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View Full Version : Map Folio: Early Phase now available

04-05-2017, 11:50 PM
For those of you who haven't gotten around to liking the Facebook page, We're pleased to announce the release of the very first Map Folio for the KING ARTHUR PENDRAGON, which can be found here. (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/208695/Map-Folio-Early-Phase) This collection of 44 maps includes all of Taliesin's maps from the Early Phase of THE GREAT PENDRAGON CAMPAIGN, culled from the Book of the Estate, the Book of the Warlord, and the Book of Uther! They are reproduced in the original black and white, but in a portable, high-resolution format suitable for printing and ready for your virtual table top. Very handy.
We realize that this book is not for everyone, but early indicators that there are enough map lovers out who want to give this a go. At $24.99, it works out to about ˘56 per map! Go check out the preview, which includes designer notes (you won't believe the lengths we went through to make these), a few previews, a complete list of all the maps, and a legend for all the map symbols! This is an experiment of sorts, so we'd love to hear what you think.

04-06-2017, 01:01 PM
I bought it because, well... I buy everything Pendragon (both electronic and print). The maps are indeed nice, consistent in design, and generally fit the style from which most of the maps originated. They were obviously crafted with great thought and care, which I truly appreciate.

That said, I think this is one of the few Pendragon products that missed the mark for me. It does not include a Über-map which I find truly unfortunate. In addition, while I understand and appreciate the time and effort you put into them, the folio is priced too high in my opinion. Had I not been a hardcore fan, I would not have been willing to spend more than $10 for this strictly electronic product.

Going forward, I hope this product grows, includes a Über-map in a later version, and grows into a full-color product that aligns with the Pendragon 5.2 style. I would pay $24.99+ for that!

04-06-2017, 02:57 PM
Personally, it was worth the money for me. I love maps, and these are gorgeous.

What I think I'm trying to say is that I'd like to see maps of countries/counties too! The ubermap would be nice, but I understand if they wish to keep it to themselves if it's hard to deliver. It's also a tool to deliver future products.

04-07-2017, 02:23 AM
Thanks, cwfrizzell, for your feedback. Sorry that the Map Folio did not meet with your expectations. You are right in that the target market was hardcore fans; we don't expect much in the way of casuals sales. This is somewhat of an experiment, and perceived value is so relative for a digital product that pricing such things is tricky. That's why we tried to be super-specific in describing the contents and to explain the value. Something I wouldn't think twice about paying $25 bucks is a non-starter for some folks, and I totally accept that.



04-07-2017, 02:29 AM
Personally, it was worth the money for me. I love maps, and these are gorgeous.

Thanks so much, Gilmere. I appreciate it.

What I think I'm trying to say is that I'd like to see maps of countries/counties too! The ubermap would be nice, but I understand if they wish to keep it to themselves if it's hard to deliver. It's also a tool to deliver future products.

Yeah, the Über-map is so monstrous that it never even occurred to me that it could be delivered as a product, but I do hope to use it to inform future maps. That's the whole reason it was conceived. Time will tell, but for now I'm happy to offer this Early Phase collection to the community.

Luca Cherstich
04-07-2017, 05:57 PM
I remember once Greg saying that the names in Estates/Warlord/Uther were supposed to be sooner or later changed back from the "new arthurian" versions to the "old historical partly Saxon" names.

Does the arrival of this product mean that you have changed idea?

04-07-2017, 10:53 PM
New maps may indeed be offered at some point in the future — I can't speak to that — but they won't be edited versions of these maps. Once again, these maps are an extension of the ESTATE, WARLORD, and UTHER books. They are for people who want these maps in a convenient, portable format. Anyone who does not need/want these maps in this format should definitely not buy them.

