View Full Version : Armory + Iron Mine question
02-03-2016, 02:21 AM
The basic question is, IF you have an iron deposit on land you control, how much income does it make yearly. This question popped into my mind based on a note on page 90 of Book of the Estate. The note follows:
Note: If the owner also holds an iron mine, then he can get his £ 2 of raw iron in exchange for £ 1 of income from his iron mine.
So, let's say I have an armory and an iron mine and use the iron from the mine to supply the raw iron from the armory, how much income would be left from the mine? Is this information in a book somewhere that I haven't found or that I don't own yet? :)
02-03-2016, 07:41 AM
Depends how big the iron mine is, I'd imagine. Book of Uther has something to say about it.
There are only 11 actual iron mines in Logres (ignoring the ones lost to the Saxons), and it looks like that they produce on average around £30 each. So they'd likely be owned by a Baron rather than a mere knight, IMHO. There is also bog iron, which occurs in small deposits in marshy areas, and this is the source of iron in Salisbury. Those might give a smaller annual income, small enough to be part of a knight's fief, even.
02-04-2016, 04:46 PM
Depends how big the iron mine is, I'd imagine. Book of Uther has something to say about it.
There are only 11 actual iron mines in Logres (ignoring the ones lost to the Saxons), and it looks like that they produce on average around £30 each. So they'd likely be owned by a Baron rather than a mere knight, IMHO. There is also bog iron, which occurs in small deposits in marshy areas, and this is the source of iron in Salisbury. Those might give a smaller annual income, small enough to be part of a knight's fief, even.
Though Baron Wereside has the licence to produce iron within the County.
02-05-2016, 09:55 AM
Though Baron Wereside has the licence to produce iron within the County.
That's correct. I had forgotten about that specific monopoly within Salisbury that is mentioned in BotW p. 100; thanks for reminding me. :)
The point still stands in other counties, though; bog iron can occur in smaller deposits than big iron mines and hence make a better source for the vassal knights if the GM so wishes. And as always, Your Pendragon May Vary. :) If the GM feels like giving a Salisbury PK a grant of a bog iron source worth £1 per year, even if that breaks the Wereside monopoly (or during the Anarchy a PK seizes a source and doesn't haul it to Irontown), that is up to that campaign.
02-06-2016, 11:45 AM
Aye. Getting iron out of peat is just a matter of charcoal and brute force, AIUI, and most "village blacksmiths" should be up to the job once the deposit is identified.
For Salisbury, the monopoly situation can potentially add other wrinkles. As a specialist "Iron Town", Wereside probably has smelters and other "tech" (water-powered trip hammers, mostly) that it's worth having if iron production is a large scale commercial activity, and will be used to sourcing the large quantities of charcoal needed. A county full of smiths who aren't used to hammering out their own blooms might struggle to ramp up to replace production lost if something were to happen to prevent pig iron supply from Wereside. In any event, maintaining Wereside would likely ensure a more efficient and plentiful supply of iron than letting iron production devolve back to a hundred sweaty blacksmiths beating the cruft out of a hundred separate bogs...
If you want, of course.
Greg Stafford
02-09-2016, 02:18 AM
Actually no one in KAP has water-powered hammers)
Those come later
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