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View Full Version : Looking for players and maybe a GM for R20 Pendragon Campaign

07-30-2015, 11:55 AM
The title says it all, but I will go over some information
The campaign is seeking for a few PC players to join its ranks, A potential GM has contacted me but has not replied in a while and as a result if their are GM's interested I would love to talk to you in case the current interested person has changed his mind. The Campaign will be a weekly played campaign at Wednesday 10pm Brisbane Standard time (thats +10:00). Now if your in a different time zone other then Australia, do not worry, so long as you can commit to the campaign in your own time zone, your absolutely fine to apply, so for what ever reason you can commit to the start time and play for 4 hours (less or more depending on how much we cover in the session) then please apply by going to the Roll20 Link in the post below. Details about applying will be found there. Ideally the campaign will last the entire span of the great pendragon campaign.
