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View Full Version : Sample knights for player squires (at guard duty home fr Battle of Mt. Damen)

Sir Ouroboros
06-20-2015, 01:59 PM
This is six sample knights for player squires during Phase One (Uther period) that I decided to write up. I've used them in an earlier campaign. Excuse my bad English grammar (I'm Swedish).

Sample knights for the squires:

Sir Wisshard (British Christian).
Talks a lot about boats, ships and the life aboard. Comes from a noble family which is part of a shipbuilding family based in Hantonne. Wishes King Uther could use the same smart trick that his brother Aurelius Ambrosius did, namely attacking the Saxons from the sea. Can talk long and hard about the life on a ship, or tricks and puzzles concerning these things. Is annoyed at having been removed from King Uther's army that fought at Mt. Damen.

Sir Marchlew (British Christian).
A knight who closely follows the British Christian Council’s edicts. However, he is also a collector of relics (unusual for British Christians) and some other things like battle trophies, which is not very Christian. Can be very fascinated about having found an unusual relic or other object and often likes to investigate or show what he's gotten hold of. Is very dissatisfied at having been removed to Uther's army for the battle of Mt. Damen .

Sir Beredur (Pagan).
An irritable, grumpy and generally cranky knight. Finds wrongs most of the time with what squires or lesser people tries to do. He may even invent chores, sometimes unnecessary things just to annoy others. Is a believer of the old faith, but displays no avid belief and is more just superstitions, which he often demands other people also be, otherwise he whines about that too. Requires obedience and will not tolerate second questioning from servants, etc. Are furious at not having been included with the troops following King Uther to Mt. Damen.

Sir Tavian (British Christian).
Admires horses and everything that has to do equine creatures. Can talk for hours about horse breeding, horse-farming or other things of that nature. Gets mad if you treat mounts or other like creatures badly. Spends hours in the barn and often become soiled with horse manure, etc. Does not care about it except when it is a party or other events going on. Servants always cleans it up, not the knight. Is very sad that Uther excluded him from the march to Mt. Damen.

Sir Aluntyne (Roman Christian).
A very religious knight who goes far in his own mission to convert people of other beliefs to Christianity. Have many times tried to influence Sir Beredur and others of the old faith. Thinks people who are British Christians are boring people who do not understand the importance of the ceremonial Christian morals and the supremacy of Rome. Sees living a poor life as a goal and the saint Samson is his rolemodel. Prays and fasts a lot. Is upset by not having been included with King Uther’s troops against the pagans at Mt. Damen.

Sir Glamoran (Pagan).
A rather strange knight who has the ability to pop up in all sorts of places unannounced and without anyone actually invited him, but once he is there he is always welcome. Has a positive countenance and laughs often, but also likes practical jokes and lurking for the opportunity to make one or make the target disgraced in any way. It is however no great embarrassments he makes. Thinks it is a pity that he did not accompany King Uther.