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View Full Version : Multiple manors question - wife or steward?

09-10-2014, 02:45 PM
Hi guys,

Simple question - one of my players is getting married next year, and his soon-to-be spouse owns two manors (Lady Gwiona, if you're asking).

With his own manor, he will now be the rightful lord of 3 manors, 18 points of Glory and 18 Librum in yearly income. Sweet!

Now, I know one can only focus on one manor to develop (investments, etc...), as per the Book of the Manor, but owning 3 manors, will he need to hire a steward/assign a family member to help with the extra labor managing all this land, or is your wife enough to cover all of this?

I thought there was something about that in the BOTM, but I can't seem to find the info anywhere.

Thanks for your help

09-10-2014, 03:06 PM
In my game...
If all 3 are relatively close by then the PK/wife can handle them as a single unit.
He might consider getting a "chief steward" who would oversee all three, but that is not always needed.

Now if the manors are not relatively close together (ie if you cannot visit at least 2 of them in a single day) then you would need someone to manage the outlier.

09-10-2014, 07:43 PM
Multiple manors need their own stewards unless they are less than a day's ride apart, in which case one steward can oversee up to four manors.

BoM, p. 42.

09-10-2014, 08:01 PM
Finally, I knew it was in there somewhere! :)

Thanks guys, thanks a mil for your help :)

09-10-2015, 06:20 AM
Where does that money from an additional manor go? Is that basic income that is affected by weather and other such things? Or is it simply going into one's Emergency Income section?

09-10-2015, 04:32 PM
For each manor, you owe one knight and three foot soldiers. You have some money left over, which goes to your household (10%), Standard of Living (10%) and Discretionary Funds (10%). So you'll get £1 per £10 income to spend as you wish, not £10. This is in the Book of the Warlord and the Book of the Estate.