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View Full Version : Shadows over Camelot

08-20-2009, 12:24 PM
Have you guys discovered the boardgame 'Shadows Over Camelot' yet?

It's brilliant, based on the Arthurian legend and very different to virtually all other boardgames out there in that it is a collaborative game - he players against the 'game'. Definately worth checking out if you haven't yet. Really captures the feel of impending doom hanging over Camelot, gradually mounting, with only a slight chance that you can avoid it.

Just finished a game with my children (aged 8 & 10) whom I'm bringing up as two geeky gamers ;D Impressed and surprised that they grasped it very quickly (quicker than I did in fact!)

08-20-2009, 05:47 PM
There is also an expansion, Merlin's Company, which adds another knight, alternates for all 8 knights, and makes movement more hazardous. It adds some more black cards as well.

Excellent game, if the card engine doesn't blow verisimilitude.

I've found it easiest with 7p.

Horsa the Lost
08-21-2009, 12:31 PM
The game is a big hit at our house. My 9 year old daughter is completely gaga over it. My non-gamer wife enjoys it, and the 6 year old little sister likes to tag along.

Definiely a game worth checking out.

11-07-2009, 08:55 AM
Yeah, it's a great game. I bought it on an impulse and never regretted it. I also know of a few other copies that were later sold as a result of my purchase.

I also enjoy games Quests of the Round Table and Camelot Legends.

03-07-2010, 04:54 AM
This game was just featured on Penny Arcade (http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2010/3/5/) and has rekindled my interest in it.

03-10-2010, 02:38 AM
I've had the image for some time of a "Shadows over Camelot" game that brings in an additional element of role-playing when Tristram and Palomides accuse each other of being the traitor - in a way that suggests that their accusations are fueled by their rivalry over Iseult rather than by serious suspicion.

03-10-2010, 09:17 AM
Had a go with the expansion 'Merlin's Company' the other night for the first time. Made for some very interesting changes. We ended up all having fist fulls of white cards thanks to Merlin's assistance - felt like too many to me - but that said I never managed to get on a quest I wanted to go on first time. Some of the new special black cards were vicious too. Enjoyed it - and we won!