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View Full Version : Gesişşe fram se Bera (Companions of the Bear)

Sir Brad
08-15-2015, 08:43 AM
Though we have played a few BRP gmes of late it's bean a few years since We've played Pendragon, so our GM kicked us off with "First Hunt", we have a somewhat mixed party they are

Lady (Princess) Edith de Gedalong
Silver Trefoil on a Blue Field
the daughter of a Ganis Pennath living in exile with her mother and uncle in Salisbury on her families English estate wile her father is held hostage by the Franks at home, she is the only living child, she is very Beautiful, Wealthy and already a renowned Healer, new to the Court of Salisbury she has just made her Debut after returning from an adventure she sheared with a group of Knights Errant.

Sir Uwain se Leo (My Character) A.K.A. "The Red Lion"
Gold Lion Rampart wielding Axe & Sword on a Maroon Field
The forth son of a Baronet Knight, all his brothers are living, wile Squiring for his Father he Ransomed a Saxon Knight, the proceeds where put away for his eventual knighting and he kept the knights fine deep maroon German cloak as a trophy, on a resent hunt he slew a Lion that was menacing Lady Edith and had it's Mayne made in to a mantle that he wares at court. though technicaly a Knight Errant he lives as a guest of Earl Robert or his father.

Edrd fram Canterbury A.K.A. the Black Friar
White Latin Cross on a Black Field
The Bastard son of the Bishop of Canterbury raised for a time by prominent secular relatives until it was discovered he had a gift for Thergy and was taken in to the monastery, he has since taken Orders Militant, though not true it is said he is a match for a Ordinary Knight (not quite but close). he is in his mid 20's, when not in armor he dresses in black monastic robes

Sawel fram Ebble
No Arms, uses a black bear on a green field unofficially, previously a black horse on a green field
The three times Bastard 2nd Cousin of Earl Robert, he was raised the son of a squire, newly of age he dose not yet qualify as a Sergent or Knight in skills or accouterments. on a receant hunt he slew a grate black bear that had struck down two of his knightly companions.

"Lady" Gwen fram se Norş
No Arms, Mark is Blue Celtic Knot on a Red Field, or just a Blue Celtic Knot
The only child of of a Pictish Chieftain and Pagan Priestess (of Epona) she has come south for reasons of her own she rides a Fey Charger and wields paired magic spears and is adorned with protective tattoos.

The Fallen
the son of a vassal knight a paragon of young knightly skill, well built and handsome, he was slayed with one blow by a grate black bear he was hunting.

Sir Brad
08-15-2015, 11:55 AM
brief overview of the hunt, you should know the form from one of many editions of the core book.

after playing around at the tilt for a bit we jousted for the leadership job, that was won by Aldwin, but Sawel got himself a Lance check.

when we reached Imber the party split, Uwain, Edrd & Edith in one group, Aldwin, Sawel & Gwen in the other. Uwain's group disturbed all kinds of wildlife before Edith was thrown from her horse in to a stream wile there she was set upon and menaced by a Lion, Edrd's horse panicked and bolted with him still astride, Uwain dismounted and stabbed it verraly several times with a spear, getting slightly mauled in the process.

Meanwile Aldwin's group got in to a fight and split Aldwin & Sawel got completely lost, Gwen tracked the Bear back to it's den (earning a Hunting Check) only to find it not home, in the meantime Aldwin got un-lost and happened upon the Bear taking a dump, he stabbed it once before it took off.

the party meet back up and tracked it down again, Aldwin got gutted with one blow after stabbing it again, Uwain got in a stab and got baldly muled for his trouble, Sawel got in a mighty stab finishing it off and earning a Spear check in the process.

After resting and healing up for a bit the party headed for home one squire down, Edrd got a Healing check wile we where laying-over.

on the return trek we ran in to the bandits, Gwen got a great spear check, Uwain a lance & Sword check and by the time we made it back home everyone (but Edith) had earned Horsemanship checks.

