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09-24-2016, 10:51 PM
A plan of the Castle on the Borders (Devizes). Enjoy.


09-25-2016, 05:05 AM
Cool Map! Is the layout based on any real finds, or is it whole cloth?

There are a few things that seem odd to me though. For one, that well doesn't look like it's doing anyone any good. It's 500 ft. or thereabouts from the western gateworks, which is the shortest trip anyone Inside the castle would take to get to it. The artificers and retainers, whose water needs I imagine would be more taxing on a day to day standpoint, have an even longer trip. On top of all this, it seems like the well is in the middle on the other side of a river, one that begs the question as to why a well is needed in the first place.

Also, the outer ward seems like both an awfully large number of buildings needed to house the support professionals for a garrison of 40, and yet again seems strangely empty for it's size. Are there gardens? Do they pen animals there?

Also what are the logistics of those massive 100ft bridges over the moats and ditches? Given the relative size of the gatehouses there clearly isn't any winch or pulley system in place. The westernmost bridge doesn't even look like there's room on the defender's side for it to be stowed safely away after it's been pulled up without becoming a major nuisance to them.

09-25-2016, 10:18 PM
Thanks, Mr. 47. Your feedback is appreciated.

The map is intended to give an impression of the layout, including where the gates are, how the natural terrain works (more or less) to support the fortress, how the moat works (there's some doubt as to whether this should even be a wet moat, but all of the sources unanimously name it a "moat" so I went with it). It is not meant for tactical movement or miniatures, nor a bolt-by-bolt recreation of the layout.

The map is based on a composite of all the historical maps of the site I could find. There are five or six and most are based on the current stone castle (also sometimes referred to as a folly) not an 11th-cen motte-and-bailey. Of course, the sources are not in perfect agreement so I had to make some judgment calls. Finally, the earliest map I have shows the 13th century fortification (my map shows a devolution to the 11th century) which itself is highly speculative.

There is another well, actually — the tiny circle between the kitchen and the great hall. That is somewhat speculative, as I recall, and is a nod to some of your concerns about convenient water sources. I did not feel I had room to cram another label in there, however, sorry (I also didn't label the dovecote, which stands just north of the kitchen). As for the outer ward's water source, I don't have an easy answer to that question, as it was not addressed on any of the six maps I have. Also the outer ward map is just provided to give the impression of buildings and habitation — it is not intended to an exact, literal map. I did take the buildings exactly as shown on the 13th-cen map, but — again — I'm sure the source is highly speculative. From the maps I have, I presumed animals were penned in the rectangular shape in the northern corner of the outer ward — at least that's my guess based on the maps, one of which showed some sort of enclosure in that area.

As for the 100-ft bridges — again, this is not meant to be a highly detailed-down-to-the-last-square-foot map. The bridges and moat are not drawn to a precise scale, and involved a good deal of guesswork on my part, as even the Ordnance Map version is a mess to parse out at this level of detail. The important thing I'm trying to show is where the moat and ditches are and where they may be be crossed during "normal business hours." Moats and ditches of this size were often spanned by semi-permanent bridges that could be dismantled or just destroyed at need — but such a strong position as this would seldom have need.



09-26-2016, 05:33 AM
Ah ok that all makes sense, sorry for being a nitpick.

04-06-2017, 08:58 AM
A plan of the Castle on the Borders (Devizes). Enjoy.


The link is dead, could you perhaps reupload? I'd love to see it!

04-06-2017, 09:46 AM
The link is dead, could you perhaps reupload? I'd love to see it!

Uh... Gilmere, you might wish to check your web browser. I can see the image that Taliesin posted, both the original one and AGAIN in the quote section of your post! :)

04-06-2017, 11:54 AM
Uh... Gilmere, you might wish to check your web browser. I can see the image that Taliesin posted, both the original one and AGAIN in the quote section of your post! :)

Looks like it was blocked on my part, sorry!