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View Full Version : Manor Income via BoM

05-06-2016, 07:49 AM
I know this has been asked because I've seen the answer before, but I'm more or less trying to confirm in order to resolve a back and forth with my GM.

When a knight has multiple manors, does that income go into the "normal income" column or the "emergency income" column? And is it different for manors stewarded by one's home steward/wife? For example, my knight has a manor in Rhydychan, but he also has three in Salisbury within a day of one another, so my steward can run them.

Would this money not go into my "normal income?" And would we not be able to just use the same weather roll, considering their proximity?

05-06-2016, 08:56 AM
All the harvest income would be normal income. Emergency income is squeezes & loot & money from the treasury that is added to make up for the year's shortfall, IMHO. It doesn't matter who is stewarding the manors.

The rule of thumb (from BotW) is that manors within the same county can benefit from the same steward. Thus, you'd need another steward for the Rydychan manor, but the three Salisbury manors would be looked after by the wife or another steward. However, your GM might be using some of his own houserules for this, and as always, he is he final arbiter of his campaign.

As for the weather, again it is up to the GM. By rules as written (RAW), I think you are supposed to do the weather roll just one, and then the misfortune roll for each manor separately, unless the GM has agreed to bundle the multiple manors into a one super-manor (I think there is a suggestion about doing that in the book). In our houserules, we roll for weather and misfortune for the whole county, and then the manors can deal with it themselves. This has worked very well: it prevents the neighbors manor having a greatest harvest ever (fumbled misfortune, critical stewardship) while yours is having the absolute worst (criticalled misfortune, fumbles stewardship). As said, we do it per county, but I would be fine doing it per region or subregion instead, like bundling Rydychan and Salisbury up. As you said, they are pretty close to one another, os if one is having a ghastly weather, it is likely the other one is, too.