Uwain & Sawel where Knighted. Uwain (badly) sung theprases of Edith's Beauty Grace & Mercy as well as her healing gifts, Edith gossiped of Uwain's bravery and skill at arms, Sawel was praised by all Uwain flirted wit hthe Heiresses and after the feast Sawel visited Gwen in her chambers.

some of us have done our winters others will meet with the GM before next game so we can get them out of the way so we can start the next adventurer.

Sir Brad
08-16-2015, 08:16 AM
Ok about half of us are done with our winter solos,

Sawel is keeping himself as a Mercenary Sergent since he lacks the skills or equipment to even qualify as a Knight Errant or Mercenary Knight, he Hunted with Lord Robert and spent the rest of his time Drinking & Whoring

Lady Edith spent her winter unsuccessfully trying to attract the romantic attentions of Sir Gondrins, she also joined the Earls hunting party, her uncle and mother sent her a generous allowance that she spent little of, a number of young knights of little means have tried to court her.

Friar Edrd went on pilgrimage and preformed a bunch of feast day masses. he is keeping himself as an Ordinary Churchman/Modest Knight

I'm not done with my solo yet, but if we play before getting around to it we can just hand wave away the rest, I've set to Courting Lady Jeanne, we are up to the tasks phase after progressing through the flirting, confession and first gift, I've done a simple task (stand a week of Nightly Guard Vigils) for bonus points I've failed at Poem and Song, but have spent a week at Nightily Prayer Vigil and spent a month hunting bandits & Raiders (mostly in her Manors) to honor her. ATM I'm reciting my endeavors before the court stating they are in the hono of my Amor, I've turned in the Treasure and hostages to Lord Robert, he returned half to me, I offered their war gear but he declined it, along with the bounties on the raiders I've collected around 10 Libra and change, I want to get an other gift for Lady Jeanne before winter is over. Ive got no holdings, do not yet qualify as a Romantic Knight (don't have the skills), don't have the religious bonus yet, but am a Chivalrous Knight with my starting and knighting glory along with what I got for the first adventure I'm pushing 2K Glory and am keeping myself as a Ordinary Knight. I don't yet qualify as a Knight Bachelor, so I style myself as a Knight Errant.

08-16-2015, 09:12 AM
Ive got no holdings, do not yet qualify as a Romantic Knight (don't have the skills), don't have the religious bonus yet, but am a Chivalrous Knight with my starting and knighting glory along with what I got for the first adventure I'm pushing 2K Glory and am keeping myself as a Ordinary Knight. I don't yet qualify as a Knight Bachelor, so I style myself as a Knight Errant.

For a knight bachelor (household knight), you will need a lord to accept you into his household (and thus he'd be responsible for maintaining you). If you gave Earl Robert £10 gift of your loot (which you didn't have to do, since you are neither his vassal nor his household knight), that should make him notice this generous youngster (and I hope you got Generous and Loyalty checks for your trouble!). Especially if you are already hitting the 2K mark after your first adventure; you must have gotten heck of a lot of Inherited Glory, or you have been defeating ordinary knights left and right. So you are either from a very good family (banneret's fourth son, I think you said earlier) or blessed with prowess.

Sir Brad
08-16-2015, 11:35 AM
Lord Robert is my characters fathers lord, but Uwaine is the 4th son of a single manor family, he Squired at his court.

Got near max Inherited Glory for the son of a Barronet

first adventure we where sent to hunt a bear, in the process we happened across a Lion (250 Glory) that went after one of the female characters, I killed that beasty saving the Maiden.

got the Knighting bonus.

the real Glory spinner was the Solo, a couple of bandits at 10 glory a pop, then around half a dozen Saxon Raiders at 35 glory each it kind of adds up.

as to treasure, got 5 Libra that he offered up and got half back, then the Bounty from the Bandits and Saxons he captured and a half shear of the Ransom of the Saxon leader, he offered up the Bandits and Raiders gear but apart from a few impressive looking Trophies he got to keep it, but on the sly got to sell it to the county at 1/4 list value .

