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View Full Version : Charactor sheets + Battle and History Record sheets

03-30-2017, 02:21 PM
Hey all! First time to the forum, I was encouraged by my play group to share the sheets I've made. I'm also VERY much looking for critique or anything I might have missed.

First, the history of why I made these: In our group we've been playing for a little over half a year. A lot of things have happened and we've all filled up the personal history section on the sheets. That prompted me to make a personal history record (since I love record keeping).

However, once I made that I realized there is now a lot of wasted space on my character sheet, space which could be better utilized. And so I decided to remake a character sheet with more useful stuff on it.

There also was no way to properly record a battle, whcih I feel is important for characters to do. If I'm in court boasting about my heroic deeds in the battle of such-and-such, it's much better if I can refer to the battle record to boast "And then, in the heat of battle, I went toe to toe with the Saxon chieftain. It was a brutal engagement, but I was able to hit him with such ferocity that I knocked him to his knees and was able to capture the heathen."

The battle sheet and personal history sheets are custom.

Regarding the character sheets, these are heavily modified from another excel sheet I found online which was a nice form fill-able sheet. I don't recall where I found it :( If you are the original author of the sheet please let me know so I can give you credit. My version is NOT form fill-able. I mean I guess it could be made that way, but it was so heavily modified from the original I just found it easier to eliminate the formatting in the sheet.

The clipart used was found online and yes, I know it doesnt really match in style. I may update that at some point. Also please let me know if it's in bad form to use clipart found this way.

This is an evolving project, if you can think of any changes which need to be made please let me know.

*So apparently I can't upload the sheets. Below is a google drive link where they're housed. Also google drive doesn't like my formatting in my word document. It's a simple document, shouldn't take much to fix it post download.

It also doesn't like excel apparently. The banners should be white and widened. If anyone knows a better way to share the raw files (That's free) please let me know.




03-30-2017, 08:53 PM
The sheets look very nice. I don't have any problem with them in Excel, they show up as you say they should.