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Greg Stafford
07-07-2015, 09:27 PM
I'm always confused as to whether Honour

First, to pick nits.
The correct spelling in Honor
An Honour is the KAP vocabulary work for a holding

is public or personal in KAP.

It is both at once. They are not really separable.
Some conditions exist wherein the perpetrator may know of deeds done that have not yet reached the public eye. In such circumstances the player should make the changes to his honor, because he will be acting as if everyone knew, because that is the nature of having internalized concepts of Honor.

07-08-2015, 09:26 AM
I'm always confused as to whether Honour is public or personal in KAP.

It is both at once. They are not really separable.
Some conditions exist wherein the perpetrator may know of deeds done that have not yet reached the public eye. In such circumstances the player should make the changes to his honor, because he will be acting as if everyone knew, because that is the nature of having internalized concepts of Honor.

That's what I wanted to know. It's intrinsic: even if no one knows of the dishonour except the knight, their Honour goes down.

Yes, I'm British. Honour has a 'u' in it, as does armour, rumour (2, there) and the rest, as far as I'm concerned. I can tell the difference between "Honour" and "an Honour" by the article or context.