Edit: got a bunch from different things like Honor, Hospitality, Courtesy, Generous

08-16-2015, 12:10 PM
A freshly knighted knight (or even a squire still) who single-handedly takes down a lion (one of those put our whole group of 25-yr old knights out of action; two claw attacks at Skill 20 are brutal) and half a dozen Saxon raiders, would definitely be someone that I, were I the Earl, would take notice of.

Sir Brad
08-16-2015, 01:09 PM
the Lion was luck pure and simple with a few Crit's, but still got mauled baldly in the process, if it was not for Lady Edith's legendary 1st aid and Churgery Uwain would have bean cactus, it was months before he ran in to the Saxons (who where on foot) Uwain and his Squire rode them down, so Knight, Charger & Mounted Squire Vs. a bunch of guys on foot, still got badly busted up and almost lost two horses.

Unfortunately it wont be until this winter atleast that Uwain qualifies as a Knight Bachelor, still a bit shy on a few non combat skills ATM (just need to get one more to 10).

Sir Brad
08-19-2015, 12:00 PM
oho boy dose Sleep cut in to the Magicians Winter Phase if they have run through their talismans in the last few weeks before winter, but it's my fault that Edrd had to do some big sleeping bacause Uwain got mualed by Lions and Bears.

finished my winter, though I scored lots of Checks in the first year, most of my advances that I rolled came up on Passions and Traits, relatively few skill advances. others had more luck on skills and magical talents.

Sir Brad
08-22-2015, 08:31 PM
2nd year of game time has begun, our characters have joined Sir Gondrins on his patroll, they showed up at village after village to hear tails of Bandits & Saxons (and saw some evidence) but where told they had fled when word of the Knights coming reached them, this went on for days with our characters stoping a couple of times a day to show the colors and spar wit ha bit of hunting on the side.

third day in we where set upon by Armored Riders, Sir Uwaine was knocked unconscious and unhorsed in the first charge. Lady Edith and the Squires kept Uwaine from being trampled by shooting arrows at anyone who shied too close, and it was Friar Edrd and the NPC's who did the heavy lifting on this fight.

we suspected a feuding lord being behind the attack since there was a knight with a helm suspiciously like that lords overlooking the battle from afar, this was confirmed by the Sergeants. & Mercenary Knights we captured

Sir Brad
08-23-2015, 06:29 AM
Sir Robbert has called two tournaments, a Local one open to all comers at his Castle, and a Neighborhood one out in the country side open to any Knight to earn his spurs in the past year.

the big one is likely for the purposes of politics given one of his neighboring lords looks like they are getting read to brake Pax-Camelot, the smaller one to season his new Knights and to scout out potential recruits for if war comes.

the Players have completed "White Horse Vale" though not all of us made it to the final encounter, failing both Indulgent & Lustful checks in the case of (Sir) Sawel or being too badly wounded wile jousting in the case of Friar Edrd.

Sir Brad
08-28-2015, 04:55 PM
Ok we have Tornied, Lord Robbert gifted Sir Sawel the Basic gear to serve as a Knight so he could compete, and to stop Sawel bringing down the extended families Rep. Brother/Sir Edrd was excluded from the Tornie because so many Knights didn't want to face a warrior monk even "For Love", worried about their immortal souls should they accidentally harm him.

during the Grand Parade Sir Uwaine throw about a Libra worth of coins at the assembled commoner spectators, anyway Sir's Uwaine and Sawel where eliminated early from the Joust, Dunard (Uwaine's Squire) won the Archery and placed in the Athletics, Steeple Chase and Mounted Skill at Arms, but bowed out of the Grappling/Wrestling early.

Sawel fought in half a dozen challenges and won as many as he lost, Uwaine was challenged to a bout to the Death by a Saxon, but turned it down since the Tornie rules supeserfied that all events where to be "For Love", after the Saxon insulted Lord Robbert and his house Uwaine got dispensation to fight for Conquest and Ransom, he won but only by beating the Saxon in to unconsciousness with his sword pommel when the Saxon refused to Yield.

