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View Full Version : Pendragon Naming System Eratta

10-02-2015, 02:19 PM
1. There was an entry in BotEstate for "Castle of the Vale". In BotW we learn this should be a fortified Manor, not a Castle. It is not used anywhere in BotEstate, so I would remove it from this table. BotEstate p. 100.

2. "Gentian Hill" should be renamed to "Gentian Mound", which is the name used in BotW. BotEstate p. 100.

3. "Barns, Thamesmouth" does not show up in BotEstate and should be removed from the PNS Table. BotEstate. p. 99.

4. "Bear Isle, Thamesmouth" does not show up in BotEstate and should be removed from the PNS Table. BotEstate. p. 99.

5. Blackthorn, Rydychan does not show up in BotEstate and should be removed from the PNS Table. BotEstate. p. 99.

6. "Bridge, Summerland" BotEstate p.99 should be renamed "Great Bridge". Also listed in table 1.1 BotEstate p.8.

7. Exe River is mistakenly listed as the County Castle in table 1.1 on page 8. It should be Red Mount per BotW.

8. Childs, Hantonne does not show up in BotEstate and should be removed from the PNS Table. BotEstate. p. 99.

9. Forest House does not show up in BotEstate and should be removed from the PNS Table. BotEstate. p. 100.

10. Barns, Thamesmouth does not show up in BotEstate and should be removed from the PNS Table. BotEstate. p. 99.

11. Lamb Docks, Thamesmouth does not show up in BotEstate and should be removed from the PNS Table. BotEstate. p. 101.

12. Newham, Glevum does not show up in BotEstate and should be removed from the PNS Table. BotEstate. p. 101.

13. Pondtown, Thamesmouth does not show up in BotEstate and should be removed from the PNS Table. BotEstate. p. 101.

14. Pukaridge, Glevum does not show up in BotEstate and should be removed from the PNS Table. BotEstate. p. 101.

15. Risktown, Lonazep does not show up in BotEstate and should be removed from the PNS Table. BotEstate. p. 102.

16. Rock, Wuerensis does not show up in BotEstate and should be removed from the PNS Table. BotEstate. p. 102.

17. Salmon Meadow does not show up in BotEstate and should be removed from the PNS Table. BotEstate. p. 102.

18. Slope, Clarence does not show up in BotEstate and should be removed from the PNS Table. BotEstate. p. 102.

19. Steers, Glevum does not show up in BotEstate and should be removed from the PNS Table. BotEstate. p. 102.

20. Swampfort, Thamesmout does not show up in BotEstate and should be removed from the PNS Table. BotEstate. p. 102.

21. Trumpet, Thamesmouth does not show up in BotEstate and should be removed from the PNS Table. BotEstate. p. 102.

22. Tutatis Isle, Linden does not show up in BotEstate and should be removed from the PNS Table. BotEstate. p. 102.

23. Wagonville, Thamesmouth does not show up in BotEstate and should be removed from the PNS Table. BotEstate. p. 103.

24. Newham, Glevum does not show up in BotEstate and should be removed from the PNS Table. BotEstate. p. 101.