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View Full Version : Compilation of BoU errata until 27th of November

11-27-2015, 05:33 PM
Thanks to trystero and especially Roberto for pointing out these errata. I'll be compiling a list of all the errata points (with corrections) for us to use and I will attach it here once I am done. That way, it will be easy to go down the list and make the typo and content corrections needed.

Some of the wished-for content (like Lady Dyagenne's stats) will probably not appear even in the errata-corrected BoU, since she was not going to be detailed in the first place, and adding her after the fact would likely break the layout (pagination, page count change -> needs another round of testing with the printer -> huge mess). Same will likely be true for the abbeys which are not already in the Notable Abbeys list. Maybe we could do those and post them in Greg's webpage? No promises, though; it is above my pay grade (which is a volunteer, if anyone was asking).

I also noticed a couple of more that were missing in the previous threads:

Page 6: “Six men bear the title of Duke. This is a military office, not a rank of nobility.” Except that it is a rank of nobility in BotW...

Page 8, Landholding Glossary: “Assized Rent: The value of the harvest.” is slightly misleading, since it is not the WHOLE harvest, just the part that the peasants pay to the lord holding the land (rent).

EDIT: Alright, since I actually have some questions about some of the points here too, I am going to submit it to Greg first to make sure my answers don't conflict with his. Roberto's thread is still a very good summary of everything.