After the Saxon came around Uwaine released him on parole to raise his Ransom by the end of the Tornie, or remain captive until his family or lord could front the cash, he raised it by selling the balance of his gear and taking a lone from one of the Bishop of Barth & Wells Pardoners before being expelled from the Tornie and declared a person of bad character.

Final day the Melee much running around and silliness, Sawel was removed on a sportsmanship penalty, Uwaine placed in the Melee and would have won if the judges hadn't decided against him due to fighting for Conquest & Ransom during the Challenges.

after the excitement of the Tournament and it's aftermath had settled down, Lord Robbert asked us to do a favor for him, during the Regine of Uther his Uncle's (Sawel grandfathers) Arms where captured by a retainer of the Cornish king, we have bean charged with attempting to recover them by diplomacy or conquest, we are now on our way, before leaving Salisbury we stopped to hunt a pack of marauding wolves and to vanquish some Bandits, next county over we encountered a poor knight jousting for Concquest, Sawel defeated him and kept his best gear, the knight then chalanged Uwaine to try and make back his losses, but the Knight lost again, Uwaine gifted him back his rather shabby gear and his aging poor quality charger instead paroling him for a service, and that's where we finished up.

Sir Brad
09-04-2015, 04:12 PM
Ok after a few more encounters, storming a tower to rescue a damsel, hunting some bandits, hit up a small neighborhood Tournie, but no one had a chance with Lord Kay competing, Uwain captured a Knight but was captured himself in the Melee.

anyway we finally made it to King Mark's court, took us a couple of days to be properly presented then a week to have our partition heard only to find the princess coat of arms was in an other castle. after Uwain sent a expensive ivory crucifix on an ebony roisary with a soppy poem to the lady he is trying to woo.

some details on Uwain's family and their holdings, Uwain's father (Sir Cwain) is still alive and a vassal of Lord Robbert of Salisbury, though technically a baronet the family only holds one Manor, it is geographically large with many improvements but it is expensive to administer and difficult to patrol, Sir Cwain keeps himself as a ordinary Knight, he keeps his eldest son (Sir Dunwain) and heir as an ordinary knight bachelor and puts a few Libra aside each year against bad years or bad years, it is believed that Sir Cwain has enough money put aside to subdivide his holdings in to two perhaps three normal manors or perhaps by the time Sir Dunwain inherits build a small castle, either move would make the holdings easier to administer and patrol as well as vastly improve the families fortunes.

the Eldest Son Sir Dunwain is a childless widower and his fathers Vassal who discharges most of the Families Vassal services for Lord Robbert as well as spending much time patrolling the families holdings.

the 2nd son Sir Sywainis is unmarried and serves as a Knight Bachelor at Lord Robbert's Court, he fancies himself a future Jurist, he is versed in the Law, reads Latin, speaks many languages and is coincided a crafty leaglman .

the 3rd son Burtrd is not much older than Uwain, he was fortunate enough to marry a landed young widow whos manor is in the north of Salisbury.

Uwain is the forth son, a Knight Errant of growing Renown.

Cadric the 5th son is a Squire to one of one of Sir Cwain's old companions fro the Saxon Wars and serves his Knight in Camelot.

Cole the 6th son is a Page in his fathers house.

the eldest daughter (and 2nd child) broke from the families non-denominational Christianity and has joined a Roman Convent, since taking Holy Orders against her fathers wishes.

the 2nd daughter (and 7th child) is a Page at Lord Robbert's court, her father is seeking a place as a Ladies Maid for the girl when she becomes eleigable in the next few years.

Lady Breen is Sir Cwain's forth wife, a handsome woman closer to his own age than his previous wives, he married her after his third young wife died in childbirth with Cole, Lady Breen is a Widow who has since allowed her son by her first marriage inherent her first husbands holdings in Somerset county.