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View Full Version : Alone Knight - calculating his 'unit reult' and how can he become disengaged

03-15-2017, 02:36 PM
Just wanting to check if our interpretation of the rules is correct around how you get a unit result on a maneuver for an Alone knight that would allow him to become disengaged

Using the following 2 snippets as guidance
From page 35
If your knight is Alone on the battlefield then he is in big trouble. He acts as his own Unit Commander, and has a +10 to his Unit Intensity. In every other way his battle round plays exactly as if he
were with his unit.
His best option is to get to the rear (get Disengaged) and see what his options are.

From page 69
At least three player characters, including the leader, must make melee rolls. If only one knight is Attached, or the unit is made up of only a single individual, then it has no chance of Triumph.

Unit result
The Alone knight can never have a Triumph (from page 69) so if facing a single opponent and making a single roll he can either have one win/tie or one loss, which would translate into the following unit result
melee win/tie = Unit win
melee loss = Unit loss (seems harsh to make this a Crush if you can't have a Triumph)
then there is the possible added complication of multiple rolls vs multiple opponents - the basic query remains if you can't have a Triumph can you have a Crush? Under a strict interpretation of the unit result rules you would have to be facing 3 or more attacks to ever have a scenario where you could have a Loss unit result i.e. 1 melee win / 2 melee loss

How he can become disengaged
I am interpreting from the maneuvers that the Alone knight has 3 possible ways of getting disengaged (Withdraw, Pull Back, Run Away) the availability of which depend on their Battle roll vs Unit Intensity
If he wins or ties, and won or tied last round, he can Withdraw (or Run Away)
If he wins or ties, but lost last round, he can Pull Back (or Run Away)
If he has a partial success he can Pull Back (or Run Away) - but would be facing 2 opponents if UI criticals
If he fails he can Run Away - but would be facing 2 opponents if UI criticals
If he fumbles he can Run Away - but could be charged and/or facing 2 opponents if UI criticals

whether he then actually gets disengaged depends on his unit result for the maneuver

Thanks in advance.

03-15-2017, 08:04 PM
The choices are not related to the last round. Before you roll for fighting, you make a battle roll against the Unit Itensity (UI).
The UI is determined by the Army intensity of the last round modified by terrain and position on the battle field. It is also increased bacause you are alone (+10).
If you are alone you roll your own battle vs UI.
Furthermore the way it works is the same as for a unit.

The maneuver options table on page 33 is the options you have from the result of the batle roll vs UI.
Depending on the results the PK has a choice of maneuvers he can choose:
If PK wins he can withdraw
A partial success means he can Run away or pull back
A tie means he can Pull back or withdraw
A loss he can run away.
If the result is a partial, tie or loss and the UI criticals (which may be very likely) you fight 2 opponents.
If somehow you have a critical and win you even get an opportunity.

Then you roll normal fighting (with all modifiers as usual). the result can be a win, loss or crush.
Being alone in a field of frenzied warriors is extremely dangerous. Hence that a crush can occur (you are literally overrun by enemies)

03-15-2017, 10:53 PM
Then you roll normal fighting (with all modifiers as usual). the result can be a win, loss or crush.
Being alone in a field of frenzied warriors is extremely dangerous. Hence that a crush can occur (you are literally overrun by enemies)

Caveat: I have actually not used BoB2 to run a combat, and I have only read through it once, some time back. And I didn't reread it before typing this.

That being said, my understanding, from Greg's answer in the other thread, is that no matter what is the result, the Army Intensity doesn't change because of the actions of that lone knight. Which makes sense: the Intensity modifiers are scaled for an Eschille of 10 knights. A +1 should be just +0.1 for this lone knight, not worthy of keeping track.

EDIT: OK, looks like Greg clarified and confirmed it here: http://nocturnalmediaforum.com/iecarus/forum/showthread.php?2916-BoB2-Questions-After-Play-test&p=24285&viewfull=1#post24285

03-16-2017, 12:53 PM
Thanks for the responses, Greg's responses in the other thread help a lot.

Cornelius - I put in my 'won or tied last round' comment based on the detailed entry on Withdraw on pg52 as the prerequisite states a dependency on the previous round unit result
Prerequisite: Unit must have Won or Tied last Round

03-20-2017, 12:08 PM
After rereading I see a possible inconsistancy between the table on page 33, table on page 49 and the details itself on page 52.
In the table on page 33. If you win the battle roll the only choice you have is withdraw. Pull back and run away do not seem to be options.
The table on page 49 says: You can withdraw if you won the battle roll.
The description itself refers to the the rule that you must have won or tied last round.

I used the table on page 33 in my answer. Not sure what it should be.