View Full Version : Siege Skill
08-05-2009, 01:57 AM
I did a quick searcha nd noting came up. But I am sorry in advance if this as been covered.
The starting siege skill for Knight/Ladies what is the value is it about same as Battle 10 or closer to Dagger 5 or Zero a skill gained in sieges and not done as part of the Squire training?
Thanks in advance Tanty
08-05-2009, 02:53 AM
I don't have my book in front of me, but I think that for a cymiric knight, the starting siege skill value is 2. Don't remember what it is for ladies.
Greg Stafford
08-05-2009, 02:12 PM
I did a quick searcha nd noting came up. But I am sorry in advance if this as been covered.
It is in Knights & Ladies, page 51-52
Early Stage
It starts at 2 for men and 5 for women.
Later Stage
It starts at 2 for men and women.
I remember that in K&LB, the cymric women have more than the men in this skill : perhaps 10...
08-05-2009, 06:24 PM
Thanks, i dont have thats book
08-27-2009, 04:32 PM
Hi to all.
I've some doubts about siege rules. I've readed it many times but I can't understand completly.
Reading GPC rules, I assume that attacker's skill is attackers skill adding attackers siege equipment and substracting (DV+siege equipment of deffender). But defender's skill? I believed that is Skill + DV or so, but at GPC example is only skill. Any additional information?
08-29-2009, 07:09 PM
Reading GPC rules, I assume that attacker's skill is attackers skill adding attackers siege equipment and substracting (DV+siege equipment of deffender). But defender's skill? I believed that is Skill + DV or so, but at GPC example is only skill. Any additional information?
First off, the defender's siege skill gets the DV of the castle as a bonus. Total siege equipment on each side is then compared to find which side has the most equipment.
If the defender has the surplus then they add the value of that surplus to their effective siege skill as well (and the attacker has no bonus for the skill roll). If the attacker has the surplus then they reduce the defender's castle bonus point for point until the castle's DV has been eliminated. If the attacker *still* has a surplus left over once the castle's DV has been reduced, then this remaining surplus is applied as a bonus to the attackers siege skill.
Per the RAW it is not possible for both sides to have a bonus (from castle/siege equipment at least) to their skill.
10-12-2009, 05:30 PM
My campaign in spanish:
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