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View Full Version : Starting near end of Uther's Reign, have questions.

12-02-2015, 06:12 PM
Background: I am starting the group near the end of the Uther period with modified history of Uther's end. (Like Excalibur the movie except Uther dies after the battle at the feast but for different reasons).

I am upping the sympathy factor for Doloris, Igraine and her family. Making Igraine very unwilling, but unable to say no, to switch to cold hearted Uther. BUT - other than Igraine I cannot find any basic stats for any of her daughters - particularly Morgan/Morganna. Not looking for rules on magic but just want them there as PCs have gotten lucky in meeting people and saying the right thing to get noticed (as well as got very very lucky in their first battle).

12-02-2015, 07:06 PM
I am assuming that Doloris is auto-corrected Gorlois?

Morgan's stats are in Pendragon, 1st edition (replicated in the Boy King, a 4e book, with slight differences). It was recently being handed out for free in Drivethrurpg.com as a Halloween thing by Stewart, if I recall correctly.

The most important things are probably her birth year 484 and APP 23. (Of her sisters, Margawse is also described as very beautiful, while Elaine is usually overshadowed by her two sisters.)

The rest of her write-up is more 'a wicked sorceress' -type, so it might not be exactly what you might be after. Also, the skills and such are what she will learn later, not as a kid, of course.

If you have an idea what you want Morgan and the other girls to be like, you could do worse than coming up with your own stats for them, to make them conform to the roles you want them to play in your campaign.