of a slow moving campaign as he enters this new period? what's the best bits, and the worst?

05-30-2009, 06:10 PM
From a players perspective:
The Boy king period is where the main storyline/arc begin to take off. PK's are not forced down a certain path as in the uther period, nor are they given a wide open field to play in as in the Anarchy Period, but somewhere in between.

One of my favorite adventures was following Arthur against Lot in northern Logres. (Maybe it was the King of 100 knights?) Anyways in the year we fought a quick battle, then were given orders to proceed to the coast to meet the Ganis reinforcements. We were told to stay on the path through the forest and not delay, of course we followed a little white rabbit off the path. Which led to the crippling of my knight as well as created a great side story for years to come in tracking down that Cruel Knight.
As we are now in the heart of the Conquest period, looking back, the Boy King period was this morale challenge, stay on the path or wander off it? Follow Arthur to glory or take the unknown less traveled road? Simply following Arthur leads to glory, but ultimately the greatest knights didn't just follow Arthur,(LAncelot, Tristram, Gawaine) but found their own path.

06-01-2009, 08:24 AM
As we are now in the heart of the Conquest period, looking back, the Boy King period was this morale challenge, stay on the path or wander off it? Follow Arthur to glory or take the unknown less traveled road? Simply following Arthur leads to glory, but ultimately the greatest knights didn't just follow Arthur,(LAncelot, Tristram, Gawaine) but found their own path.

Nowhere near this point, but nicely put

06-02-2009, 01:52 AM
Our group had backed King Nanteleod, and sworn fealty to him. We opposed the Boy King and rode for Nanteleod, until his death. Then we remained nuetral for a while and even courted lot and a few others, but ultimately we sided with arthur. U might have called us the " Relictant Vassals". It made for some excellent roleplaying. ;)