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View Full Version : Book of the Castle?

Luca Cherstich
08-16-2015, 10:39 PM
I've seen it mentioned in recent books.
Is it going to happen???
Having multiple options and details for sieges would be nice!
We definitively need it!

Greg Stafford
08-18-2015, 09:34 AM
I've seen it mentioned in recent books.
Is it going to happen???
Having multiple options and details for sieges would be nice!
We definitively need it!

Yes, it is coming along nicely
I think it will knock your socks off from what I have seen
which ought to indicate that this will not be a book by me
As an outsider author is doing it we cannot make a solid date yet
He's got a real life and a real job (and a damn cool one too!)
I withold names and detail until it is closer

Luca Cherstich
08-18-2015, 01:22 PM
Greg, all your books are nice!
But knowing that Book of Castle is coming (from you or from any other author you say it's a good one) is very good news to me.

I hope to see this as soon as possible!
From what you seem to imply it looks like we got a book from some real Castle expert ... nice!

01-18-2016, 01:47 AM
By the way, will this book cover all the Phases of the campaign (like Book of Battle) or just the first Phases (like Book of Warlord)?

01-18-2016, 07:56 PM
By the way, will this book cover all the Phases of the campaign (like Book of Battle) or just the first Phases (like Book of Warlord)?
PLEASE let it be for more than simply the early Phase (Uther->Boy King or Conquest), as my own campaign is *in* the Conquest phase and the books which are based on the early phases are becoming less useful.
Having said that, I am very much looking forward to the book.

*Ave Arthur!*

01-18-2016, 08:57 PM
By the way, will this book cover all the Phases of the campaign (like Book of Battle) or just the first Phases (like Book of Warlord)?

I -think- Greg may have said something at some point to indicate that it would cover the whole thing. In any case, since BotE already did a decent job in covering the Early Period Fortifications, I can't imagine that BotC would tread over the same territory and, you know, neglect the iconic concentric stone castles completely. Castle is in the name, after all. :)

Greg Stafford
01-19-2016, 06:03 PM
Yes, the whole campaign will be covered