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11-25-2014, 11:21 PM
I'd like to recommend a new Arthurian fantasy I've just finished reading, "The Monster Specialist" by Edward S. Louis (Walking Tree Publishers). It's the story of Sir Severause le Breuse (called "Severus" in the book), a minor knight in Malory (he appears during the catalogue of knights of the Round Table in the healing of Sir Urre) who prefers to fight dragons, giants, and wild beasts rather than other knights. Louis gives Severus a series of adventures - first in Arthur's kingdom, then later abroad when an enchantress and pupil to the Lady of the Lake requests that he come to her home island in the Mediterranean to deliver it from the Chimaera that threatens it, and then Faerie after the Battle of Camlann. It's a delightful story with much humor (particularly when Severus acquires for a companion a wyvern with the - by his own admission - unimaginative name of Vern).