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View Full Version : [great pendragon campaign] doppleganger

mac lane
02-21-2017, 09:55 PM

I'm writing a scenario with a doppleganger. In the GPC, it' mentioned that the doppleganger has a Faerie Banes : Repulsion (holy items) of 75. Is this score right ? In this case, I imagine it's impossible for the doppleganger to resist a holy item, isn't it ?

Thank you for your help !

Greg Stafford
03-11-2017, 07:15 AM
If by "resist" you mean "be banished by," then yes, it cannot resist it.

03-11-2017, 03:40 PM
To further elaborate on the topic, how this works is not clear to me.
The "Faerie Bane" concept/expression does not seem to be present in any other KAP book, except the GPC.

This "75" score COULD refer to the Magic section of KAP 4th Edition, and in particular to the "Banish/Control Faerie Creatures" Table (p. 286). The table lists the Life Force points (read: "magic points", of a sort) needed to banish different Faerie creatures. For example, 150 LF points are needed to banish an elf, while just 15 LF points are needed to banish a goblin.
So, I guess that "Faerie Banes: Repulsion (holy items) 75" COULD mean: "you need a holy item with a LF score of at least 75 to banish a doppelganger". However, this does not go well with other "Faerie Banes", such as "cold iron", which are mundane and usually don't have a LF score at all.

Alternatively, the score COULD mean: "the creature needs to muster at least 75 LF points in order to overcome the repulsion/damage caused by the bane". The problem with this second interpretation is that the Doppelganger does not have a listed magic talent, nor an Insight score, so there's no easy way to known how many LF points he can use.
According to KAP 4th (p. 306), "Faeries have a lot more Life Force to perform magic with. [...] They can perform magic instantly. They have a huge limit (as huge as the gamemaster wishes), and because they are of faerie, they do not have to pay back a magical debt, and so can perform magic at no apparent sleep or aging cost."
If this is accepted, then the second interpretation does not make much sense.

If the score is a "potency" similar to that of poisons, scores of 75 or 150 do not make much sense (why should we differentiate between 75 and 150, when these creature can resist at most 40 or 50 points of bane potency?)

The matter is further complicated by the fact that at least one "Faerie Bane" entry does not have any numeric score (Banshee, GPC p. 381).

Maybe Greg can explain to us?

Greg Stafford
03-16-2017, 08:43 AM
Maybe Greg can explain to us?

Well, in truth I am not sure anymore--I wrote that years ago
But I do think, off hand, that a holy object with a LF of 75 automatically repels the dopplegangr